

[?'k??(r)]     [?'k??r]    
  • vi. 發生;存在;出現;想到
occurred occurred occurring occurs



v. (動詞)
  1. 存在
  2. 發生
  3. 被發現
  4. 出現
  5. 被想起
  6. 浮現
  7. 想起
  8. 舉行
  9. 使想到


v. (動詞)
  1. vi. 發生,舉行,存在 happen; take place; exist
  2. vi. 被發現,想到〔起〕 be found; come into one's mind


  1. come to pass;

    "What is happening?"
    "The meeting took place off without an incidence"
    "Nothing occurred that seemed important"

  2. come to one's mind; suggest itself;

    "It occurred to me that we should hire another secretary"
    "A great idea then came to her"

  3. to be found to exist;

    "sexism occurs in many workplaces"
    "precious stones occur in a large area in Brazil"



用作不及物動詞 (vi.)
  1. That plane crash occurred only minutes after take-off.
  2. Misprints occur on every page.
  3. A connection error might occur.
  4. Didn't it occur to you that he was lying?


用作動詞 (v.)
occur to (v.+prep.)
    被想起〔到〕 come to mind of (sb/sth)
    occur to sb I hope no accident has occurred to him. 我愿他沒出哪個事。 occur to sb/sth Such a simple explanation never occurred to me! 從未想要這樣一來方便的講解。 A wonderful idea occurred to him. 他忽然間會想到一兩個妙主張。 As soon as that thought occurred to him, he felt worse. 一想著哪部點,他的心境就變糟。 It occurred to my mind. 我起初想等到了這種事。 His name did not occur to my memory. 我那時還沒有還記得他的名稱。 It ~s/ed+to sb+to-v/that-clause Didn't it occur to you to close the window? 誰說你并沒有想著去關窗門嗎? Didn't it occur to you to phone them about it? 有關于一件事你難到就沒想要給我們打個手機? It occurred to him to tell the colonel of the problem. 他憶起要得知上校內個原因。 It never occurred to me not to endeavor to do so; I was politically minded by nature. 我以來不會有感到過要打退堂鼓,我一出生只是 搞政治方面的。 It occurs to me that example is always more efficacious than precept. 我想要到身教重于言教。 Has it ever occurred to you that this old book might be of great value? 你體會出如果沒有,這書舊書其實有相當大的意義? It never occurs to me that he was only acting a part. 我就從來都沒有明白了,他僅僅是在弄虛造假。 It never occurred to me that I had seen her before somewhere. 想必不起來來過去你去哪點見過她。 Did it occur to him that lookers-on see most of the game? 他可曾想起做知情者者清嗎? It occurred to me that I had left the door unlocked. 我無緣無故回想來想不起來鎖門了。 It occurred to her that she might adopt a homeless child. 她也許想收養一種無家可歸的孩童。 It occurred to him that he hadn't eaten anything since the night before. 他記起他自大前天夜間今年以來些許地方沒吃。 It never occurred to me for a moment you meant that. 就讓一點兒也沒想著你是這家感覺。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+形容詞 副詞+~ ~+副詞


  • That she consented to the novel proposition..was apparent by what occurred a little later. 出自: T. Hardy
  • The death of a child is one of the most disturbing..events that can occur. 出自: D. Judd
  • The bombing attack was to occur on July 25. 出自: P. Fussell
總目錄 緒論 查詞的歷史