

['h?p?n]     ['h?p?n]    
  • vi. 發生;碰巧;出現;偶遇
happened happened happening happens



adv. (副詞)
  1. 也許,可能
v. (動詞)
  1. 發生
  2. 碰巧,恰好,偶然出現,偶然發生,偶然發現
  3. 降臨
  4. 遭到,遇到
  5. 偶遇
  6. <俚>極其興奮,非常有趣


v. (動詞)
  1. vi. 發生 occur by chance
  2. vi. 碰巧,恰巧 chance; have the good or bad fortune
  3. vi. 偶然發現 find by chance


  1. come to pass;

    "What is happening?"
    "The meeting took place off without an incidence"
    "Nothing occurred that seemed important"

  2. happen, occur, or be the case in the course of events or by chance;

    "It happens that today is my birthday"
    "These things befell"

  3. chance to be or do something, without intention or causation;

    "I happen to have just what you need!"

  4. come into being; become reality;

    "Her dream really materialized"

  5. come upon, as if by accident; meet with;

    "We find this idea in Plato"
    "I happened upon the most wonderful bakery not very far from here"
    "She chanced upon an interesting book in the bookstore the other day"



用作不及物動詞 (vi.)
  1. The accident happened at six o'clock.
  2. It is impossible to anticipate when it will happen.
  3. I happened to see her yesterday.
  4. I happen to have the official statistics with me.
  5. I tremble at the thought of what may happen.
  6. I happened on just the thing I'd been looking for.


用作動詞 (v.)
as it happens〔happened〕
    碰巧 by chance
happen along (v.+adv.)
    出現 arrive by chance
    happen along She happened along just as we were about to leave. 如果他們剛剛選擇離開的時分,她無故拜訪。 Guess who happened along while I was waiting for the bus. 你猜猜看,我的等公用設施小汽車時誰剛巧也到來? You were obviously annoyed that the child had happened along. 那孩童同時導致你雖然很發火。
happen on〔upon〕 (v.+prep.)
    巧遇,偶然發現 find or meet by chance
    happen on〔upon〕 sb/sth I happened on John in the park. 在濱河花園里恰巧中遇雷德里克。 We happened on an old country inn, and stopped to have a meal. 公司剛巧發掘開家傳統的農村小旅店,就慢下去來吃到了1斤飯。 The children happened on a charming little stream near the camp. 小孩們不小心間在宿基地附過會發現打了個條可愛英文的小河。 He happened upon the perfect solution to the problem just as he was about to give up his research. 正當行為他要選擇離開她的研究情況報告時,他有時候挖掘詢問決這位困難的合適情況報告。
happen to (v.+prep.)
    發生在…身上 (of an event) take place and have an effect on
    happen to sb/sth The boy is crying.What has happened to him? 那嬰兒在哭,他怎摸啦? If anything should happen to you, follow my advice. 一旦你得到了什么樣的意外情況,照我來看去做。 The brakes failed.Has that ever happened to you? 車閘失效了,你前形成過這樣的情況嗎? What happened to him next? 馬上又他如何了? Be careful; don't let anything happen to that child. 警惕些,別讓那位女兒當選何事。 A bad accident happened to that family. 那間人碰上了非常的不辛的災禍。 What has happened to your hand? 你的手咋了? If anything happens to the machine, please let me know. 可是工具出了病癥,請高速我。
whatever happens〔happen what may〕
    無論發生什么 not care anything occur


用作動詞 (v.)
~+副詞 ~+副詞+介詞 ~+介詞


  • If anything happens to me, recollect that death is a debt we must all pay. 出自: H. Nelson
  • No harm shall happen you. 出自: E. S. Barrett
  • When we crossed into Gael, an interesting thing happened. 出自: G. Vidal
  • I'm not someone who makes miracles happen. 出自: P. Roth
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