

[r?p]     [r?p]    
  • v. 撕裂;扯開
  • n. 裂口;裂縫;撕裂
ripper ripped ripped ripping rips



v. (動詞)
  1. 劃破,劃出(裂縫等);扯裂,撕開,扯破
  2. 拆(衣服)
  3. <口>狠狠地發出
  4. 被撕破
  5. <口>氣憤地說粗話,狠狠地咒罵;譴責,嚴責;口頭攻擊
  6. 裂開;綻線
  7. 撕,扯,剝
  8. 劈,鋸(木材等)
  9. <口>猛沖,飛速行進,橫撞直闖,任意行動
  10. 飛速行進
  11. 割裂剝去
  12. 拆去
  13. 割掉,割開,破開,劈開,鑿開
  14. 綻開
  15. 突進
  16. 亂說亂講,亂罵
  17. 猛地扯開
  18. 突然拉開
  19. 撕開,扯掉
  20. <英>拆除屋頂;屋頂換瓦
n. (名詞)
  1. 裂口,裂縫,破洞
  2. 巨瀾,激浪,回流
  3. 劣馬,無用的老馬
  4. 浪子,生活放蕩的人,蕩子
  5. 無價值的東西,廢物
  6. 扯裂,綻線,破裂
  7. 清管器,刮板,刮刀
  8. <美俚>偷竊;偷竊的財物,臟物
abbr. (縮略詞)
  1. =Rest in Peace 安息吧
  2. =Routing Information Protocol 【計】RIP協定,即路由選擇信息協議


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 撕掉; 扯破; 拉開; 割開 cause to tear quickly and violently


  1. a dissolute man in fashionable society
  2. an opening made forcibly as by pulling apart;

    "there was a rip in his pants"
    "she had snags in her stockings"

  3. a stretch of turbulent water in a river or the sea caused by one current flowing into or across another current
  4. the act of rending or ripping or splitting something;

    "he gave the envelope a vigorous rip"

  1. tear or be torn violently;

    "The curtain ripped from top to bottom"
    "pull the cooked chicken into strips"

  2. move precipitously or violently;

    "The tornado ripped along the coast"

  3. cut (wood) along the grain
  4. criticize or abuse strongly and violently;

    "The candidate ripped into his opponent mercilessly"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. The poster had been ripped to pieces.
  2. I ripped my stocking on a nail.
  3. You should rip the cover off the box first.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. She sewed up the rip in his sleeve.
  2. I asked my mother to sew up this rip in my sleeve.
  3. He had seen the rip in the book.
  4. Research of general use and rip resistance Steel Cord Conveyor Belt was introduced in this paper.


用作動詞 (v.)
rip across (v.+adv.)
    把…撕成兩半 tear sth in two parts
    rip sth ? across Without a word he ripped the letter across. 他一下話都不說,把信切成兩半。 He ripped the cheque across and sent it back. 他把銀行匯票掰成兩半退了回來了。
rip apart (v.+adv.)
    撕裂,弄亂 separate; divide sth with violence; cause disorder in sth as when searching
    rip sth apart A bomb ripped apart the train in which they had been travelling. 那顆炸彈把這些人乘座的火車動車給炸拆斷。 The thieves ripped the house apart but could find nothing. 竊賊把住房翻了個亂78糟,但一無所得。 The electric wiring in the house will all need to be replaced, and I dare say the house will be ripped apart in the process. 房間內的普通電線徹底應該換個,是想在這兒步驟中房間內機會被搞得雜亂不堪。 In this film, a family is ripped apart by a young mother's death. 在整部動畫影片中,二十多歲生母的去世了使一大家子人陷在極其的憂愁。
rip away (v.+adv.)
    弄掉 remove sth with a violent movement
    rip sth ? away He ripped away the faded hangings from a wall. 他扯下墻壁掉色的簾布。 Last night's high wind has ripped all the leaves away from the trees. 昨晚的狂風暴雨把樹頂上的樹葉刮去了。
rip down (v.+adv.)
    扯下 remove; pull down; lower sth with a violent movement
    rip sth ? down The photographs had been ripped down by him. 貼在高空墜落的圖片被他給扯下來來到。
rip into (v.+prep.)
    咬破; 攻擊 enter or cut sth with a violent movement; attack sb/sth so as to destroy sth
    rip into sth See those lions ripping into the bodies of the animals that they've killed. 看,看看那些師子現在撕扯著被這些咬死的寵物的的遺體。 Bullets from his wing guns ripped into the fuselage of the bomber. 從他的翼面里射得的曳光彈擊穿電壓了那架狂轟濫炸機的設備。
rip off (v.+adv.)
    扯掉; 敲竹杠; 偷 remove sth violently from the top or front of sth; charge sb too much; steal
    rip sth ? off They ripped off his medals. 顧客扯沒了他配戴的勛章。 The local shopkeepers were all trying to rip off the tourists. 偏遠地區的掌柜們都會議室敲親子旅客的竹杠。 Someone ripped off my bicycle. 的人偷了我的進行吊。 I'm firmly convinced that we in the northwest are truly be ripped off. 我確信.我這么多住在東北方的人要挨宰。 He tried to sell me some jewellery, but I thought it had been ripped off so I wouldn't buy it. 他向我推廣玉器,可你想記得偷來的,因為不會買。
rip out (v.+adv.)
    弄掉 remove sth with a violent movement
    rip sth ? out The criminals have ripped the telephone wires out, so we can't call the police. 犯罪嫌疑人扯全掉熱線線,因為各位沒有辦法報警燈。 A single blow ripped out two of his opponent's teeth. 他兩拳就打了對方兩株大牙。
rip up (v.+adv.)
    撕壞 break or completely disregard (an agreement )
    rip sth ? up She ripped the letter up angrily. 她生機地撕毀了信。 The dog has ripped this morning's newspaper up again! 那個狗又把這里晨起的網絡給撕接觸不良。 He can't be trusted, he's been known to rip up a contract as soon as it's signed. 這各人靠不了,誰都了解他曾簽過做份合同書,墨跡未干,他就撕毀了。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • He lifted..his tunic and with a rip of stitches opened his field dressing. 出自: H. Williamson
  • A long rip gaped in the knee of her slacks. 出自: P. O
  • Those thorough-bred rips never have courage to face large fences. 出自: G. J. Whyte
  • Posters were ripped from the walls, banners torn to shreds. 出自: G. Orwell
  • Summers..was ripping out the skirting-boards in the..dining room. 出自: G. Greene
  • He got out the cigarettes, ripped off the cellophane. 出自: R. Ingalls





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