

[ɡr?b]     [ɡr?b]    
  • v. 抓住;攫取
  • n. 抓取物;抓
grabber grabbed grabbed grabbing grabs



v. (動詞)
  1. 抓住,抓取,抓牢
  2. 匆忙地做
  3. 影響
  4. 攫取,奪取,霸占,搶奪
  5. <俚>將…吸引住
  6. 抓(住)奪(得)
  7. 急促行動
  8. 后蹄踢著前蹄
  9. 利用(機會)
  10. 取,拿
  11. 撈取, 賺取
  12. 引人注意,吸引
  13. 搶先
  14. 對…有好感
  15. 對…產生影響
n. (名詞)
  1. 抓住,抓取
  2. 抓得之物,奪取之物
  3. 挖掘機
  4. 掠奪,攫取,霸占,搶奪
  5. 不法所得
  6. 【機】抓揚機
  7. 抓斗
  8. 抓巖機
  9. 鉆具打撈器
  10. 蹄鐵鐵臍
  11. 采泥機
  12. 猛然的抓取
  13. 突然的搶奪


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 搶奪; 抓握 take roughly; selfishly or eagerly snatch
n. (名詞)
  1. [C]試圖抓取,有意搶奪 a sudden attempt to take hold of sth


  1. a mechanical device for gripping an object
  2. the act of catching an object with the hands;

    "Mays made the catch with his back to the plate"
    "he made a grab for the ball before it landed"
    "Martin's snatch at the bridle failed and the horse raced away"
    "the infielder's snap and throw was a single motion"

  1. take hold of so as to seize or restrain or stop the motion of;

    "Catch the ball!"
    "Grab the elevator door!"

  2. get hold of or seize quickly and easily;

    "I snapped up all the good buys during the garage sale"

  3. make a grasping or snatching motion with the hand;

    "The passenger grabbed for the oxygen mask"

  4. obtain illegally or unscrupulously;

    "Grab power"

  5. take or grasp suddenly;

    "She grabbed the child's hand and ran out of the room"

  6. capture the attention or imagination of;

    "This story will grab you"
    "The movie seized my imagination"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. Grab a seat and make yourself at home.
  2. Let's grab a sandwich and go to see the film.
  3. He grabbed my collar and pulled me towards him.
  4. When I gave him the chance, he grabbed it at once.
  5. They want desperately to grab our Liberated Areas.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. The job is up for grabs. Why don't you apply now?
  2. He made a savage grab for the knife.
  3. He made a savage grab for the knife.
  4. He shot out his hand to grab her.


用作動詞 (v.)
grab at (v.+prep.)
    抓 catch sth with hands
    grab at sth The baby grabbed at the ball. 寶貝想把握球。 Henry grabbed at a sandwich. 亨利咬住一點夾心全麥面包。 He grabbed at the chance to leave. 他咬住機會撤離。 He grabbed at an opportunity of going abroad . 他吸引住一種回國的成功。
grab away (v.+adv.)
    突然抓住,搶過某物 catch sth suddenly; rob sth from sb
    grab sth ? away He grabbed away the toy pistol from the boy. 他從男童握有奪下那支玩縣手槍。 The thief grabbed the bag away from the woman, and disappeared round the corner. 盜竊從那女性哪里搶去包,就在小巷消除了。
grab for (v.+prep.)
    試圖抓住 try to seize
    grab for sth The climber grabbed for the rope. 這位攀巖者命令把握繩鎖。 grab sb for sth As soon as he arrived all the newsmen grabbed him for news. 他一過,報社記者們就拉著他打探報道。
grab off1 (v.+adv.)
    搶 catch sth from somewhere
    grab sth ? off Those who got there first grabbed off the best seats. 先在那兒的人搶來了好一點的坐位表。
grab off2 (v.+prep.)
    把…收起來 to collect sth
    grab sth off sth When the teacher came in he grabbed the novel off the desk. 教師們踏入時,他很快把桌前的小說類型收了 。
grab up (v.+adv.)
    把…抓起 catch sth
    grab sth ? up Tom grabbed up a handful of snow and shoved it down his sister's collar. 湯姆著手1把雪便往我姐的衣領里塞。
用作名詞 (n.)
up for grabs
    供人競購的,待價而沽的ready for anyone to take or win


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞
用作名詞 (n.)
形容詞+~ 介詞+~ ~+介詞


  • The chairman..made a grab at it. 出自: De Quincey
  • He grabs my shovel and pushes me aside. 出自: W. Wharton
  • A situation where batsmen..must grab every opportunity to score a run. 出自: G. Boycott
  • I'll grab another sherry while there's still time. 出自: D. Lodge





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