

[d??]     [d??]    
  • v. 猛沖;猛擲;潑濺;匆忙完成
  • n. 破折號;短跑;猛沖;沖
dashed dashed dashing dashes



v. (動詞)
  1. 猛沖,急奔,急馳,沖
  2. 使破滅,使沮喪,使某人的希望化為泡影
  3. 匆忙完成,倉促寫出,匆匆地寫或畫
  4. 擊碎,碰碎,打碎,摜碎,打破
  5. 猛擲,猛砸,(使)猛撞, 猛擊,猛打
  6. 攙和,攙加
  7. (使)猛撞, 猛擊,猛打
  8. 猛進
  9. 灑潑,澆,灑,潑,濺
  10. <英><口><婉>詛咒,咒罵
  11. 真混賬,真見鬼,真糟糕
n. (名詞)
  1. 破折號
  2. 銳氣,闖勁
  3. 短跑,奔跑
  4. 猛沖,急沖,沖鋒
  5. 沖擊聲
  6. 少量攙和物
  7. 劃,長劃
  8. 猛進,突擊
  9. 碰撞
  10. 打擊聲
  11. 攙和
  12. 打擊
  13. 挫折
  14. “達什”(美國研制的一種直升機)
abbr. (縮略詞)
  1. drone antisubmarine helicopter 無線電遙控反潛艇攻擊機
adv. (副詞)
  1. 猛沖地


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 沖; 猛沖 move or be moved violently
  2. vt. & vi. 猛擲,使勁扔 send or throw violently
  3. vt. & vi. 匆匆地寫或畫 write or draw sth quickly
n. (名詞)
  1. [U]猛沖,飛奔 a sudden quick run
  2. [S]短距離賽跑 a short race for runners
  3. [C]少許 a small amount of sth mixed with or added to sth else
  4. [C]破折號 a mark (—) used in writing and printing


  1. distinctive and stylish elegance;

    "he wooed her with the confident dash of a cavalry officer"

  2. a quick run
  3. a footrace run at top speed;

    "he is preparing for the 100-yard dash"

  4. a punctuation mark (-) used between parts of a compound word or between the syllables of a word when the word is divided at the end of a line of text
  5. the longer of the two telegraphic signals used in Morse code
  6. the act of moving with great haste;

    "he made a dash for the door"

  1. run or move very quickly or hastily;

    "She dashed into the yard"

  2. break into pieces, as by striking or knocking over;

    "Smash a plate"

  3. hurl or thrust violently;

    "He dashed the plate against the wall"
    "Waves were dashing against the rock"

  4. destroy or break;

    "dashed ambitions and hopes"

  5. cause to lose courage;

    "dashed by the refusal"

  6. add an enlivening or altering element to;

    "blue paint dashed with white"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. He dashed across the street and ran towards me.
  2. He dash the glass bowl to bit on a rock.
  3. Don't dash the paint on the wall like that.
  4. She dashed off a letter to her mother.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. The dash is used in writing to show a pause.
  2. Everything you need to convert your stock analog dash to a digital instrument panel is included.
  3. He finished first in the 100-meter dash
  4. They made a headlong dash for the door.
  5. They made a headlong dash for the door.
  6. I must just dash upstairs and run a comb through my hair.


用作動詞 (v.)
dash against (v.+prep.)
    (使)撞上(某物) (cause to) hit (sth) quickly and violently
    dash against sth Day and night the waves dash against the rocks. 波紋夜夜蠕變著礦石。 Waves dashed against the ship. 波紋擊中著船身。 dash sb/sth against sth He dashed the chair against the door. 他把靠背椅朝著門扔去。 The force of the blast dashed him against the wall of the cave. 疾風的動力把他猛撞在洞里石面上。 The waves dashed the boat against the rocks. 波紋把那只船拋到礁石上。
dash away (v.+adv.)
    匆忙抹去… remove (usually tears) hastily
    dash away I'm sorry,I must dash away now,I'm already late for the concert. 對不出,我得剛剛走。音樂歌曲會我開始遲了。 dash sth ? away She turned round, and dashed away the tears with a corner of her handkerchief. 她轉回身,拿手帕的五角把眼淚抹掉。
dash by (v.+adv.)
    飛馳而過 move quickly
    dash by They dashed by in a car. 大家 乘坐奔馳(Mercedes-Benz)而逝。
dash down (v.+adv.)
    使勁擲下 send or throw violently sth down
    dash sth ? down He dashed down his sword and picked up a revolver. 他擲掉劍,拾起一根手槍。 He dashed the bottle down. 他把塑料瓶子猛然向地上一場摔。 He dashed the cup down in his anger. 他愛生氣了,死勁把茶杯擲下。
dash in (v.+adv.)
    猛沖進來 move violently into sth
    dash in He dashed in breathlessly. 他上氣不接下來氣地猛沖融進。
dash off (v.+adv.)
    匆忙地把…寫好或畫好 write or draw (sth) very quickly
    dash off I must be dashing off now. 我得趕快走。 The thief suddenly grabbed the bag and dashed off with it. 竊賊莫名其妙搶過包跑掉下來。 dash sth ? off He dashed off two articles before dinner. 在飯后前,他歲月如梭地寫了二篇短文。 Annie took out her drawing pad and pencil to dash off a sketch of the Indians. 安妮做出畫本和自動鉛筆,不斷地畫一堆幅印第安人的素描人物。
dash out (v.+adv.)
    沖出去; 沖出來 hurry outside
    dash out Why did you catch up your bag and dash out? 你為一些急忙放下雙肩包就向外跑? The door opened and the children dashed out. 門開創,一大群小孩沖下來。 He dashed out, reckless of the danger. 他顧不上快消失,沖出門。
dash one's brains out (v.+n.+adv.)
    把自己的腦袋摔開花 kill oneself or sb by breaking the head open
    dash one's brains out on sth The climber fell from the cliff and dashed his brains out on the rocks below. 有位攀巖者從峭壁上沒了下來了,在下面的巨石上摔得腦漿迸裂。
dash over (v.+prep.)
    使覆蓋,淹沒(某物) (cause to) cover (sth) quickly and violently, as with liquid
    dash over sth Very big waves dashed over the sea wall at the height of the storm. 在暴風霜雨雪最猛烈地的之時,海浪淹沒了海堤。 dash sth over sth She's fainted, quick, dash some cold water over her face. 她突然昏倒了,快,往她臉部噴些純凈水。 Dash a bucketful of water over the muddy floor. 拿一瓶水把這帶泥的板沖洗器看。
dash to (v.+prep.)
    把某物撞成碎片; 把某人撞得粉身碎骨 destroy sth/sb violently
    dash sb/sth to sth He dashed the bottle to pieces against the wall. 他把瓶里擲到墻壁上,摔得粉碎機圖片。 The boat was dashed to pieces against the rocks. 船觸礁后被撞得破粹。
dash toward (v.+prep.)
    朝…沖去 move quickly to sth
    dash toward sb/sth A dog was dashing towards them. 五只狗領域大家 沖去。 He dashed towards the door. 他朝門口的裝飾上沖去。
用作名詞 (n.)
cut a dash
    神氣,有氣派 be exciting and stylish in appearance or behavior


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞
用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~ 介詞+~ ~+介詞


  • She takes upon her bravely at first dash. 出自:1 Henry VI , Shakespeare
  • A brave vessel..Dash'd all to pieces! 出自:Tempest , Shakespeare
  • Refinement was a frail construction continually dashed by waves of a raw..humanity. 出自: S. Hazzard





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