

[spl?t]     [spl?t]    
  • v. 分裂;將…分成若干部分;分攤;分離;劈開;裂開;<俚>離開
  • n. 劈開;裂口;分裂;一份;水果冰淇淋
  • adj. 分裂的;意見分歧的
splitter split split splitting splits



v. (動詞)
  1. 分離,分開;分裂,破裂,裂開
  2. 劈開
  3. 切開,剖開
  4. 開小差
  5. 分手,離婚;斷絕關系
  6. 分擔,分享
  7. 分解
  8. 使破裂,撕裂
  9. 把...劃分,使分開(成為幾個部份)
  10. 使分離,使不團結
  11. 【核】使產生核分裂
  12. <俚>離開,溜走
  13. 被劈開
  14. 被切開
  15. 爆裂
  16. 被撕裂
  17. <口>分享所得
  18. <美>打成平局
  19. 使分裂(成不同的派別)
  20. 分攤
  21. 劃破,割破,碰破
  22. 折中
  23. 逃跑
n. (名詞)
  1. 份額
  2. 裂縫,裂口
  3. 劈叉,劈腿
  4. 分割;分裂
  5. 派系
  6. 水果冰淇淋
  7. 半瓶汽水;半杯酒
  8. <口>一份
  9. 分歧
  10. 分離,分裂
  11. 劃分
  12. 分別
  13. 裂片
  14. 劈裂
  15. 香蕉船,水果船
adj. (形容詞)
  1. 分裂的
  2. 分離的
  3. 裂開的,劈開的
  4. 可拆開的
  5. 裂口的
  6. 分散的


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 裂開; 破裂 cause to break into two or more parts, especially from end to end along the line of natural division


  1. extending the legs at right angles to the trunk (one in front and the other in back)
  2. a bottle containing half the usual amount
  3. a promised or claimed share of loot or money;

    "he demanded his split before they disbanded"

  4. a lengthwise crack in wood;

    "he inserted the wedge into a split in the log"

  5. an opening made forcibly as by pulling apart;

    "there was a rip in his pants"
    "she had snags in her stockings"

  6. an old Croatian city on the Adriatic Sea
  7. a dessert of sliced fruit and ice cream covered with whipped cream and cherries and nuts
  8. (tenpin bowling) a divided formation of pins left standing after the first bowl;

    "he was winning until he got a split in the tenth frame"

  9. an increase in the number of outstanding shares of a corporation without changing the shareholders' equity;

    "they announced a two-for-one split of the common stock"

  10. the act of rending or ripping or splitting something;

    "he gave the envelope a vigorous rip"

  11. division of a group into opposing factions;

    "another schism like that and they will wind up in bankruptcy"

  1. having been divided; having the unity destroyed;

    "Congress...gave the impression of...a confusing sum of disconnected local forces"
    "a league of disunited nations"
    "a fragmented coalition"
    "a split group"

  2. (especially of wood) cut or ripped longitudinally with the grain;

    "we bought split logs for the fireplace"

  1. separate into parts or portions;

    "divide the cake into three equal parts"
    "The British carved up the Ottoman Empire after World War I"

  2. separate or cut with a tool, such as a sharp instrument;

    "cleave the bone"

  3. discontinue an association or relation; go different ways;

    "The business partners broke over a tax question"
    "The couple separated after 25 years of marriage"
    "My friend and I split up"

  4. go one's own way; move apart;

    "The friends separated after the party"

  5. come open suddenly and violently, as if from internal pressure;

    "The bubble burst"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. The party split into petty factions.
  2. The vote split the Labour Party.
  3. She split the class into groups of four.
  4. The arrow just split the apple in half.
  5. My working life is split into three main parts.
  6. My roommate and I split the bills every month.
  7. They split the cost of the party between them.
  8. They split off after a year of marriage.
  9. John has just split up with his girl-friend.
  10. I was out in the back yard splitting logs.
  11. Your coat has split at the seams.
  12. The wooden floor had split in the heat.
  13. When he bent over, he split his pant.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. Frost caused the split in the rock.
  2. The split in the sidewalk is getting larger.
  3. Argument over policy led to a split in the party.
  4. Each partner got a split of the profits.
用作形容詞 (adj.)
  1. They believe the killer has a split personality.
  2. They were split on the question of women's rights.


用作動詞 (v.)
split the difference
    〈非正〉折中成交; 差額各讓一半 (when make a bargain) compromise on the price; agree on an amount halfway between
split hairs
    為瑣事爭辯; 作無益而瑣細的分析 make very fine and pointless difference in arguing
    split hairs John is always splitting hairs, he often stars an argument about something small and unimportant. 雷德里克總是吹毛求疵,對些許瑣碎的雞毛蒜皮也可以爭執一翻。 It's still for too many—stopping splitting hairs! 那也是多余了——別在等等細枝末節上纏繞了。 split hairs over sth Why split hairs over the color of the dress? 為啥子對衣服褲子的色澤之類事情意見分歧不歇? His wife always is splitting hairs over trifles at home. 他的愛人總在家里面為枯燥的事吹毛求疵。 I found it dull to split hairs over the privacy of a famous person. 我想著對一種名人事跡的隱私權評頭論足索然沒有氣味。
split in (v.+prep.)
    劈成,切成,裂成 be divided into sth
    split sth in sth The river splits the town in two. 1條河把你這個城鎮規劃可分成兩半。 The knife split the apple in half! 刀把ipone劈成兩半!
split into (v.+prep.)
    (使)分成 (cause to) separate into (small parts)
    split into sth The river split into three smaller streams at this point. 這一條河在前方平均分配這三條一條小河。 split sth into sth I want to split this class into two ones as it has become too large. 該班太多了,你要把它涵蓋兩班。 Only a skilled workman can split slate into layers. 只是工匠這樣才能把板巖劈成石片。 The strike split the union members into angry factions. 擺工使公會全體成員裂變成為敵對派。 The deserted land was split into three development regions. 這樣的空曠的國有土地被拆分3個激發區。 The city is split into eight blocks. 該城被平均分配9個商業街。 The compound can be split into parts. 該類化合物可分裂主義為諸要素。
split on (v.+prep.)
    〈非正〉向老師報告…的過錯 give sb away ; tell secret information about sb
    split on sth/v-ing The parliament members split on capital punishment. 立法委員們對死刑判決談談各種。 The writer and the editor split on the basic idea in the article. 我和編寫對原文中的基礎看法生產矛盾。 The husband and the wife split on the question of their children's education. 夫婦在女兒的教育間題上發生分岐。 The two brothers split on inheriting the legacy of their parents. 兩小哥為贈與家里人的遺留而鬧翻。 split on sb to sb Somebody must have split on him to a teacher. 被人某種到語文老師這里告了他的密。 The boy who often plays truant is afraid someone in his class will split on him to his parents. 那叫一個隔三差五逃學的女該感到害怕班里被人向他爸爸媽媽們上告。
split sides
    捧腹大笑,笑彎了腰 laugh with movements of the sides; be weak with uncontrollable laughter
    split one's sides The audience split their sides at the comedian's jokes. 讀者聽了哪一位情景喜劇女演的搞笑段子禁不動捧腹哭笑。
split up (v.+adv.)
    〈非正〉夫妻離異; (使)斷絕關系 (of a married or engaged couple) to end their relationship; break up
    split sth ? up Split it up among you. 您們把它劈開。 The wood can be split up for fuel. 那些木板是可以劈開當柴燒。 split up into sth Now, children, you must split up into two groups for this game. 同學們,玩這款老游戲務必平均分配兩列。 There were so many men in the room that they had to split up into groups. 房屋里有那么的兩個人,這些人不了不分解成大多數小組工作。 split sth ? up into sth The teacher split the class up into six groups. 名師把班集體劃分為八個小隊。 I think the article would be easier to read if you split it up into sections. 我判定你只要把這篇短文拆成實施意見段句,就相比方便讀了。 The book was split up into ten chapters. 該書被可分為10章。 split sth ? up The family agreed to split up the estate. 這娘家人簽字探討整局部資產。 split up The young couple split up after a bitter quarrel. 哪部對年經夫妻大吵是一場就出軌離婚后。 It is said that they are splitting up. 據傳這些 在鬧二婚。 It's pity that friends split up over trifles. 好友 們為了能讓有一些麻煩事不和是惹人期待的。 split sb ? up The misunderstanding split up the young man and his fiancee. 偏見使這位年青人和他的婚否妻失去的關系。 The quarrel split up the two friends. 那一次爭論使多個人斬斷往來。
split with (v.+prep.)
    同…一起分享〔分擔〕; 和…斷絕關系 share with sb; break up with sb
    split with sb Oh, you've got a lot of candies!Will you split with us? 哦,你得了這些多糖!能同企業分享到嗎? He split with one of his former friends. 和半年前的其中一個老同學直接阻斷掉社會關系。 She totally split with the feudal ideas on marriage. 她齊全與封建思想的婚因理念決裂了。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • Billy linked his fingers, placed his thumbs together and blew into the split between. 出自: B. Hines
  • Their cases were cardboard, split and broken. 出自: U. Holden
  • The Stone that is Slaty..will split only lengthways or horizontally. 出自: S. P. Woodward
  • He reached for a hot biscuit and split it and placed..butter in the centre. 出自: E. Ferber
  • Two men were splitting logs. 出自: A. Tyler
  • One..knocked her down, splitting her lip. 出自: P. Abrahams
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