

[?'b?nd?n]     [?'b?nd?n]    
  • v. 放棄;拋棄;放縱
  • n. 放縱
abandonment abandoned abandoned abandoning abandons



v. (動詞)
  1. 放棄,舍棄,棄絕
  2. 遺棄,拋棄,離棄(家園、飛機、船只等)
  3. 放縱 ,縱情,使聽任,無拘無束,沉湎于,使沉溺于(oneself)
  4. 斷絕,戒除
  5. 【律】遺棄(妻子)
  6. 【保險】投保,委付
  7. 撇開,拋開,離開
  8. 丟棄,扔棄
  9. 擱置,取消,中止,停止
  10. 使屈從
  11. 【航空學】(機上人員)棄機(跳傘)
n. (名詞)
  1. 放任,任性,放縱,放肆,縱情,無拘無束,不顧一切
  2. 狂放,狂熱,一往情深


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. 放棄; 舍棄; 離開 leave a place, especially because it is difficult or dangerous to stay there
  2. vt. 離棄; 遺棄; 拋棄 leave completely and forever; desert; leave sb when you should stay with them and look after them
  3. vt. 放棄; 中止 give up or bring an end to (sth), especially without finishing it or gaining the intended result
n. (名詞)
  1. [U]〈書〉放任; 放縱 an uncontrolled way of behaving that shows that sb does not care what other people think


  1. the trait of lacking restraint or control; reckless freedom from inhibition or worry;

    "she danced with abandon"

  2. a feeling of extreme emotional intensity;

    "the wildness of his anger"

  1. forsake, leave behind;

    "We abandoned the old car in the empty parking lot"

  2. give up with the intent of never claiming again;

    "Abandon your life to God"
    "She gave up her children to her ex-husband when she moved to Tahiti"
    "We gave the drowning victim up for dead"

  3. leave behind empty; move out of;

    "You must vacate your office by tonight"

  4. stop maintaining or insisting on; of ideas or claims;

    "He abandoned the thought of asking for her hand in marriage"
    "Both sides have to give up some claims in these negotiations"

  5. leave someone who needs or counts on you; leave in the lurch;

    "The mother deserted her children"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. Those who abandon themselves to despair can not succeed.
  2. Despite some difficulties, they're not going to abandon the plan.
  3. The cruel man abandoned his wife and child.
  4. They abandon themselves to drinking.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. He signed cheques with careless abandon.
  2. The cheerleader waved his arms with wild abandon.


用作動詞 (v.)
abandon for (v.+prep.)
    放棄〔停止〕…而從事〔進行〕…stop sth to do a different thing
    abandon sth for sth She abandoned law for the fine arts. 她放棄你法而改學美術教學。 In his early days he abandoned medicine for literature. 他很早的時候棄醫從文。 She abandoned paganism for Christianity. 她錯過異教而改信基督教。 He abandoned the pen for the sword. 他投筆從戎。 Contemplation was abandoned for action. 暫停積極思考,起而行動。
abandon to (v.+prep.)
    使全然陷入give (sth/sb/oneself) completely to (sth such as a feeling or condition, or sb)
    abandon sb/sth to sth/sb We won't abandon her to the mercy of the criminal. 自己不容易棄她不在意而聽任犯罪人任人擺布。 They abandoned the city to the conqueror. 你們把哪個市區遺棄給墮落者。 They had to abandon their lands and property to the invading forces. 孩子不能不棄權地面和離婚財產,讓進犯軍占據。 The affairs of the nation have been abandoned to dishonest politicians. 冶國軍權已闖進詭詐的政治家手拿著。 The study showed a deep fear among the elderly of being abandoned to the care of strangers. 研究分析反映,孤寡老人是非常恐懼害怕被丟給搔擾人照管。 abandon sb/sth to one's fate He abandoned his daughter to her fate. 他遺棄了閨女,任其受命運左右。 They abandoned us to our fate. 這些人撒手盡管,小編聽天由命。 He abandoned it to its fate. 對這個事他無法只嘆,只可以聽其那自然。 He abandoned everyone else to their fate and fled to safety. 他沒用家人死活,獨自一人火場逃生。 abandon oneself to sth/v-ing Don't abandon yourself to despair. 就不要消極悲觀感到失望。 He abandoned himself to despair. 他卷入崩潰。 He abandoned himself to excessive grief. 他深陷頻繁的憂傷此中。 After her mother died, she abandoned herself to grief. 自己生前,她徜徉于傷心中去。 The rich man abandoned himself to pleasures. 這里富人人迷戀尋歡作樂。 Do not abandon yourself to pleasures. 不容忍讓享樂。 The young man abandoned himself to dissipation. 這是青春人過著放蕩的性生活. They abandoned themselves to intemperance. 自己酒后無度。 She abandoned herself to the serene landscape. 她沉溺在沉靜的景象之間。 You should not abandon yourself to eating and drinking. 我不大概過追逐名利飲食。 The sailors abandoned themselves to drinking. 水手們縱情喝酒。
用作名詞 (n.)
with〔in〕 abandon
    盡情地; 放縱地in an uncontrolled way, as if you do not care what the result will be


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞
用作名詞 (n.)


  • Fortune to her law cannot abandune me. 出自: J. Skelton
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