

['rend?(r)]     ['rend?r]    
  • vt. 提供;表現;使成為;宣布;翻譯;回報;給予補償;【計】渲染
  • n. 粉刷;打底;交納
renderable renderer rendered rendered rendering renders



n. (名詞)
  1. 打底,粉刷
  2. 繳納,納貢,交租
  3. 【建】初涂,抹灰
v. (動詞)
  1. 演奏,表演,朗誦
  2. 匯報;提出;呈報
  3. 放棄,讓與,讓出
  4. 付給,交納,交付
  5. 執行,實施
  6. 表達;描繪
  7. 提供,給予
  8. 表現
  9. 煎熬
  10. 歸還,付還
  11. 報答,酬報,報償
  12. 報復
  13. 開出(賬單等)
  14. 表示
  15. 移交,托付
  16. 翻譯
  17. 使成為,使變得,致使
  18. (泥瓦工)打底;抹灰;粉刷
  19. 熬油


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. 報答; 歸還; 給予 give in return of exchange, or as sth due
  2. vt. 呈遞,提供,開出 present; offer; send in an account for payment
  3. vt. 演出,扮演,演奏 give a performance of
  4. vt. 翻譯 express in another language
  5. vt. 使; 致使 cause to be in some condition


  1. a substance similar to stucco but exclusively applied to masonry walls
  1. cause to become;

    "The shot rendered her immobile"

  2. give something useful or necessary to;

    "We provided the room with an electrical heater"

  3. give an interpretation or rendition of;

    "The pianist rendered the Beethoven sonata beautifully"

  4. give or supply;

    "The cow brings in 5 liters of milk"
    "This year's crop yielded 1,000 bushels of corn"
    "The estate renders some revenue for the family"

  5. pass down;

    "render a verdict"
    "deliver a judgment"

  6. make over as a return;

    "They had to render the estate"

  7. give back;

    "render money"

  8. to surrender someone or something to another;

    "the guard delivered the criminal to the police"
    "render up the prisoners"
    "render the town to the enemy"
    "fork over the money"

  9. show in, or as in, a picture;

    "This scene depicts country life"
    "the face of the child is rendered with much tenderness in this painting"

  10. coat with plastic or cement;

    "render the brick walls in the den"

  11. bestow;

    "give homage"
    "render thanks"

  12. restate (words) from one language into another language;

    "I have to translate when my in-laws from Austria visit the U.S."
    "Can you interpret the speech of the visiting dignitaries?"
    "She rendered the French poem into English"
    "He translates for the U.N."

  13. melt (fat or lard) in order to separate out impurities;

    "try the yak butter"
    "render fat in a casserole"



用作及物動詞 (vt.)
  1. We are going to render them economic assistance.
  2. The power of the ocean was beautifully rendered in the poem.
  3. His back injury had rendered him unfit for work.
  4. The jury has rendered its verdict.
  5. Rendering poetry into other languages is difficult.
  6. He is the man who always renders good for evil.
  7. He had to render an apology for his rudeness.


用作動詞 (v.)
render down (v.+adv.)
    縮減,概括表達 reduce (sth); express (sth made up of different parts) as sth simple
render for (v.+prep.)
    (用…)補償… return (sth), as in exchange for (sth else)
    render sth for sth They will render blow for blow. 自己將以牙還牙。 I wonder whether it is right to render good for evil. 我不想認識以德報怨說到底對錯了。 The villagers were expected to render part of their crops for the lord's protection. 全村們被請求用她們的局部雜糧來報償族長的養護。
render into (v.+prep.)
    (把…)譯成… translate (words or writing) into (another language)
    render into sth Poems are as a rule difficult to render into a foreign language. 基本說起來,詩是無法譯成英語的。 render sth into sth It's very difficult to render this proverb into English. 下一句諺語不好譯成英語圖片。 The translator has done a good job of rendering this difficult poem into his native language. 把這一首至關難懂的古詩詞譯人工成本國文字,譯者做出一套大好事情。 There are many English idioms that cannot be rendered into other languages. 有大多英語怎么說習慣于用于始終無法 翻譯專業成其它任何文字。
render up (v.+adv.)
    放棄,交出 give up
    render sth ? up He rendered up his life. 他奉獻給了她的人身安全。 The man was obliged to render up the land he had unlawfully enclosed. 一自己忍痛奪回他非法行為圍圈的土地資源。 The captain has rendered up his castle. 上尉把城堡逃避了。 At last, the citizens were forced to render up their town. 后面,家庭們一定要不把旅游城市就要放棄。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • Mornings of lessons rendering La Fontaine into English. 出自: H. Carpenter





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