

[d?'kle?(r)]     [d?'kler]    
  • v. 宣布(聲明);申報;聲明
declarable declarer declared declared declaring declares



v. (動詞)
  1. 宣布,公布,宣告
  2. 斷言
  3. 申報(收益),詳報,呈報
  4. 聲明,聲稱,宣稱
  5. 表明態度,表示,表明
  6. 聲稱某人是
  7. 發表,披露
  8. 【律】招,供述
  9. 陳述
  10. 【牌】宣布為王牌
  11. 申報(應納稅品)
  12. 聲明反對,表示不贊成
  13. 板球(在擊球員還未全部出局時)宣布結束賽局
  14. 宣布停止擊球
  15. 顯示,露出
  16. 使支付,宣布…支付


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 宣布,宣告; 聲明 say sth firmly and clearly
  2. vt. & vi. 斷言,宣稱 say solemnly; say in order to show that one has no doubt
  3. vt. & vi. 申報 make a full statement of (property for which tax may be owed to the government)


  1. state emphatically and authoritatively;

    "He declared that he needed more money to carry out the task he was charged with"

  2. announce publicly or officially;

    "The President declared war"

  3. state firmly;

    "He declared that he was innocent"

  4. declare to be;

    "She was declared incompetent"
    "judge held that the defendant was innocent"

  5. authorize payments of;

    "declare dividends"

  6. designate (a trump suit or no-trump) with the final bid of a hand
  7. make a declaration (of dutiable goods) to a customs official;

    "Do you have anything to declare?"

  8. proclaim one's support, sympathy, or opinion for or against;

    "His wife declared at once for moving to the West Coast"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. I now declare this meeting open.
  2. Britain declared war on Germany in 1914.
  3. The customs asked me if I had anything to declare.
  4. Do you have anything to declare, jewelry or cash?
  5. He declared that he was innocent.


用作動詞 (v.)
declare against( v.+prep. )
    聲明反對 state one's opposition to sb/sth or doing sth
    declare against sth/v-ing He declared against the proposal. 他指出違抗這個意見。 They declared against the foreign policy of the government. 孩子聲明范文提倡中央政府的外交活動國家政策。 The students declared against cheating. 的學生們表明抵制考試作弊。 declare oneself against sth They declared themselves against the plan. 她們宣稱反感此進度表。 They declared themselves against the new rules. 她們聲明公告不贊同這里的最新政策定。 I declare myself against the project. 我對這一預計表明反感。
declare for( v.+prep. )
    宣布支持… state one's support of sb, sth, or doing sth
    declare for sb/sth/v-ing She declared for Smith. 她表示法贊成史密斯。 A small group declared for the king. 很多小批人寫出能夠君王。 The electors declared for their present Member of Parliament. 競選者組閣擁有她們的列任參議員。 I declare for his idea. 我對他的想法的說一致贊同。 The workers declared for the offer of increased pay and holidays. 施工人員們擁戴上升待遇、增長假期生活的建議書。 declare oneself for sth They declared themselves for the plan. 兩人覺得同情這些項目。 When the proposal was put to a vote, they all declared themselves for it. 此項提意交盤表決權時,大家都表述贊成。 Do you declare yourself for my idea? 你準許我的思路嗎? We declared ourselves for the immediate convocation of the meeting. .我天賦人權即時會儀議程你這個會儀。 I declare myself for the suggestion. 我一致贊同這類最好是。
declare off( v.+adv. )
    〈正〉宣布取消(某事) state that sth will not take place
    declare sth ? off The two sides declared the agreement off. 另一方否認更改協議范本。 If you insist, we have to declare the meeting off. 假設你保證的,各位嚴禁不撤銷了此次辦公會議。 I have declared the plan off. 我早已撤銷了籌劃。 We have to declare the game off because of the weather. 因此氣溫的誘因,他們不準不關閉團體賽。 The public meeting has been declared off. 市民會已否認退出。 The plane to Kunming has been declared off. 直飛南寧的飛機以及被撤銷了。 The match was declared off. 競賽退出了。 The war was declared off. 戰役逕行尾聲。
declare on( v.+adv. )
    宣布…將要發生 state that sth will take place
    declare sth ? on The public meeting has been declared on. 以及發表聲明要開幕市民交流會。
declare to( v.+prep. )
    declare sth to sb/sth He had declared his means to me. 他己經向我表達了他的啥意思。 The politician declared his views to a group of reporters from radio, television and the newspapers. 這家政治生活家向電臺、電視視頻臺和報界的一大幫媒體人聲明范文了自己的的想法。 He declared his view to the new plan. 他就此項新準備體現了了本身的思想觀點。 declare to sb/sth that-clause Brett declared to us that he had done the work himself. 布萊特向我們公司反映那崗位是他屬于自己做的。 The foreign minister declared in a statement to the press that he would never submit to blackmail. 外長在向新聞視頻界發布的申明中聲稱他決不會妥協于訛詐。 declare sth to sb You'd better declare the diamonds to the official. 你最容易向是誰老師申報納稅這個彩鉆。 Didn't you declare the TV set to them? 你沒向許多人申請上報這臺電視機嗎? I only declare the radio to them. 我只向你申辦了這臺錄音機。 They declared the goods to the government. 大家 向相關部門申請上報了這批快件。
I declare( pron.+v. )
    〈美口〉天哪 make sb very surprised; truly, oh my God


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • Lewis declared it was hot..and went out to order Edward a drink. 出自: E. Bowen
  • The charter..declared..that the presidency..was to be inherited. 出自: K. Vonnegut
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