

[tr?ns'le?t]     [tr?ns'le?t]    
  • v. 翻譯;解釋;轉移;調動
translatable translatability translated translated translating translates



v. (動詞)
  1. 翻譯,當翻譯,從事翻譯工作
  2. 表達,解釋,說明
  3. 把...改作,把...改成,把...表現成,改做
  4. 使轉化,使變成,使轉變
  5. 把...落實到
  6. 翻改,轉譯
  7. 轉移,調動
  8. 自動轉發(電報)
  9. 轉化,轉變,轉換,變為
  10. 被翻譯,被譯成
  11. 理解
  12. 給予
  13. 能翻譯,能被譯出
  14. 【生化】轉譯
  15. 從一個位置向另一位置移動
  16. 重新措辭
n. (名詞)
  1. 轉移
  2. 翻譯


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 翻譯; 解釋; 轉化 express in another language; interpret; take to be the meaning or significance


  1. restate (words) from one language into another language;

    "I have to translate when my in-laws from Austria visit the U.S."
    "Can you interpret the speech of the visiting dignitaries?"
    "She rendered the French poem into English"
    "He translates for the U.N."

  2. change from one form or medium into another;

    "Braque translated collage into oil"

  3. make sense of a language;

    "She understands French"
    "Can you read Greek?"

  4. bring to a certain spiritual state
  5. change the position of (figures or bodies) in space without rotation
  6. be equivalent in effect;

    "the growth in income translates into greater purchasing power"

  7. be translatable, or be translatable in a certain way;

    "poetry often does not translate"
    "Tolstoy's novels translate well into English"

  8. subject to movement in which every part of the body moves parallel to and the same distance as every other point on the body
  9. express, as in simple and less technical language;

    "Can you translate the instructions in this manual for a layman?"
    "Is there a need to translate the psychiatrist's remarks?"

  10. determine the amino-acid sequence of a protein during its synthesis by using information on the messenger RNA



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. I need to translate it into English.
  2. Be you plan to translate the novel?
  3. I translate his silence as a protest.
  4. It is hard to translate the animal's behaviour .
  5. We should translate the schemes into actions.
  6. He was translated to the Ministry of Defence.


用作動詞 (v.)
translate for (v.+prep.)
    為…進行翻譯 change (words) from ( usually another language) for sb
    translate for sb A guide translated for the tourists. 全陪導游為農業觀光者來進行反譯。 translate sth for sb Can you translate this article for me? 你要替我反譯這篇好文章嗎?
translate from (v.+prep.)
    譯自; (把…)從…譯成 change (words) from (usually another language)
    translate sth from sth This French book is translated from Latin. 這部荷蘭語書譯自拉丁文。 It was translated from Japanese. 它譯自日語怎么說。 translate from sth into sth He translates from Arabic into English. 他將阿拉伯文譯成日文。 translate sth from sth into sth Please translate this article from Chinese into English. 請把這篇散文從語文譯成英語口語。 The book has been translated from French into English. 這課外書已由外語譯成英語英語。
translate into (v.+prep.)
    把…轉化成 change sth into (another form); express (a thought) in (action)
    translate into sth I can read Spanish but can't translate into it. 我可以閱瀆法國語,但是不能翻譯工作成法國語。 translate sth into sth Can you translate French into English? 你能夠法文譯成英語口語嗎? Please translate the medical diagnosis into terms I can understand. 請把這些醫用原因結果用我能夠懂的四字詞講解看。 It is said that this book has been translated into many languages. 相傳這小說已被譯成有很多種語種。 His theorem can be translated into simple terms. 他的定理可以使用更簡便的名詞來表述。 translate sth into sth If we get elected we will be able to translate our ideas into action. .我如何選為,就把.我的心思化為來加入。
translate to (v.+prep.)
    (把…)轉移到…; (把某人)調到… shift sb/sth to another place
    translate sb/sth to sth He translated the fight to the public arena. 他把自由格斗轉至到公共性競技對決場。 Mr. Jones demanded to be translated to the countryside. 瓊斯叔叔的標準調到村里去工作的。 The priest has recently been translated to another area. 那為牧師近幾年來已被調到其它地域。 A fine play has been superlatively translated to the screen. 某個優異的英文劇本被非常好地搬進了影幕。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • First bishop of Worcester, and soon after..translated to Winchester. 出自: G. Burnet
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