

[n?'ɡ???ie?t]     [n?'ɡo??ie?t]    
  • vi. 談判;協商;交涉
  • vt. 談判達成;成功越過;議價出售
negotiatory negotiator negotiated negotiated negotiating negotiates



v. (動詞)
  1. 轉讓,賣與
  2. 洽談,會談,商談,談判,協商,交涉,磋商,商議
  3. 通過談判達成,談成,談妥,達成協議
  4. <口>順利通過,成功地越過
  5. 【經】議價出賣,議付
  6. 協議,議定,商定
  7. 通過談判使...
  8. 使流通
  9. 處置,處理
  10. 克服
  11. 跳通(障礙),通過,越過(險要路段)
  12. 兌現
  13. 洽兌


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 談判,磋商 discuss in order to come to an agreement
  2. vt. 通過 get past or over


  1. discuss the terms of an arrangement;

    "They negotiated the sale of the house"

  2. succeed in passing through, around, or over;

    "The hiker negociated the high mountain pass"



用作不及物動詞 (vi.)
  1. We've decided to negotiate with the employers about our wage claim.
  2. We are happy to negotiate with you in that way.
  3. Trade union leaders went back to negotiate with the government.
用作及物動詞 (vt.)
  1. Since our contract is near its term we must negotiate a new one.
  2. How did you negotiate the deal on the benefit?
  3. The climber had to negotiate a steep rock face.


用作動詞 (v.)
negotiate about〔for〕 (v.+prep.)
    就(某事)進行交涉 talk so as to try to reach agreement about sth
    negotiate about〔for〕 sth The two sides are negotiating about it. 兩人之間就之事將要溝通。 The two countries are negotiating for a peaceful settlement. 英法正處于調解一位合平的解決心思。
negotiate into (v.+prep.)
    通過談判使…進入 discuss with sb to take part in sth
    negotiate sb/sth into sth/v-ing He succeeded in negotiating Britain into the European Community. 他按照會談取得勝利地使荷蘭進到了歐共體。 We finally negotiated them into making concessions. 公司終究是完成談判技巧使大家得出結論了示弱。
negotiate with (v.+prep.)
    就(某事)進行交涉(以達成協議) hold talks with sb in an attempt to reach agreement, as in business; try to arrange an agreement with sb
    negotiate with sb We'll leave you to negotiate with them. 我們都代為想去與它們談判。。 Our leaders have decided to negotiate with enemy any further. 已方國家領導人員人打算與隊友參與進這一步的商談。 negotiate with sb about sth They have decided to negotiate with the boss about their wage claims. 他已取決于和公司老板洽談就他的很大打工族薪資符合要求。 The teacher negotiated with the principal about Dick's promotion. 幼師與教務主任商務洽談迪克的自動升級方面。 negotiate with sb for sth Our coach is negotiating with the headmaster for the use of their gym. 企業健身教練時未同副校長談判適用孩子們體育運動館的事。 I am negotiating with an American for his service. 我尚未和另一個美利堅共和國人口談判雇傭他的事。 negotiate with sb on sth Our government has negotiated with the British government on Hong Kong issue for more than twenty times. 各國現市政府與法國現市政府就佛山狀況共有展開過二十幾個輪的和談。 I'll negotiate with their coach on the date of the match. 我遷就PK期限事情與這些 的私教開始競爭性談判。 negotiate with sb over sth The party in office has to negotiate with the parties out of office over this proposal. 掌權黨需求還是野黨商談這一提出建議。 negotiate sth with sb/sth The delegates have just arrived to negotiate a formal agreement with us on the boundary affairs. 代表性團剛到,將與人們就邊界地區事故實行談判。以簽約勞動合同制協議范本。 In 2000 he negotiated a technological and trade agreement with some European countries.2000 年他與歐洲各國以下幾個地方談判了枝術和貿易服務條約。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • Both parties were now willing to negotiate. 出自: H. T. Buckle
  • You don't know a damn thing about..negotiating with the government. 出自: B. Moore
  • Cesare was doggedly negotiating for a low interest loan. 出自: P. Fitzgerald
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