

[t??k]     [t??k]    
  • v. 交談;商討;演講;闡述;勸服
  • n. 談話;會談;討論;講話;空談
talked talked talking talks



v. (動詞)
  1. 商談,討論,商討
  2. 嘮叨,饒舌
  3. 談論,談話,講,說,談,說話,交談
  4. 說閑話
  5. 演講
  6. 揭人隱私
  7. 表達思想,表示意思
  8. 招供
  9. 勸說
  10. 談著消磨(光陰)
  11. 講著話使...
  12. 通信
  13. 空談
  14. 嚷叫,發響
  15. 攀談,搭腔,高談闊論,聊聊,胡扯
  16. 洽談
n. (名詞)
  1. 話題
  2. 談判
  3. 談話,交談
  4. 空話,空談
  5. 方言
  6. 演講,講演
  7. 流言蜚語,謠言,謠傳
  8. 會談
  9. 隱語
  10. 特定說話方式
  11. 行話
  12. 閑話
  13. 討論,商談,商議


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 說話,談話,交談 say things with sb
  2. vt. 談論,討論,商談 speak about; discuss
  3. vi. 表達思想 express thoughts as if by speech
n. (名詞)
  1. [S]交談,談話,聊天 a conversation
  2. [C]演說,講話 an informal speech or lecture
  3. [U]空話,廢話 empty of meaningless speech
  4. [S]熱門話題 a subject much talked about by everyone in a particular place


  1. an exchange of ideas via conversation;

    "let's have more work and less talk around here"

  2. discussion; (`talk about' is a less formal alternative for `discussion of');

    "his poetry contains much talk about love and anger"

  3. the act of giving a talk to an audience;

    "I attended an interesting talk on local history"

  4. a speech that is open to the public;

    "he attended a lecture on telecommunications"

  5. idle gossip or rumor;

    "there has been talk about you lately"

  1. exchange thoughts; talk with;

    "We often talk business"
    "Actions talk louder than words"

  2. express in speech;

    "She talks a lot of nonsense"
    "This depressed patient does not verbalize"

  3. use language;

    "the baby talks already"
    "the prisoner won't speak"
    "they speak a strange dialect"

  4. reveal information;

    "If you don't oblige me, I'll talk!"
    "The former employee spilled all the details"

  5. divulge confidential information or secrets;

    "Be careful--his secretary talks"

  6. deliver a lecture or talk;

    "She will talk at Rutgers next week"
    "Did you ever lecture at Harvard?"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. I wish to talk with you in private.
  2. We need to hold another meeting next week to talk about some technical problems.
  3. In the hall a woman was talking on diet and health.
  4. He went on to talk about the world situation at present.
  5. He talked his father into lending him the car.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. I had a long talk with her that night.
  2. The talks between the two premiers will be held next month.
  3. The officers held a long talk about the price control and pay rise.
  4. She delivered a talk on philosophy to the society.
  5. In politics there is too much talk and not enough action.


用作動詞 (v.)
talk about( v.+prep. )
    (在口語里常用來表示驚訝、羨慕、憎惡等感情色彩) (used to express surprise, admire, hate, etc.)
talk back( v.+adv. )
    頂嘴 answer in a rude way; answer back
    talk back Don't talk back! 別頂嘴! Ruth was disciplined at school for talking back to the teacher. 露絲因和英語老師頂嘴而受了記過處分。 It annoys me the way the children talk back to you like that. 這么多自己孩子像一種與你頂嘴使我很朝氣。
talk down( v.+adv. )
    大聲說話蓋住(某人),不給(某人)說話機會 silence sb by talking louder and longer
    talk down to sb Harry is quite good in meetings but he must learn not to talk down to people. 哈里很懂得例會,但他需直到學員學會不奇人幾等地對顧客說話聲。 It's always unwise for a lecturer to talk down to his audience. 講演者用奇人一級的口氣重同聽者說話是沒有好的。 talk sb ? down Richard is good at talking his opponent down. 理查德勇于刺耳地把他人講得無話顧忌。 The children were excited and they talked down their teacher from time to time. 寶寶們很亢奮,對話聲不由自主蓋通過了他的語文老師。
talk into( v.+prep. )
    說服(某人)做某事; (把…)說成… persuade sb to do sth; say sth into sth
    talk sb/sth into sth/v-ing We finally talked him into agreement. 我門然后開導他統一了。 The salesclerk talked the customer into buying the new suit. 服務員說動哪位淘寶客戶買下來了這套的衣服。 She talked her husband into having a holiday in France. 他說服了她的丈天去國外游玩。 He is a man who talks black into white, right into wrong. 他一個這類的人:會把黑的比作白的,把對的比作錯的。 I was talked into doing it. 我把勸服一致同意去有了。
talk nineteen to the dozen
    講得太快 talk fast
talk of( v.+prep. )
    談到; 談論 have a conversation about sb/sth/doing sth
    talk of sb/sth/v-ing Talk of the devil, and he will appear. 說劉備,劉備就到。 Talking of an aeroplanes, have you ever had a ride in it? 中談戰機,你坐過嗎? She talked gaily of art and literature and music. 她興致勃勃,大談藝、文字和音樂歌曲。 We talked of his plans for the future. 我們的討論會了他未來是什么的年度計劃。 What did they talk of? 它們辯論了任何? We were just talking of the most exciting books that we had read recently. 昨天晚上公司還在建立公司這兩天讀的最這令焦躁的書。 Bernard Shaw talks again of writing a play for us. 蕭伯納又提及了為大家寫部中國戲曲。 They talk of building a new library there. 孩子談論要在那叫一個點建座新圖書管館。 At one stage my friend talked of throwing up his job in advertising, but nothing much came of it. 有條段時代,我的同學們說到 想停止他在硬廣業事情方面的事情,不夠來旅游的并是沒有哪些報告單。 He is talking of going to college. 他個人規劃上中學。 She talked of writing a one-act play. 她有打算寫其中一個獨幕劇。
talk off( v.+adv. )
    說得天花亂墜; 說得煩死人 speak at great length
    talk sb's head/ear off You can talk my head off, but you can't change wrong into right. 隨你為什么說得吊頂天花亂墜,你也是能夠錯的比作對的。 All I wanted was a chance to read my book, but my seatmate talked my ear off. 我總想有了看看書的可能性,但我的同座卻一直以來都愛管閑事個沒完。
talk on( v.+prep. )
    談及 have a conversation about sb/sth
    talk on sth For the rest of the journey she talked on art, letters and other themes. 在旅行的剩點的日子里她談了藝術類、詩歌創作和任何玩意。
talk out of( v.+adv.+prep. )
    勸服(某人)不做某事 persuade sb not to do sth
    talk sb out of v-ing He talked his wife out of buying the new car. 你說服了他的太就不要買那輛新二手車。 His parents talked him out of getting married soon. 他的爸媽來說服了他,使他就沒有沒多久完婚。
talk over( v.+adv. )
    說服某人改變意見 persuade sb not to do sth
    talk sb/sth ? over I have talked him over. 我逐漸說動他了。 They must have a great deal in common to talk over. 這些人必然有非常多一起內容可談。 Talk it over with your wife and give me your answer tomorrow. 你和他女人商議下,明后天跟我函復。 The matter was talked over at the last meeting. 這回上個月會議安排上研討過。 talk sb over In the end I was able to talk the other committee members over, and they agreed to vote in favour of the plan. 最后一步我早就說動了別的理事會,他征得從投票同意那項籌劃。
talk round1( v.+adv. )
    說服 persuade sb to agree to do sth
    talk sb round At first he didn't want to come but I talked him round. 一開始他不敢來,但我對她說服了他。 I was against going to China, but Mary eventually managed to talk me round. 我壓根不今后去中華,但瑪麗終究說動了我。
talk round2( v.+prep. )
    轉彎抹角地說〔談〕 avoid speaking directly about (a subject)
    talk round sth Get down to the brass tacks, and quit talking round the subject. 談根本性困難吧,別兜交際圈了。 We don't like talking round things without coming to an decision. 我們的不喜好轉彎抹角地談問題而不為其它所決定。
talk to( v.+prep. )
    責罵 scold
talk up( v.+adv. )
    坦白說話 say what you want or think; say what sb may not like
    talk sth ? up We have been talking up the game. 企業一直都在激烈熱議一幕比賽英文。 talk up If you do not talk down to a child, it will surely talk up to you. 倘若你對兩個嬰兒子交談不擺成年人不銹鋼架,他需要會對你誠懇交談。
talk with( v.+prep. )
    責罵 scold
用作名詞 (n.)
idle talk
    閑聊,閑扯 gossip〔useless〕 conversation
the talk of the town〔street〕
    街談巷議的話題 sth that everybody is discussing


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞
用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~ 介詞+~ ~+介詞


  • There was always talk and debate, a..scandal to discuss. 出自: L. Uris
  • No advanced civilization without conversation: talk was not only enjoyable, it was liberating. 出自: J. Gross
  • He felt that he could talk to her, tell her anything. 出自: D. Barnes
  • I've always wanted to have the chance to talk with you. 出自: C. P. Snow
  • You understand, it was the liquor talking, if I said anything to wound you. 出自: fig.




  • talkative adj. 健談的;多嘴的;喜歡說話的


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