

[?'sa?n]     [?'sa?n]    
  • vt. 分配;指定;指派;歸因;確定
  • n. 受讓人
assignable assignably assignability assigned assigned assigning assigns



n. (名詞)
  1. 【律】受讓人,受托者,接受財產等轉讓的人
  2. (DOS命令)將驅動器符重指向第二個驅動器符
v. (動詞)
  1. 分配(任務),把...分配給
  2. 指定,指派,委派,選派,派遣,任命
  3. 選定,定
  4. 【律】讓渡,讓與,(把)轉讓(財產、權利)過戶給
  5. 分派,派定,派給
  6. 把...歸因于
  7. 安排好,布置
  8. 交給
  9. 訂出
  10. 確定(價值、功能、時間、地點)


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. 分配; 交給 give sth to sb as a share of work to be done or of things to be used
  2. vt. 指派,選派 give as a share or duty
  3. vt. 指定,訂出 fix or set aside for a purpose; decide on


  1. give an assignment to (a person) to a post, or assign a task to (a person)
  2. give out;

    "We were assigned new uniforms"

  3. attribute or credit to;

    "We attributed this quotation to Shakespeare"
    "People impute great cleverness to cats"

  4. select something or someone for a specific purpose;

    "The teacher assigned him to lead his classmates in the exercise"

  5. attribute or give;

    "She put too much emphasis on her the last statement"
    "He put all his efforts into this job"
    "The teacher put an interesting twist to the interpretation of the story"

  6. make undue claims to having
  7. transfer one's right to
  8. decide as to where something belongs in a scheme;

    "The biologist assigned the mushroom to the proper class"



用作及物動詞 (vt.)
  1. All the students are assigned to suitable jobs.
  2. For example, you might assign each order a unique order number.
  3. After establishing roles, you can assign individual users to a role.
  4. For each class, you have to assign an instance name.
  5. You can assign remote VPN clients to the network that you want them to use.
  6. They assigned his odd behavior to his ill health.
  7. It is impossible to assign an exact date to this building.
  8. Let us assign a day for the next meeting .


用作動詞 (v.)
assign to (v.+prep.)
    轉讓;讓與give the ownership of rights or property to sb
    assign sth to sb They assigned the new task to me. 你把這種接任務托付給我來完成。 They assigned a very difficult mission to us. 其把很嚴峻的級任務平均分配帶來大家們。 We'll have to assign a role to our new trainee. 你們需給新到的實習期人數分發下列成就。 assign sb/sth to sth/sb They've assigned their best man to the job. 自己委派了較好秀的人兼任某項的工作。 Headquarters assigned the soldiers to a different unit. 指揮所把許多當兵的安排等到另外一只炮兵。 It is wise to assign special exercises to the weaker students. 為培訓差的學生們特殊留有一些練好是高超的。 I was assigned to B platoon. 被我派到B排業務。 He was assigned to the company's branch in Cairo. 他被派到有限公司的開羅營業部。 He was assigned to a middle school. 他被分配比例到中小學去崗位。 A different policeman has been assigned to the case. 別的名警官被派去進行處理該案。 Two senior officers were assigned to the investigation. 兩個初中級軍人被委派責任人某項調查統計。 A practical detective was assigned to the case. 面有體力的偵探被指定的開展該情況。 Tina has been assigned to the intermediate learners' group. 蒂娜被分發到初級同學組。 She had arranged to be assigned to the crowded men's wards. 她通過科學安排被派到人來人往的男病區區去操作。 The firm arranged that he should be assigned to the branch office. 平臺制定計劃他到分平臺去運行。 assign sth to sth They assigned his bad temper to ill health. 這些 把他的壞脾氣壞歸因于身體不佳。 The accident has been assigned to a faulty part in the engine of the bus. 那一次我特大事故是畢竟共公二手車汽車發驅動力含有一名有出毛病的零部件。 assign sth to sth It is possible to assign an exact date to this building. 這座建筑裝修物事實上切年份是能夠判別的。 They assigned a limit to the number of passengers. 其來確定一堆個司機日數上限。 They assigned the bridge to the 15th Century A.D. 孩子 制定這座橋是15新時代時建設的。 We cannot assign an exact date to these ruins. 他們無法決定這一個古跡.切時期。 We should be able to assign values to each of these components. 我們公司會都可以給哪些含量中的每一位種選定社會價值。 The antique is assigned to the eleventh Century. 這一種古董拍賣被因為是11世記的寶物。 assign sth to sb/sth The agreement assigns copyright to the publisher. 合同協議明文規定將著作權轉認根據版商。 The bankrupt must assign all of his patents to the receiver. 宣布破產清算者一定把任何的高新產品權轉認給宣布破產清算監管人。 She assigned her whole estate to a charitable organization. 她把她的全不房子有償轉讓給一名愛心部門。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+介詞


  • I assign to him the right of copy of an Imitation of the Tenth Satire of Juvenal. 出自: S. Johnson
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