

[l??]     [l??]    
  • n. 鞭子;鞭打;睫毛;諷刺
  • v. 鞭打;擺動;抨擊
lashed lashed lashing lashes



n. (名詞)
  1. 鞭子
  2. 諷刺
  3. 鞭打
  4. 抽打
  5. 斥責
  6. 急速的揮動
  7. 猛烈打擊
  8. 猛烈沖擊
  9. 責難
  10. 眼睫毛
  11. 鞭梢
  12. 鞭撻
  13. 鞭笞刑
  14. 沖擊
  15. 擊打
  16. 嚴厲的譴責
  17. 搖尾
  18. 鞭鞘
  19. 睫毛
v. (動詞)
  1. 諷刺
  2. 猛擊
  3. 驅使
  4. 急速揮動
  5. 猛烈沖擊
  6. 抨擊
  7. 斥責
  8. 鞭打
  9. 煽動
  10. 用繩等捆扎
  11. 激起
  12. 急打
  13. 沖打
  14. 痛罵
  15. 狠打
  16. 怒斥
  17. 抽打
  18. 將…扎牢
  19. 捆綁
  20. 痛打
  21. 擺動
  22. 沖擊
  23. 沖洗
  24. 緊系
  25. 突然沖擊
  26. 甩動
  27. 猛烈地搖動
  28. 迅速甩動
  29. 嚴厲譴責


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 鞭打;猛擊;踢 strike violently
  2. vt. & vi. 突然擺動 make a sudden movement of (a limb, etc.)
  3. vt. 煽動,激起 cause to have sudden strong violent feelings
  4. vt. 緊系,捆扎 tie firmly especially with rope
n. (名詞)
  1. [C]鞭撻,鞭打 a hit with a whip
  2. [C]鞭子 the thin bendable part of a whip
  3. [C]突然猛烈的一擊;急速揮動 a sudden or violent movement


  1. any of the short curved hairs that grow from the edges of the eyelids
  2. leather strip that forms the flexible part of a whip
  3. a quick blow delivered with a whip or whiplike object;

    "the whip raised a red welt"

  1. beat severely with a whip or rod;

    "The teacher often flogged the students"
    "The children were severely trounced"

  2. lash or flick about sharply;

    "The lion lashed its tail"

  3. strike as if by whipping;

    "The curtain whipped her face"

  4. bind with a rope, chain, or cord;

    "lash the horse"



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. By rod and lash, the boy was punished.
  2. The pirate captain beat his crew with a lash.
  3. With a lash of its tail the tiger leaped at her.
  4. Does the Lash Extender come in other colors apart from black ?
  5. She darkens her lash and blushes
  6. The lash of public opinion compelled him to resign.
用作動詞 (v.)
  1. He began to lash Luke unmercifully across buttocks and thighs.
  2. The cat lashed her tail.
  3. He lashed out at the opposition's policies.
  4. They must act out some of their ideals and lash out at the wrongs of society.


用作動詞 (v.)
lash about〔around〕 (v.+adv.)
    (使)無一定方向地不停移動,甩動 (cause to) move restlessly, without direction
    lash about The wounded soldier lashed about in great pain. 傷兵疼得直打滾兒。 lash sth ? about The tiger lashed its tail about whenever anyone came near its cage. 一有些人駕車去狗籠,老虎獅子就老是地甩狗尾巴。
lash across (v.+prep.)
    鞭打 beat with whip
    lash sb/sth across sth He lashed the horse across the back with his whip. 別用鞭子抽打馬背。
lash against (v.+prep.)
    敲打 knock
    lash against sth The rain lashed against the window. 雨點擊打著窗框。
lash at (v.+prep.)
    猛烈攻擊 attack violently
    lash at sb/sth Our troops lashed back at the enemy. 自己的空軍激烈還擊日軍。
lash down (v.+adv.)
    重重地打,猛擊 strike violently
    lash down Heavy goods vehicles have to have their loads firmly lashed down to meet the safety laws. 重廂式貨車須將其運輸困綁堅實,以提升安全衛生制度的必須。 lash sth ? down The crew lashed cargoes of timber down. 群體大副將木才綁牢。 lash down Heavy rain lashed down on the roof, making a terrible noise. 中雨一個又一個地打在房上邊,看到丑陋的噼啪聲。
lash into (v.+prep.)
    猛烈攻擊 attack violently
    lash sb/sth into sth This lashes him into murder. 這使他制造兇殺業障。 The speaker lashed his listeners into a fury. 那演說者扇動演講者,使之絕望。 The cleverly designed speech lashed the audience into a frenzy. 這篇精心安排制定的演說扇動現場觀眾使孩子 發狂。 A strong wind lashed the river into waves. 大風天氣使河面起浪。 lash into sb/sth The speaker lashed into Liberal government. 講演人劇烈地評擊輕松自由黨的政府機構。
lash out (v.+adv.)
    大手大腳地花錢,大量給予(某物) spend freely (on sth)
    lash out Never walk behind a horse in case it lashes out. 之類之前也沒有要跟在馬后續,慎防猛然間挨踢。 lash out He's not very generous with his money, he'll pay for necessary things, but rarely lashes out. 他花錢買不很大的方,他會買些有必須的物品,但比較少亂花。 lash sth ? out Mother always lashes out food for the children's party. 小孩們生日聚會時,產婦總會所們大多吃的。 He lashed out half his fortune on his daughter's wedding. 他手揮大腳地做出大部分物權給兒子辦婚禮。
lash out against〔at〕 (v.+adv.+prep.)
    攻擊;抨擊 attack violently
    lash out against〔at〕 sb/sth The author lashes out against Fascism. 作著諷刺法西斯實用主義。 The speaker lashed out against the government. 那演說者批判區政府。 He lashed out at the opposition's policies. 他批判批判派的國家政策。 In this latest article he lashed out at modern historians. 他在之前的一篇新聞經典文章中兇猛抹黑如今厲史專家。 The horse lashed out at me. 那馬猛然間踢我。
lash to (v.+prep.)
    把…綁到…上 fasten sth onto sth
    lash sb/sth to sth They lashed their prisoner to tree so that he would not run away. 顧客把女犯人綁在一片山上,使他不逃走了。 The robbers lashed the bank manager to a chair. 強盜們把證券公司營銷經理綁到一個靠背椅上。 Lash the piece of wood to the pole to make it longer. 把領域木板綁到第三根竿上,使它更長些。
lash together (v.+adv.)
    將一物與另一物牢系在一起 fasten tightly together (with rope, etc.)
    lash sth ? together Lash the two pieces of wood together to make them stronger. 把那幾塊木材牢系在同食,使其更結識。 It's not safe to climb without being lashed together. 不將其牢系在同吃就爬,可不安全性的。
lash up (v.+adv.)
    用繩子把…固住 fix and firm it
    lash sth ? up Are all the boxes safely lashed up? 等紙箱箱子都緊抓地捆的時候什么時候? The door of the hut was lashed up with pieces of old ropes. 棚子的門是用四段舊一根繩子纏住的。 lash up When the scenery is in place, lash up. 背景一搭好,就用用繩固定住住。 lash sth ? up Lash the scenery up ready for the next act. 用繩索把布場固定住住,做好準備演下整場。
lash with (v.+prep.)
    痛斥 criticize sb


用作動詞 (v.)
~+副詞 ~+介詞
用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 介詞+~


  • Long dark lashes..concealed his downcast eyes. 出自: Dickens
  • A lizard..one expects..to lash round the shaft and vanish.sssss J. le Carr&eacusc; 出自: J. Ruskin
  • Ferries often put to sea in calm waters without lashing vehicles down. 出自:Independent
  • His mattock was a sharp stone lashed to a stick. 出自: J. M. Coetzee





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