

[w?p]     [w?p]    
  • n. 鞭子;鞭打;鞭狀物
  • v. 抽打;徹底打敗
whipper whipped/whipt whipped/whipt whipping whips



n. (名詞)
  1. 鞭子
  2. 鞭打,抽打,一擊,一揮
  3. (獵人的)專管獵狗的副手
  4. 鞭傷,鞭痕
  5. <主英>執鞭者,馬車夫
  6. 攪拌器,打蛋器,風車翼
  7. 蛋奶水果甜點心
  8. 組織秘書(英國和美國的政黨中負責確保本黨黨員出席政府重大辯論并投票的官員)
  9. <澳口>大量
v. (動詞)
  1. 鞭打,抽打,用鞭子責罰,鞭笞
  2. 一下子猛地移動,急走,急沖
  3. 迅速作成
  4. 匆匆寫出
  5. <口>擊敗,勝過
  6. <英俚>偷走,騙得
  7. 驅使,迫使,促使
  8. 嚴厲批評,痛斥,抨擊,鞭撻
  9. 攪打(蛋、奶油等)成糊狀
  10. 用細繩纏繞加固,鎖(邊),拷(邊)
  11. 反復投釣絲釣魚


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 鞭打; 抽打 strike with a whip; beat or flog
  2. vt. & vi. 攪拌 beat (eggs, cream, etc.) with a fork or other utensil to mix thoroughly or to make stiff
  3. vt. & vi. 突然拿走 take, move suddenly


  1. an instrument with a handle and a flexible lash that is used for whipping
  2. a legislator appointed by the party to enforce discipline
  3. a dessert made of sugar and stiffly beaten egg whites or cream and usually flavored with fruit
  4. (golf) the flexibility of the shaft of a golf club
  5. a quick blow delivered with a whip or whiplike object;

    "the whip raised a red welt"

  1. beat severely with a whip or rod;

    "The teacher often flogged the students"
    "The children were severely trounced"

  2. defeat thoroughly;

    "He mopped up the floor with his opponents"

  3. thrash about flexibly in the manner of a whiplash;

    "The tall grass whipped in the wind"

  4. strike as if by whipping;

    "The curtain whipped her face"

  5. whip with or as if with a wire whisk;

    "whisk the eggs"

  6. subject to harsh criticism;

    "The Senator blistered the administration in his speech on Friday"
    "the professor scaled the students"
    "your invectives scorched the community"



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. The whip swished through the air.
  2. He cracked his whip and the horses began to trot.
  3. The cruel master beat his slaves with a whip.
  4. He was given 30 lashes of the whip.
用作動詞 (v.)
  1. The colt used to whip seamen had disappeared on the ship.
  2. Their team really whipped ours at volleyball.


用作動詞 (v.)
whip away (v.+adv.)
    急忙帶走 take sb away quickly
    whip away He whipped away to Chongqing. 他突然之間我去了廣州。 whip sth ? away He can whip the tablecloth away while leaving all the dishes still standing on the table. 他就能夠瞬間間抽走臺布而大多數的盆子原樣的同時留下來餐桌。 She whipped her hand away, unwilling to let him touch it. 她光速地手把抽開,從不讓它碰。 whip sb ? away Why did you whip me away when I was just beginning to enjoy the party? 我之前對這位同學會出現學習興趣,你為一些急著讓我拉走呢?
whip in (v.+adv.)
    用鞭或其他類似之物驅趕 drive together into a group with or as with a whip
    whip in That was a dangerous thing to do, whipping in like that just as the train doors were closing. 當火后門真正封閉時像如此一來竄進入是兇險的。 She opened the door and the cat whipped in. 她瀏覽器打開們,那只貓一閃而入。 whip sth ? in His job in the hunt is to whip the dogs in when they scatter. 他在狩獵中的事就是說當狗跑散時用鞭子把許多人趕在同吃。 The huntsman was whipping in his pack of hounds. wow獵人目前在用鞭子把他那群獵犬趕回一片。
whip into (v.+prep.)
    激勵 urge sb into a state, usually with words
    whip sth into sth Whip the ingredients into a smooth paste. 把味料混和成均的黏稠。 whip sb into sth The speaker soon whipped the crowd into a fever of excitement. 演講賽者越快便使受眾群情激奮。 The star was whipped into a fast car and driven off. 哪幾個大陸明星十分迅速上面了兩輛小汽車疾駛而去。
whip into shape (v.+prep.+n.)
    為某種目的而使之具備合格條件 make sb/sth reach a fit condition for a purpose
    whip sb/sth into shape With a lot of training, we might be able to whip the team into shape in time for next year's games. 經歷過豐富的的訓練方法,小編只不過能夠這隊即時的訓練方法好,即將到來來年的對局。 With some more practice, we'll soon whip this piece of music into shape ready for the concert. 咱們再練練,越來越快就能在音樂歌曲會演繹奏這一首歌曲。
whip off (v.+adv.)
    迅速帶走 take sb away quickly
    whip off When I turned round,I found that she had whipped off to avoid awkward question. 我就轉回身時,剛發展她是為了逃避現實有一些更讓人繁瑣的事情已進而改善離去。 whip sth ? off He whipped off his coat. 他更快脫去外套。 Seeing that he was in the presence of ladies, he whipped off his hat. 當他觀念到他是在女人們的前面時,便匆忙脫下了鴨舌帽。 The storm just whipped the roof off during the night! 昨天的暴風吹雨打一下下子把房頂掀了。 whip sb ? off She whipped the child off to the doctor before I had time to look at him. 我仍然沒到來及看來這孩童,她就急著帶他到牙醫在那去。
whip on (v.+adv.)
    策(馬)向前 urge (a horse) to move forward, with or as with a whip
    whip sth ? on Whipping his horse on, he reached the finishing post just ahead of the other riders. 他揮鼓勵馬,來不及趕在相關外賣小哥前走到始點標。
whip out (v.+adv.)
    迅速出示 produce sth suddenly
    whip out Just then the door opened and the cat whipped out, with the dog chasing it. 恰在于此門開創,那只貓竄了完成,狗在前面緊追舍不得的句子。 whip sth ? out But then the robber whipped out a gun, and everyone stopped moving. 顯然那強盜莫名其妙展示槍,同學們都總停了。 The intruder whipped out a knife from his pocket. 闖入來的人顯得突然從他的袋子里拿出一把刀刀來。 He has a way of whipping out a reply just when you least expect it. 他總在你意想不去的時會時不時給自己回復。
whip over (v.+prep.)
    快速穿過某地 travel very fast across an area
    whip over sth The train simply whips over the country. 這列高鐵風馳電掣般駛過山野。
whip round (v.+adv.)
    在團體成員中募捐 collect money from each of a group of people, often to help a fellow memberAll the girls in the office whipped round to give Mary a wedding present.辦公室里所有的姑娘們都出了一點錢為瑪麗買結婚禮品。
whip through (v.+adv.)
    迅速結束 finish work quickly
    whip sth ? through If I whip through the work this afternoon,I'll be able to go home early. 只要我令世上午騎著把工作任務做了,就能早出遠門。
whip up (v.+adv.)
    匆匆做(飯等) prepare (a meal, etc.)
    whip sb/sth ? up The storm whipped up powerful waves. 大暴雨‘’吸引住了海浪。 They're trying to whip up support for their candidate. 孩子揭力勸勉大伙搭載孩子的侯選拔人才。 The people were whipped up into a frenzy by the speaker. 我們聽了演說人來看群情激奮。 whip sb sth ? up I can easily whip you up some scrambled eggs. 我以后能給你們炒點卵子。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • Fanatics, who had..smarted under the satirical whips of the Dramatists. 出自: Disraeli
  • He whipped out of sight in a moment. 出自: R. L. Stevenson
  • He made himself promise not to..whip through the pages. 出自: R. Ingalls
  • I whipped round and pressed the light switch beside the door. 出自: M. Roberts
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