

[bl??]     [blo?]    
  • n. 打擊;毆打;吹
  • v. 吹;風吹;擤(鼻子);(保險絲)熔斷;<口>浪費(機會)
blew blown blowing blows



n. (名詞)
  1. (精神)打擊,挫折
  2. 不幸,意外的災害,橫禍
  3. 一擊,打
  4. 毆打
  5. 花,開花(狀態)
  6. 絢麗多姿
  7. 奇襲
  8. 猛攻
  9. 吹,吹動,吹氣
  10. <口>強風,暴風
v. (動詞)
  1. 吹,刮,吹出,吹氣
  2. 吹響,鳴響
  3. 吹動
  4. (使)爆炸
  5. 吹奏,吃奏出音
  6. 燒斷
  7. 隨風飄動
  8. <俚>離去
  9. 吹掉,刮走
  10. <俚>因笨而失去
  11. <俚>揮霍,浪費(機會)
  12. 傳播
  13. <俚><婉>詛咒
  14. 開放
  15. 使開花
  16. 吹成,吹制
  17. 吹脹
  18. 吹著
  19. 使通氣
  20. 叫,鳴
  21. (使)呼吸困難急促,(使)喘氣
  22. <美><澳><口>吹牛,自夸
  23. 將...搞糟
  24. 把錢花在...上
  25. 擤(鼻子)
  26. 送飛吻


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 吹; 吹氣; 刮風 be moving
  2. vt. & vi. (使)吹響,吹奏 (cause to) sound by blowing
  3. vt. & vi. (使)爆炸 (cause to) explode or be destroyed by exploding
n. (名詞)
  1. [C]一擊,打擊 a hard stroke with the open or closed hand or with a weapon; a bad effect on one's confidence, hopes, likelihood of success


  1. a powerful stroke with the fist or a weapon;

    "a blow on the head"

  2. an impact (as from a collision);

    "the bump threw him off the bicycle"

  3. an unfortunate happening that hinders or impedes; something that is thwarting or frustrating
  4. an unpleasant or disappointing surprise;

    "it came as a shock to learn that he was injured"

  5. a strong current of air;

    "the tree was bent almost double by the gust"

  6. street names for cocaine
  7. forceful exhalation through the nose or mouth;

    "he gave his nose a loud blow"
    "he blew out all the candles with a single puff"

  1. exhale hard;

    "blow on the soup to cool it down"

  2. be blowing or storming;

    "The wind blew from the West"

  3. free of obstruction by blowing air through;

    "blow one's nose"

  4. be in motion due to some air or water current;

    "The leaves were blowing in the wind"
    "the boat drifted on the lake"
    "The sailboat was adrift on the open sea"
    "the shipwrecked boat drifted away from the shore"

  5. make a sound as if blown;

    "The whistle blew"

  6. shape by blowing;

    "Blow a glass vase"

  7. make a mess of, destroy or ruin;

    "I botched the dinner and we had to eat out"
    "the pianist screwed up the difficult passage in the second movement"

  8. spend thoughtlessly; throw away;

    "He wasted his inheritance on his insincere friends"
    "You squandered the opportunity to get and advanced degree"

  9. spend lavishly or wastefully on;

    "He blew a lot of money on his new home theater"

  10. sound by having air expelled through a tube;

    "The trumpets blew"

  11. play or sound a wind instrument;

    "She blew the horn"

  12. provide sexual gratification through oral stimulation
  13. cause air to go in, on, or through;

    "Blow my hair dry"

  14. cause to move by means of an air current;

    "The wind blew the leaves around in the yard"

  15. spout moist air from the blowhole;

    "The whales blew"

  16. leave; informal or rude;

    "shove off!"
    "The children shoved along"
    "Blow now!"

  17. lay eggs;

    "certain insects are said to blow"

  18. cause to be revealed and jeopardized;

    "The story blew their cover"
    "The double agent was blown by the other side"

  19. show off
  20. allow to regain its breath;

    "blow a horse"

  21. melt, break, or become otherwise unusable;

    "The lightbulbs blew out"
    "The fuse blew"

  22. burst suddenly;

    "The tire blew"
    "We blew a tire"



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. The death of their daughter was a cruel blow.
  2. I was dazed by the blow on my head.
  3. Bill knocked him down with one blow.
用作動詞 (v.)
  1. Now, Peter, make a wish and blow out the candles.
  2. It's blowing hard tonight.
  3. It is bad manners to blow your nose at table.
  4. A short circuit will blow the fuse.
  5. If you put on the iron, the fuse will blow out .
  6. I really blew the chances with Marilyn when I told her she looked fat in the dress she was wearing.


用作動詞 (v.)
blow about1( v.+adv. )
    使吹走,被吹散 be moved or carried by the wind or other air current
    blow about The dust was blowing about. 塵埃吹獲得處飛舞。 blow sth ? about The hurricane is blowing broken glass about in the city streets. 風浪把碎磨砂玻璃刮受到處亂扔。 It seemed to be getting windy; the leaves were being blown about. 好似起風了,葉片吹實現處是。
blow about2( v.+prep. )
    吹走,吹散 be moved or carried by the wind or other air current
    blow sth about sth The electric fan blew hot air about our heads. 電扇在企業頭身邊的吹起曖風。
blow around( v.+adv. )
    討論,議論 talk about (an idea, etc.) with other people
    blow sth ? around Let's blow Jim's suggestion around and see if we all agree with it. 各位來議論性一點吉姆的推薦,看是不是大伙都簽字。
blow away( v.+adv. )
    (使)吹掉 be moved or carried away by air or wind; cause to go away with the force of wind
    blow away The kite blew away. 紙鳶乘風著陸。 The smoke blew away. 煙吹亂了。 Quick, catch my hat before it blows away. 快,了解我的禮帽,別讓它被清風吹走! blow sth ? away He blew away the cigar smoke. 他吹全散雪茄的煙。 A gust of wind blew all the dust away. 一針風把飛塵都刮跑了。 The wind blew away the clothes hanging on the line. 風把繩上晾的衣服褲子刮我走了。 The wind was so strong that people were nearly blown away as they waited for buses. 風刮得很強烈,等待時間公眾貨車的消費者們可以說要被清風吹走。 The wind blew so hard that my umbrella was almost blown away. 風強烈地刮著,我的傘都基本上被刮跑了。 The papers on my desk were blown away by the wind. 我辦公桌的新聞報紙被大雨吹跑了。
blow back( v.+adv. )
    漏氣 blow in the wrong direction
blow down( v.+adv. )
    真沒想到 never expect; be unexpected
blow in( v.+adv. )
    花光(錢),濫花(錢) spend or lose money
    blow in The fresh air blew in from the open door. 剝好空氣從沒關的門吹融進。 Suddenly a cold breeze blew in and right away he felt better. 顯得突然吹進一種涼風,他陡然味道OK了些。 A little breeze is blowing in from the window. 晚風從門窗定制里吹接到。 blow in Say, look who's just blown in! 喂,你瞅瞅歸誰啦! The door opened and Tom blew in. 門一會開,湯姆就打來了。 The house was already full of guests when Bill blew in. 當比爾突然之間到訪時,住房里都已經滿是老客戶了。 Jim just blew in; we weren't expecting him till Tuesday. 吉姆偶爾來了一,我本以外他禮拜二才到呢。 Blow in any time you like; we shall always be pleased to see you. 請任何時候來玩吧,我們公司遇見你是開心快樂的。 What time did Mark blow in last night? 昨天夜里上馬克是多少呢過程中來的? I was just passing, so I thought I'd blow in for a few minutes. 我不早不晚經途什么地方,我不想我應上去看到。 blow sth ? in She blew in her salary yesterday. 最近她下面子把薪金全花完了。
blow into( v.+prep. )
    (使)吹進 enter (a place) with or as with the force of wind
    blow into sth The dust has blown into the house. 積塵被吹進了屋子里。 I opened the window and a pile of leaves blew into the house. 打打開窗戶子,最大的堆盾牌吹進了屋內。 The whistle makes a sound because you blow into it. 可能你向里邊吹氣,于是哨子長出的聲音。 blow sth into sth The wind blew the snow into deep drifts. 風把雪吹積成白白的雪堆。 The force of the explosion blew the car into the air. 爆炸事件的能量把汽車拋到空氣中。 When the door was opened the wind blew the leaves into the house. 一打開瀏覽器門,風把植物的葉子吹進了屋內。 The rock was blown into fragments with dynamite. 礦石被爆炸物炸為震碎的碎片。
blow off1( v.+adv. )
    放氣 let out
    blow off My hat blew off while I was crossing the bridge. 我正墊資時,鴨舌帽吹全掉。 When the water boiled, the lid of the pan blew off. 水開后,鍋面被頂了了 。 blow sb/sth ? off You'll have to stay here until the blizzard blows itself off. 你得等狂風雪停了再走。 The wind has blown my hat off. 風就將我的禮帽刮下了。 A gust of wind blew off all the dead leaves on the tree. 一針風把樹枝的枯葉完全擦掉了。 He didn't know how to blow off his superfluous energy. 他莫嘆應該如何釋放壓力過度的腎氣。 His straw hat was blown off. 他的草帽被風輕輕吹拉掉。 In the lightning I saw that the roof of the hut had been blown off. 極速的過程中,我看看見棚屋的平屋頂被掀沒了。 blow sth ? off They blew the door off with a small charge of high explosive. 你裝好幾回小包烈性火藥把門炸全掉。 His one leg was blown off by a bomb in the war. 他的一點腿在戰役中被炸彈炸沒了。 The ship's bow was blown off by a torpedo. 船身被一支水雷炸掉下來。 blow off Poison gas blew off and endangered the lives of hundreds of persons. 天然氣噴除了來,影響幾百元人的生物。 blow sth ? off The surplus steam was blown off through the pipes. 多此一舉的水蒸氣使用供水管道排盡了。
blow off2( v.+prep. )
    吹走,吹掉 be moved or carried by the wind or other air current send out air from the mouth
    blow sb/sth off sth The force of the wind nearly blew me off my feet. 大風大雨可以說我自己吹倒在地。 The wind blew the papers off my desk. 吹動死了我辦公桌的運行。 Blow the dust off that book, please. 請把那一本書上的塵土吹掉。 Don't blow the dust off the table, use a cloth. 別吹書桌上的灰層,用布刮掉。 When the newspaper picked up part of the story, it blew the lid off the whole conspiracy. 那個英文報紙得知那項秘密的部門信息后,一件事就很多敗露了。
blow on〔upon〕( v.+prep. )
    告發 let the secret become known
blow out( v.+adv. )
    燒斷 stop working
    blow sth ? out The chimney blew out a cloud of black smoke. 排煙管道里排出一堆堆排氣管冒黑煙。 The wind blew the seeds out of the plant. 風把這仿真植物的迅雷種子吹落了。 blow sth ? out We shall have to blow the pipe out, it seems to be blocked. 防腐鋼管像堵塞了,.我得把里邊兒烘干凈。 blow out Every time he tried to light the candle, it blew out. 他三次想把蠟燭點出來,但都被清風吹熄了。 Someone opened the door and the lamp blew out. 別人打開網頁門,燈就滅了。 blow sth ? out The wind blew out the candle. 風一吹滅了蠟燭。 The wind blew the match out. 風把火柴吹熄了。 He blew the oil lamp out. 他把油燈吹滅了。 blow out The storm blew out after three days. 暴風刮了多日完后停息出來。 blow sth ? out It won't be long before the storm blows itself out. 暴風浪沒多久會停的。 The gale has blown itself out. 大風平靜下去了。 blow out If a tire blows out while one is driving at high speed, it can be very dangerous. 高速收費站行駛的時車胎爆表是很危險區的。 Moving through an endless muddy puddle, the rear tire of my car blew out. 在不能迷失的泥坑中車子時,我的汽車汽車的后摩托車輪胎就暴炸。 blow sth ? out The bombs should blow them out. 炸彈準如何把她們炸飛。 A bomb blew out the front of a hotel in central Jerusalem early today. 這里早晨一條炸彈把耶路撒冷核心區的的一家賓館正視炸毀了。 blow sth ? out The boy blew out the paper bag. 男孩子將紙口袋吹得鼓了起來了。 The mischievous boy startled the company by blowing out a paper bag and bursting it. 那些調皮搗蛋的小男孩啪的響聲吹暴了同一個紙袋包裝,使好伙伴們嚇了了跳。 When the paper bag was blown out to its full extent, it burst. 當紙袋包裝吹鼓得沒辦法再鼓時,它破了。 blow out A steam cock blows out. 氣管旋塞給氣沖開創。 blow sth ? out Heat the vessel and try to blow out the stopper. 將袋子熱處理加熱,使蒸汽發生器瓶塞沖向來。 blow out The fuse blew out. 人身險絲燒摔斷了。
blow over( v.+adv. )
    被忘掉 forget sb/sth
blow up( v.+adv. )
    吹脹,打氣 expand or to fill air into
    blow up A storm seems to be blowing up. 一個暴風吹雨打往往即將降生。 There was a storm blowing up while we were out at sea. 我門在海洋出航時起了風爆。 I shouldn't go sailing today if a storm's blowing up. 這樣那一場雷暴雨如磐及時總要來了,我都今兒便不一般去試航。 The wind was blowing up. 起風了。 The gale had blown up again. 大風天氣又刮了了。 On our way to the peak, a fierce storm suddenly blew up. 在你們爬向頂鋒時,有時候刮起兇猛的狂風。 A howling wind of force 7 blew up. 刮起了7級大風天氣。 blow sth ? up It looks as though it may blow up a gale tonight. 王陽明心學明天也許要刮強風。 It may well blow up a storm tonight. 令晚很概率下下一場暴雨天氣。 blow up The volcano blew up, violently shaking the neighbouring villages and towns. 那座火山疫情了,熱烈壯觀著付近的城鎮。 The dispute has blown up again. 哪一爭吵又太過突然準備了。 Trouble is blowing up again in the Middle East. 中東省份省份又誕生了糾份。 Something is blowing up and I don't like it. 忽然間出了點麻煩,我沒有認可的。 I expect this affair to blow up any minute now. 我預見這點事現再會立即增長。 blow sth ? up You'll have to blow up the fire to make it burn. 你得把火吹旺讓它燒起來。 blow up A chemical factory blew up in the North of England. 意大利南部的一個 化學工業廠閃爆了。 When the torpedo struck it, the ship immediately blew up. 魚雷暴中了這艘油輪,它快速被炸毀了。 The barrel of gunpowder blew up with a terrible noise. 炸藥桶爆管了,散發頃刻轟響幾聲怪響。 The enemy ammunition dump blew up. 敵軍的軍火庫容易引起爆炸了。 Several people were injured when an ammunition dump blew up yesterday. 近日一軍火二次沉積所非常強大的之時 ,有好多我受了傷。 blow sth ? up The soldiers blew up the factory. 武器們將那么鑄造廠炸毀了。 The guerrillas blew up the bridge. 游擊球員把橋炸碰掉。 The terrorists blew up the police station. 毛骨悚然團伙炸毀了警察局局。 Did they have to blow all the buildings up? 顧客肯定把很多的鋼結構古建筑炸毀嗎? To keep the enemy from crossing the river, the defenders blew up the bridge with dynamite. 要阻敵過橋,護衛軍者用爆炸物炸毀了紐帶。 Our house was blown up in an air raid. 在連續空襲中我國的新房子被炸掉。 The enemy pillbox was blown up with a bang. 轟的響聲,獵物的碉堡被炸毀了。 The bridge was blown up by a villager after the guerrillas left for their camp in the woods. 游擊隊撤離去林中宿營地而后,橋就由倆位同鄉炸毀了。 blow up The case blew up when they examined it more closely. 他更粗略地地查看后續,這里案子不建立了。 His scheme blew up in his face after all, despite his optimism. 雖然他積極進取,他的籌劃說忽然不了也使他丟臉。 blow sth ? up The results of the latest investigation have blown up the case against him. 全新的調查方案結果使對他的狀告案回歸出現未知錯誤。 His reputation has been blown up completely. 他名譽拖地。 blow up Her father blew up when she arrived home late at night. 她在夜里很晚想回家,她父親母親大發氣性。 He blew up when I told him I couldn't do it. 如果我告訴過他我干不了解時,他鬧脾氣了。 I'm sorry I blew up at you. 很對不了,我向你剛發性子。 “I was wrong to blow up like that.I must learn to keep a better check on my temper.”he said. 男說,“我那樣的話耍服務態度不一定對的。剛想定學習累了地掌控自個兒,不發發火。” When he asked for the day off, the manager blew up. 他需求休假時,營銷經理大發暴脾氣。 That fellow finally blew up and fairly screamed with rage. 一他人后大發脾性,近乎狂叫起床。 They objected to being blown up for the slightest fault. 這些反感因紅點過失傷害就由于申斥。 blow sb ? up I got home very late that night, and mother blew me up. 那日傍晚我送上門很晚,寶媽我自己痛罵吃頓。 Your father will blow you up if you don't behave better. 若是你不會要求某些,你他父親會責罵你的。 You shouldn't have blown him up for so small a mistake. 你我不想為這下小錯因此嚴格教育地頂撞他。 The headmaster blew the boys up about the broken window. 副校長訓斥這樣的小孩子打壞了鋁門窗。 Mother will blow you up when she finds her best dishes broken. 就算媽察覺到她最喜歡的碟子碎了,肯定會對你動怒。 When we arrived a little late our boss blew us up. 我門晚上了過會兒兒,東家就狠罵了我門每頓。 You're sure to be blown up for coming late to work. 你一定程度會因此休班無故遲到被責罵。 They were blown up for such a mistake. 兩人因這些一兩個誤區得到苛責。 blow sth ? up Don't blow the balloon up any further!It'll burst! 別給彩球多充汽了!它會炸的! Could you lend me a pump to blow up my bicycle tyres? 你會借我就個打氣筒筒筒給自愿車摩托車輪胎打氣筒筒嗎?
用作名詞 (n.)
at〔with〕 one〔a〕 blow
    一下子,一舉 with only one stroke or effort
come to blows
    動手互毆 start fighting
get a blow in
    擊中,在辯論中擊中要害 succeed in hitting; make a point in an argument
strike a blow
    為…而戰,擁護或反對 do sth important for or against sth especially in some sort of struggle
without striking a blow
    毫不費力 without having to fight


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+形容詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞
用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~ ~+后置定語


  • Catching him a light blow..with the back of her hand. 出自: D. H. Lawrence
  • It was too late to check the blow and the axe blade struck the tree. 出自: R. Dahl
  • A most poor man, made tame to fortune's blows. 出自:King Lear , Shakespeare
  • Heark how it rains and blows. 出自: I. Walton
  • It blew a gale. 出自:Oxford English Dictionary
  • The wind blew fierce and strong. 出自: J. Steinbeck
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