

[d?'str?bju?t]     [d?'str?bju?t]    
  • v. 分配;散發;分布
distributed distributed distributing distributes



v. (動詞)
  1. 分配
  2. 【數】分布
  3. 分給
  4. 分發
  5. 分開
  6. 散布
  7. 配給
  8. 實施
  9. 頒布
  10. 區分
  11. 把…分類
  12. 【邏】周延
  13. 【電】配(電)
  14. 【印】調(墨)
  15. 拆(版)
  16. 給予
  17. 散發
  18. 發行
  19. 分銷
  20. 使散開
  21. 散播
  22. 撒撒于…上
  23. 使分布
  24. 把…分等級
  25. 使(物)歸原位
  26. 拆(版)還字
  27. 擴充開


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. 分配,分給 put parts of a set of things in different places; give or send out
  2. vt. 散發; 散播; 分布 spread out


  1. administer or bestow, as in small portions;

    "administer critical remarks to everyone present"
    "dole out some money"
    "shell out pocket money for the children"
    "deal a blow to someone"
    "the machine dispenses soft drinks"

  2. distribute or disperse widely;

    "The invaders spread their language all over the country"

  3. make available;

    "The publisher wants to distribute the book in Asia"

  4. give to several people;

    "The teacher handed out the exams"

  5. cause be distributed;

    "This letter is being circulated among the faculty"

  6. cause to become widely known;

    "spread information"
    "circulate a rumor"
    "broadcast the news"

  7. spread throughout a given area;

    "the function distributes the values evenly"

  8. be distributed or spread, as in statistical analyses;

    "Values distribute"

  9. be mathematically distributive
  10. to arrange in a systematic order;

    "stagger the chairs in the lecture hall"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. Please distribute books among the students.
  2. Clothes and blankets have been distributed among the refugees.
  3. We distribute handbills on the street every weekend.
  4. Some types of plants are widely distributed.
  5. The population is distributed in a very uneven pattern.


用作動詞 (v.)
distribute among (v.+prep.)
    在…中分配,分發(某物) give (sth) to (several people or places); share (sth) among (several people or places)
    distribute sth among sb/sth When someone has died without leaving instructions, it is difficult to distribute his property fairly among his relatives. 當一人沒刻下遺產分割而過世時,非常難把他的牲畜合理有效地管理給他們的親戚們。 He distributed his possessions among his heirs. 他把自已的財產分割分得贈予人。 The prizes were distributed among five winners. 活動禮品分配給十二位超前者。
distribute over (v.+prep.)
    使…分散在(某區域) scatter (sth) over (an area)
    distribute sth over sth The farmers were distributing manure over the field. 國人們尚未農田下肥。 The wreck of the crashed plane was distributed over a wide area. 失事的無人機魂晶彈落在一篇宅基地上。
distribute round (v.+prep.)
    在…中分發(某物) give (sth) to (a group of people severally)
    distribute sth round sth Please distribute the examination papers round the class. 請把考卷頭發給全班學生同學們。
distribute to (v.+prep.)
    把…分發給 give or send (sth) to (people, a group or places)
    distribute sth to sb/sth Mother distributed candy to the children. 老母親將糖塊架構設計給男孩們。 Please distribute the examination papers to all the students. 請把考卷收發給各種的朋友。 The printers will arrange to distribute the books to every important city in the country. 圖書出版商們將想盡把書發到我國各類為重要的城市發展去。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • Pray distribute my kindest regards amongst all friends. 出自: T. Hood
  • She distributed memorandum pads, pencils, ashtrays. 出自: I. Wallace
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