

[spred]     [spred]    
  • v. 傳播;展開;散布;鋪開;伸展;涂撒
  • n. 范圍;傳播;差額;幅度;盛宴
spreadable spreadably spreadability spread spread spreading spreads



v. (動詞)
  1. 傳播,普及,散布
  2. 伸開,攤開,展開,打開,張開,散開,鋪開,被展開
  3. 分布
  4. 延續,繼續
  5. 陳列
  6. 延長,伸長
  7. 蔓延(開),傳(播)開
  8. 流開,傳開,流傳
  9. 擴張,擴大
  10. 涂,敷
  11. (使)伸展,(使)延伸,展延,展寬
  12. 擺好(餐桌)
  13. <美>記載,把…記入
  14. 拖延
  15. 滲開,涂開
n. (名詞)
  1. 蔓延,傳播
  2. 范圍
  3. 伸展,擴展,擴張
  4. 普及,流行
  5. 寬度
  6. 桌布
  7. 床罩
  8. 涂食品的果醬
  9. 價格差異
  10. 一片區域
  11. 整版的大廣告
  12. <口>盛宴
  13. <美口>大農場,大牧場
  14. 大房子
  15. 擴展度
adj. (形容詞)
  1. 伸展的,展開的
  2. 擴大的,擴延的
  3. 廣大的,大幅的
  4. 薄而無光澤的
  5. 分散的
  6. 叉形的


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 伸開,展開,攤開 become wider
  2. vt. & vi. 傳播,散布 (cause to) become widely known
n. (名詞)
  1. [S] 傳播,蔓延 the act or action of spreading
  2. [C] 幅度,范圍 a range or area over which sth spreads
  3. [U] 涂抹食品的醬 a soft food for spreading on bread, etc.
  4. [C] 整版的文章,整版的廣告 a newspaper or magazine article or advertisement usually covering one or more pages and with pictures


  1. process or result of distributing or extending over a wide expanse of space
  2. a conspicuous disparity or difference as between two figures;

    "gap between income and outgo"
    "the spread between lending and borrowing costs"

  3. farm consisting of a large tract of land along with facilities needed to raise livestock (especially cattle)
  4. a haphazard distribution in all directions
  5. a tasty mixture to be spread on bread or crackers or used in preparing other dishes
  6. a meal that is well prepared and greatly enjoyed;

    "a banquet for the graduating seniors"
    "the Thanksgiving feast"
    "they put out quite a spread"

  7. two facing pages of a book or other publication
  8. the expansion of a person's girth (especially at middle age);

    "she exercised to avoid that middle-aged spread"

  9. decorative cover for a bed
  10. act of extending over a wider scope or expanse of space or time
  1. distributed or spread over a considerable extent;

    "has ties with many widely dispersed friends"
    "eleven million Jews are spread throughout Europe"

  2. prepared or arranged for a meal; especially having food set out;

    "a table spread with food"

  3. fully extended in width;

    "outspread wings"
    "with arms spread wide"

  1. distribute or disperse widely;

    "The invaders spread their language all over the country"

  2. become distributed or widespread;

    "the infection spread"
    "Optimism spread among the population"

  3. spread across or over;

    "A big oil spot spread across the water"

  4. spread out or open from a closed or folded state;

    "open the map"
    "spread your arms"

  5. cause to become widely known;

    "spread information"
    "circulate a rumor"
    "broadcast the news"

  6. become widely known and passed on;

    "the rumor spread"
    "the story went around in the office"

  7. strew or distribute over an area;

    "He spread fertilizer over the lawn"
    "scatter cards across the table"

  8. move outward;

    "The soldiers fanned out"

  9. cover by spreading something over;

    "spread the bread with cheese"

  10. distribute over a surface in a layer;

    "spread cheese on a piece of bread"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. The radio spread the news as soon as the accident happened .
  2. The rumor was widely spread among the crowd.
  3. She spread her wings and flew lightly down.
  4. I spread my arms as far apart as I could.
  5. Who spread these rumours?
  6. We spread a rug on the grass for the picnic.
  7. He spread the map flat out on the floor.
  8. Its branches spread far and wide.
  9. But Langston Hughes spread his creative wings even further.
  10. I spread butter on my toast.
  11. She spread the bread with butter.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. The current survey will have a wider geographic spread.
  2. The survey revealed a wide spread of opinion.
  3. What can we do to prevent the spread of the disease?
  4. Tv has become a more powerful vehicle for the spread of news.
  5. The wings of the bird have a 12-inch spread.
  6. The spread of the prairies was indeed a startling sight.
  7. Our host had a fine spread waiting for us.


用作動詞 (v.)
spread about〔around〕 (v.+adv.)
    廣泛散布scatter; spread widely
    spread sth ? about〔around〕 Would you spread the news about that he is coming? 我可以發出一會他要來的消息推送怎麼樣? The papers were spread about on the desks and even on the floor. 文檔捏造事實在桌前,甚至是在地坪漆上。
spread abroad (v.+adv.)
    spread sth abroad Spread it abroad! 把它透明化! He has spread the news abroad that you are leaving. 他捏造事實這個qq信息,說要跳出了。
spread for (v.+prep.)
    綿延; 伸展 stretch out
    spread for sth The deposits spread for 100 kilometres across four counties. 以下礦藏蜿蜒一百二公里跑,跨越式十二個縣。 The top branches of that oak tree spread for forty feet. 那棵橡樹的上方樹皮向周圍伸展408英尺。
spread in (v.+prep.)
    在…中傳開 extend in sth
    spread in sth The pests spread quickly in these regions. 蟲害在這個中南部盡快惡化。 The news of this accident soon spread in London. 這款安全事故的信息內容越快就在都柏林傳遍。
spread on (v.+prep.)
    在…上鋪上 unfold sth on sth
    spread sth on sth An old worker spread his padded coat on the floor and insisted that I lie down for a while. 的老施工人員把風衣鋪在屋里,肯定叫我在上躺一回兒。
spread oneself
    (平直地)舒展 extend; be extravagant
spread out (v.+adv.)
    付清 pay out
    spread out The wood spread out in all directions. 林木向四通八方來廷伸。 A scene of prosperity spreads out before us. 一個欣欣向榮的影像凸顯在公司家里。 spread sth ? out Spread the cloth out fully. 把布已經地做好。 The resources are spread out too thin. 網絡資源勻稱得是及其貧乏。 spread out Spread out more. Don't bunch up on the centre. 再暈開方面,不要再都擠在中部。 spread sth ? out over sth They spread the payments out over three years. 這些人分六年把款結清。 They will spread their payment of the loan out over a long period of time. 他將用太長準確時間按揭還貸錢收帶寬。
spread over (v.+prep.)
    分散; 傳開 extend over
    spread over sth The disease spread over the whole country. 這般皮膚疾病在湖北省傳播方式再開。 spread sth over sth She spread her toys all over her room. 她在她辦公室滿處放玩家。
spread throughout (v.+prep.)
    傳遍 propagate; pass on
    spread throughout sth News of their victory spread throughout the country. 大家曙光的傳聞吹遍了江蘇省。
spread to (v.+prep.)
    蔓延 extend
    spread to sth The flames soon spread to the other buildings. 火熱比較快延伸到某個搭建物。 The strike soon spread to other parts of this island country. 擺工買回去就惡化在了這家島國的那些相關地區。
spread with (v.+prep.)
    用…涂滿 extend sth with sth
    spread sth with sth Did you spread the bread with butter? 當你面包甜品上抹奶油奶酪什么時間?


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • With a sardonic..spread of his hands. 出自: M. Spark
  • To allow the spread of payment over eight years. 出自:Accountant
  • A male may..have arms with a spread of 2 1 / 2 metres. 出自: D. Attenborough
  • A Bannerd Host Under spread Ensigns marching. 出自: Milton
  • Four partridges..sailed down, spread-winged, into the field. 出自: R. Adams
  • You see rice spread out to dry. 出自: C. Mungoshi
  • She..spread out her pad, ballpoint pen, and a box of tissues. 出自: J. Rossner
  • He spread a tartan rug gently over her. 出自: B. W. Aldiss
  • A cop got out of the car...'OK...Spread those legs, lean over the hood.' 出自: R. Rayner
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