

[?'pr??pri?t ]     [?'pro?pri?t]    
  • adj. 適當的;相稱的
  • vt. 占用;撥出(款項)
appropriative appropriately appropriateness appropriated appropriated appropriating appropriates



adj. (形容詞)
  1. 適當的,合適的,恰當的,相稱的
  2. 特定的,專屬的
  3. 融洽的
  4. 恰如其分的
  5. 對應的
  6. 有關的
v. (動詞)
  1. 占用,占有,吞并,侵吞
  2. 撥出,撥作...費用,認可(某項)經費
  3. 擅用,盜取(少量公物),挪用,盜用
  4. 盜取(少量公物)
  5. 充用,充當
  6. 剽竊
  7. 把…據為已有,專用,獨用


adj. (形容詞)
  1. 適當的,恰當的 correct or suitable for a particular situation or occasion
v. (動詞)
  1. vt. 挪用; 占用; 盜用 take for oneself or for one's own use, especially without permission
  2. vt. 撥出(款項) set aside for a particular purpose


  1. suitable for a particular person or place or condition etc;

    "a book not appropriate for children"
    "a funeral conducted the appropriate solemnity"
    "it seems that an apology is appropriate"

  1. give or assign a resource to a particular person or cause;

    "I will earmark this money for your research"
    "She sets aside time for meditation every day"

  2. take possession of by force, as after an invasion;

    "the invaders seized the land and property of the inhabitants"
    "The army seized the town"
    "The militia captured the castle"



用作形容詞 (adj.)
  1. You will be informed of the details at the appropriate time.
  2. It is not easy to choose clothes which are appropriate to your beautiful figure.
用作及物動詞 (vt.)
  1. She again entreated his forgiveness for so selfishly appropriating the cottage
  2. The government has appropriated some funds for education.


用作動詞 (v.)
appropriate for( v.+prep. )
    為…騰出或撥出(房舍或款項) take or save (sth) officially for (a special purpose)
    appropriate sth for sb/sth/v-ing He appropriated the trust funds for himself. 他把信托業務私募基金挪作己用。 He has appropriated the company's money for his own use. 他侵占司的錢看做己用。 You can't appropriate the van of the firm for your own use. 你不私自用上集團公司的運大貨車。 The government was forced to appropriate extra funds for the new airport. 市政府不得不撥出雙倍的資金來搭建新的高鐵站。 The committee appropriated money for the memorial. 常務專委會撥付生產紀念冊碑。 The legislature appropriated funds for technology in the schools. 立法解釋政府機關為學院置辦新技術專用設備撥出專款。 The state appropriates a large amount of money for the development of science and technology each year. 一個國家每次撥出巨款來發展方向小學科學枝術。 There has been a lot of opposition to the government's plans to appropriate millions of pounds for a new submarine. 政府機構為制造一艘船新的登陸艇而項目捐款數千萬歐元,這必遭一堆片否認聲。 Congress has appropriated money for building the highway. 美國國會已撥下專款建那一條公路橋。 The government has appropriated a large sum of money for building hospitals. 相關部門為搭建醫療撥出二大筆工程款。 1,000,000 yuan has been appropriated for the new school buildings. 為了更好地建新住宿樓,已撥了1000萬元。 Five million dollars has been appropriated for research into the disease. 已審批一千萬歐元中用這一種慢性病的探究。 This place is appropriated for a sports ground. 這位好地方已撥來作移動場。
appropriate to( v.+prep. )
    將(某物)分配給… take (sth) by or as if by right for (oneself or one's own use)
    appropriate sth to sb/sth No one is allowed to appropriate state property to himself. 誰也不會許霸占地方財富管理。 Congress appropriated the funds to the states. 議會給各州付款。 I see that the director has appropriated the best office to his own use. 我明白主人我們已占用率了最合適的辦公室。 It is against the law to appropriate public money to private purpose. 侵吞公款是違法行為的。 The room is appropriated to your friend. 這房給您的客戶住。 This hall is appropriated to silent reading. 此辦事大廳專供閱覽的用處。


用作形容詞 (adj.)
~+名詞 ~+介詞
用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+介詞


  • To charm away..Ennui, is the chief and appropriate business of the poet. 出自: Coleridge
  • Some peoples think of women as too weak to work out of doors, others regard women as the appropriate bearers of heavy burdens. 出自: M. Mead
  • They must behave in a manner appropriate to the myth in which they were participating. 出自: J. Bowen
  • Actually, he looks lots better when he isn't dressed as he thinks appropriate for dinner at Illyria. 出自: A. Lurie
  • At an appropriate moment I shall strike the gong. 出自: B. England
  • He makes a wordless noise appropriate to male approval of female pulchritude. 出自: T. Stoppard
  • He was dressed in a tweed suit appropriate either to countryman or academic. 出自: D. Jacobson
  • The music on the radio was turned off; somehow a bit of quiet seemed more appropriate. 出自: G. Boycott
  • Appropriating the whole ships provisions to themselves. 出自: G. Anson
  • The name 'priesthood'..was never appropriated by apostles to themselves. 出自: E. Mellor
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