

[ɡe?n]     [ɡe?n]    
  • n. 獲得;收益;增益
  • v. 獲得;到達;增加;獲利;(鐘、表等)走得快
gained gained gaining gains



n. (名詞)
  1. 獲得;獲得物
  2. 增加,增添
  3. 獲利;得益
  4. 利潤,收益,經濟收益;利益,好處;增值
  5. 腰槽
  6. 雄榫上的斜肩
  7. 報酬,獎金
  8. 改進
  9. 蓋恩(音譯名)
  10. 該隱,《圣經》中亞當和夏娃的長子
v. (動詞)
  1. 獲得,贏得,得到;使得到
  2. 到達
  3. (鐘、表等)走快
  4. 得益,獲利,賺錢
  5. 取得進展,得到改善 ,增進健康
  6. 增加,增添,增長
  7. 在...上開腰槽,用腰槽連接
  8. 打勝(戰爭、官司)
  9. 前進,進步
  10. 爭取...(到一邊),說服
  11. 吸引, 引起


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. 獲得,贏得 obtain sth useful, necessary, earned, etc.
  2. vt. & vi. 增加; 獲利 have an increase in sth
  3. vt. & vi. (鐘表)走快 (of a watch or clock) work too fast (by an amount of time)
  4. vt. 抵達 reach (a place), especially with effort or difficulty
n. (名詞)
  1. [U]獲益; 增財 the act of making a profit; increase in wealth
  2. [C]利潤; 增加 a profit; increase in amount


  1. a quantity that is added;

    "there was an addition to property taxes this year"
    "they recorded the cattle's gain in weight over a period of weeks"

  2. the advantageous quality of being beneficial
  3. the amount of increase in signal power or voltage or current expressed as the ratio of output to input
  4. the amount by which the revenue of a business exceeds its cost of operating
  1. obtain;

    "derive pleasure from one's garden"

  2. win something through one's efforts;

    "I acquired a passing knowledge of Chinese"
    "Gain an understanding of international finance"

  3. derive a benefit from;

    "She profited from his vast experience"

  4. reach a destination, either real or abstract;

    "We hit Detroit by noon"
    "The water reached the doorstep"
    "We barely made it to the finish line"
    "I have to hit the MAC machine before the weekend starts"

  5. obtain advantages, such as points, etc.;

    "The home team was gaining ground"
    "After defeating the Knicks, the Blazers pulled ahead of the Lakers in the battle for the number-one playoff berth in the Western Conference"

  6. rise in rate or price;

    "The stock market gained 24 points today"

  7. increase or develop;

    "the peace movement gained momentum"
    "the car gathers speed"

  8. earn on some commercial or business transaction; earn as salary or wages;

    "How much do you make a month in your new job?"
    "She earns a lot in her new job"
    "this merger brought in lots of money"
    "He clears $5,000 each month"

  9. increase (one's body weight);

    "She gained 20 pounds when she stopped exercising"



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. No pain, no gain.
  2. He has no aspiration for fame or gain.
  3. It is not for the love of gain that he does so.
用作動詞 (v.)
  1. You will gain experience if nothing more in that job.
  2. It's the first time we've ever had the power to gain knowledge at our fingertips.
  3. After swimming for an hour, he finally gained the shore.
  4. Did you gain weight after you stopped exercising.
  5. I did not gain very much by my inspection.
  6. They gain in security what they lose in liberty.
  7. The clock on my computer gains a minute every day.


用作動詞 (v.)
gain by( v.+prep. )
    通過…而取得進展 be improved by sth
    gain by sth You can only gain by further study. 不過更進每一步地學校,你才會上升。 Your side has obviously gained by the change. 這一種變換對你方明顯有利于。 The man supplying the capital expected to gain considerably by the enterprise. 提供了流動資金的人概率從客戶中的很大的投資回報。 gain sth by sth/v-ing We gain our experience by degrees. 大家的實踐經驗是逐層獲得的。 He gained entry into the building by means of a bribe to the guard. 他經過好處費衛軍而獲準加入樓。 He gained his livelihood by teaching English. 他靠教英文養家糊口。 A good command of English can only be gained by constant practice. 只要 持續不斷實踐活動才會對少兒英語APP便捷。 There is nothing to be gained by waiting any longer. 再等待時間也找不到什么呢弊端。
gain from( v.+prep. )
    從…獲得利益 take advantage from
    gain from sth He hopes to gain from his crime. 他想靠經濟犯罪牟利。 They will gain from the training. 在那一種培訓中,他就有長進的。 The students gained from military training. 學習們在軍訓訓練中含成就感。 They gained greatly from this experiment. 在那次實驗室中,我們獲取很高。 gain sth from sb/sth I gained a good deal of enlightenment from him. 我就從他處有大部分教益。 I gained a lot from my former experiences. 你在此前的閱歷中回報匪淺。 Men gained rich experience both from their success and from their failures. 國人從成功創業和出錯中換取大量的相關經驗。 He gained all this information from books, not from direct experience. 一些學識他都就指從書籍圖片里,而不就指從立即體驗度中小學來的。
gain ground( v.+n. )
    前進,取得進步 go forward; make progress
gain in( v.+prep. )
    在…(方面)增加; 增長 increase in
    gain in sth You gained in wheat but lost in cotton. 你要在玉米幾個方位盈利,在綿花幾個方位卻成虧損。 He is gaining in weight after his recovery from illness. 他病愈之前女生體重提升了。 They have gained in strength. 兩人的能量激發了。 Alfred is a person who never seems to gain in wisdom, no matter how painful the results of his actions may be. 艾爾弗雷德是這么一人,盡管他的操作會形成有多疼苦的事由,仍然都并不會使他智商高些。 gain sth in v-ing She has already gained some experience in teaching. 她已拿到一系列授課體驗。
gain on〔upon〕( v.+prep. )
    超過 outstrip; surpass; exceed
gain over1 (v.+adv.)
    爭取過來 win over; convert
    gain sb ? over They have gained him over. 大家把他獲取了過來的英文。 They gained him over in the debate. 他倆在辯論會提及服了他。 They expect to gain over a lot of converts. 自己希望能有效眾多調整意志的人。 The new leader's popularity gained over many members of the opposing party. 新帶領深孚眾望,把不贊同黨的成千上萬成員國都盡力來參觀了。 I don't think you will succeed in gaining him over to our side. 我指出你尚未將他鼓勵到公司這一端來。
gain over2 (v.+prep.)
    爭取過來 win over; convert
    gain sth over sb Tom is trying to gain an advantage over me by getting Dick's support. 湯姆想能夠達到迪克的適用而優于我。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞
用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~ 介詞+~ ~+介詞


  • (After long fightyng) bothe parties departed without either greate gain or losse. 出自: Joseph Hall
  • Greedy as they were of gain, they seldom became rich. 出自: Ld Macaulay
  • The dull, flat voice gained a trace of animation. 出自: I. Fleming
  • His ideas on Church Reform..gained him a good deal of respect. 出自: W. Golding
  • Psychoanalysis..can gain access to the contents of the Unconscious. 出自: E. Gellner
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