

[se?v]     [se?v]    
  • v. 救;節省;保存
  • n. 救援,救助
savable saver saved saved saving saves



v. (動詞)
  1. 積蓄, 儲蓄,攢錢
  2. 儲存,保留,貯存,保存,收藏
  3. 救,拯救
  4. 節省,節約,省去
  5. 救,挽救,救助
  6. 維護,保全
  7. 救(球)阻礙對方得(分)
  8. 避免
n. (名詞)
  1. 【足球等】救球(阻礙對方得分的動作)
  2. 救援,救助
  3. 文件的保存
conj. (連詞)
  1. 除了,除去,除...之外
prep. (介詞)
  1. 除...之外


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. 拯救,挽救 make or keep (safe from danger, loss, injury, etc.)
  2. vt. & vi. 儲蓄,貯存 keep and not spend or use (as for later use)
  3. vt. & vi. 節省 relieve sb from the need of using


  1. (sports) the act of preventing the opposition from scoring;

    "the goalie made a brilliant save"
    "the relief pitcher got credit for a save"

  1. save from ruin, destruction, or harm
  2. to keep up and reserve for personal or special use;

    "She saved the old family photographs in a drawer"

  3. bring into safety;

    "We pulled through most of the victims of the bomb attack"

  4. spend less; buy at a reduced price
  5. accumulate money for future use;

    "He saves half his salary"

  6. make unnecessary an expenditure or effort;

    "This will save money"
    "I'll save you the trouble"
    "This will save you a lot of time"

  7. save from sins
  8. refrain from harming
  9. spend sparingly, avoid the waste of;

    "This move will save money"
    "The less fortunate will have to economize now"

  10. retain rights to;

    "keep my job for me while I give birth"
    "keep my seat, please"
    "keep open the possibility of a merger"

  11. record data on a computer;

    "boot-up instructions are written on the hard disk"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. The doctor managed to save his life.
  2. Children should learn to save.
  3. I lent him my bike in order that he could save time.
  4. Save your strength for the hard work you'll have to do later.


用作動詞 (v.)
save for (v.+prep.)
    為…積蓄〔儲存〕… put (sth such as money or supply) away until (a certain time or occasion) or for (sb or a purpose)
    save for wh-clause It is necessary to save for when you are ill or too old to work. 有需要存些錢以作生病了或余年不能夠工作上時用。 save sth for sb/sth Are you saving the best wine for the party? 你合適的酒保管來是為了能夠同學會用嗎? I'm trying to save as much of my income as I can for my old age. 我正全力從我的納入中熔融擠出比較多的錢一屁股債變得以備不時之需晚年時期的。 The shopkeeper saved a pound of my special cheese for me, as I'm a regular customer. 店老板給我們留下了了我針對性要的吃奶酪,因我是老主顧了。 Please save my place for me while I make a telephone call. 我也去打個座機號,請讓我的部位留空來。
save from (v.+prep.)
    從…中救出,使免受 make safe from danger; free a person from the effect of sth bad
    save sb/oneself/sth from sth The brave soldier saved a child from a burning house. 那不怕困難的官兵從起火的住房里解救半個個寶貝。 How can the city save these fine old buildings from destruction? 這類城鎮咋樣才施救等等精喜歡的有著悠久歷史的建筑工程施工使其招致冰封呢? What can we do to save him from the results of his own foolishness? 人們什么樣做能力使他受到因自行可笑所導致的責任? Everybody knew they could not save themselves from defeat there. 誰都聽說過孩子 沒辦法緩解在哪里有出現未知錯誤的一生運勢。 Luckily our precious records were saved from the fire. 運氣好得很,當我們等貴重的登記從起火中救治了粗來。 save sb from v-ing A young man saved a little girl from drowning. 一款青年人救起了馬上淹死的小小女生。 It will save the student from wasting his time in exercises. 這更易中小學生不關于把時間節約在做練習題上。
save till (v.+prep.)
    把…保存到… preserve (sth) until (a point in time)
    save sth till sth Let's save this bottle of wine till Christmas. 自己把這瓶酒留到圣誕佳節節再喝吧。
save up (v.+adv.)
    儲存起來 keep for future use
    save up I am saving up to buy a car. 在贊錢賣車。 They are saving up to buy a colour TV set. 他倆在存錢買采色電視視頻機。 They're saving up for their wedding next year. 這些 正當存錢籌備 2019年婚姻。 save sth ? up Mary saved up pieces of cloth to make a quilt. 瑪麗存了幾塊錢布留作毛毯用。 You should save some money up, instead of spending it all. 你理應把錢存些上來,也不要全部都花掉。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • The keeper made a series of brilliant..saves. 出自:Sun
  • A great many lives were saved by..inoculation. 出自:Medical Physical Journal
  • 'Do save mesdo hide me!' said Eliza. 出自: H. B. Stowe
  • A sudden effort was necessary to save me from falling. 出自: J. Tyndall
  • The same ambition can destroy or save. 出自: absol.
  • Dances to which all other girls save Clara seemed to be invited. 出自: M. Drabble
  • No ornaments in the room save a crucifix. 出自: J. Archer
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