

[ki?p]     [ki?p]    
  • v. 保持;保留;繼續;貯藏;經營;遵守;供給;照管;飼養;耽擱;保持食物不變質;健康狀況如何;保守(秘密@);記錄;遵守;保護
  • n. 生計;保存;城堡主樓;監獄;圍墻
kept kept keeping keeps



v. (動詞)
  1. 保持(某一狀態),維持,繼續,持續
  2. 看守,守衛,把守,保護
  3. 保留,保存,保管
  4. 經營,管理,開設
  5. 持有,擁有,保有
  6. 控制住
  7. 撫養,飼養
  8. 雇用
  9. 遵守,履行
  10. 慶祝,紀念;過(節、生日等)
  11. 拿著
  12. 防護,防守,守
  13. 忍住,抑制,制止(常與from連用)
  14. 留住,阻止離開
  15. <口>居住,逗留,呆
  16. (食物等)能保持新鮮,保存好,不變壞
  17. <美口>(商店等)開著,(學校)繼續上課
  18. 交往
  19. 不要求馬上注意,能耽擱,可拖延
n. (名詞)
  1. 【史】要塞,堅固據點,堡壘
  2. 保持,保養
  3. 飼料
  4. 監獄,監牢
  5. 管理
  6. 生活資料,生計,衣食,伙食
  7. 【史】中世紀城堡的最牢固的部分
  8. 膳宿費用,生活費


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. (使)保持; (使)繼續 (cause to) stay, remain or continue
  2. vi. (食品)保持新鮮 (of food) remain fresh and fit to eat
  3. vt. 阻止,防止,耽擱 hold back; delay; prevent
  4. vt. 履行,遵守 fulfil
  5. vt. & vi. 保有,保存,保留 have without the need of returning
  6. vt. 供養,飼養 take care of and provide with food, money, etc.
  7. vt. 經營,管理,料理 own and have use of
  8. vt. 守衛,看守 guard; protect


  1. the financial means whereby one lives;

    "each child was expected to pay for their keep"
    "he applied to the state for support"
    "he could no longer earn his own livelihood"

  2. the main tower within the walls of a medieval castle or fortress
  3. a cell in a jail or prison
  1. keep in a certain state, position, or activity; e.g.,

    "keep clean"
    "hold in place"
    "She always held herself as a lady"
    "The students keep me on my toes"

  2. continue a certain state, condition, or activity;

    "Keep on working!"
    "We continued to work into the night"
    "Keep smiling"
    "We went on working until well past midnight"

  3. retain possession of;

    "Can I keep my old stuffed animals?"
    "She kept her maiden name after she married"

  4. stop (someone or something) from doing something or being in a certain state;

    "We must prevent the cancer from spreading"
    "His snoring kept me from falling asleep"
    "Keep the child from eating the marbles"

  5. conform one's action or practice to;

    "keep appointments"
    "she never keeps her promises"
    "We kept to the original conditions of the contract"

  6. stick to correctly or closely;

    "The pianist kept time with the metronome"
    "keep count"
    "I cannot keep track of all my employees"

  7. look after; be the keeper of; have charge of;

    "He keeps the shop when I am gone"

  8. maintain by writing regular records;

    "keep a diary"
    "maintain a record"
    "keep notes"

  9. supply with room and board;

    "He is keeping three women in the guest cottage"
    "keep boarders"

  10. allow to remain in a place or position or maintain a property or feature;

    "We cannot continue several servants any longer"
    "She retains a lawyer"
    "The family's fortune waned and they could not keep their household staff"
    "Our grant has run out and we cannot keep you on"
    "We kept the work going as long as we could"
    "She retained her composure"
    "this garment retains its shape even after many washings"

  11. supply with necessities and support;

    "She alone sustained her family"
    "The money will sustain our good cause"
    "There's little to earn and many to keep"

  12. fail to spoil or rot;

    "These potatoes keep for a long time"

  13. behave as expected during of holidays or rites;

    "Keep the commandments"
    "celebrate Christmas"
    "Observe Yom Kippur"

  14. keep under control; keep in check;

    "suppress a smile"
    "Keep your temper"
    "keep your cool"

  15. maintain in safety from injury, harm, or danger;

    "May God keep you"

  16. raise;

    "She keeps a few chickens in the yard"
    "he keeps bees"

  17. retain rights to;

    "keep my job for me while I give birth"
    "keep my seat, please"
    "keep open the possibility of a merger"

  18. store or keep customarily;

    "Where do you keep your gardening tools?"

  19. have as a supply;

    "I always keep batteries in the freezer"
    "keep food for a week in the pantry"
    "She keeps a sixpack and a week's worth of supplies in the refrigerator"

  20. maintain for use and service;

    "I keep a car in the countryside"
    "She keeps an apartment in Paris for her shopping trips"

  21. hold and prevent from leaving;

    "The student was kept after school"

  22. prevent (food) from rotting;

    "preserved meats"
    "keep potatoes fresh"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. He would keep in touch with us wherever he was.
  2. Here's a five-pound note-- you can keep the change.
  3. Progress is slow but we keep battling on.
  4. Where do you keep the detergent?
  5. It is easy to open a shop but hard to keep it.
  6. Once you make a promise, you should keep it.
  7. She keeps the family on two hundred dollars a week.
  8. I have been keeping tropical fish for twenty years.
  9. I'll only keep you a few minutes.
  10. Finish off the pie-it won't keep.
  11. We're all keeping well.
  12. She kept her past secret from us all.
  13. She kept a diary for over twenty years.
  14. Once you make a promise, you should keep it.
  15. She wears a hat to keep the sun out of her eyes.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. Paul earns his keep by helping his elderly landlord.
  2. The furniture was in good keep.


用作動詞 (v.)
keep about〔around〕1( v.+adv. )
    使手邊常有 have sth always present
    keep about〔around〕 She is very ill, but she still keeps about. 她雖說病得好重,但依舊以后上班。 keep sth ? about〔around〕 I like to keep a few envelopes around in case I need them. 我最愛手邊也常有幾種文件袋,以應來襲之需。
keep about〔around〕2 ( v.+prep. )
    雇用; 擁有 have sb/sth always present in
    keep sb/sth about〔around〕 sb/sth Many people nowadays keep servants about the house. 到現在,很多人困家中聘用仆人。 People who live in the country often keep two or three dogs around the place for their own protection. 住在農村社區的他們通常包括兩三個條狗,借以保護性自身。
keep abreast of( v.+adv.+prep. )
    跟上; 保持與…并列位置 not fall behind the development, etc.; maintain one's position in a competitive situation
    keep abreast of sb/sth You'll have to run fast to keep abreast of our best runner and prevent him from winning. 你得跑得快些,穩住跑得快速的哪一位男隊員,后來完勝他。 We must keep abreast of the times. 大家就必須跟得上時期上升的步法。 We must keep abreast of the latest development in this field. 我們公司要隨時明白這樣研究方向的近期最新趨勢。 So much is happening in the world of science that it is difficult to keep abreast of all the latest developments. 有效鄰域中有了沒有多事兒,跟隨所有的新的進展很很難。 We must at all times keep abreast of changing conditions. .我在不管什么那時候都有認知變幻了的原因。 Read newspapers to keep abreast of what is going on. 瀏覽網絡,記住時事熱點。 keep sb abreast of sth Reading the People's Daily keeps us abreast of current events. 閱讀文章《民眾日報》是可以使我們公司即時理解目前小說天下事情。
keep after( v.+prep. )
    〈非正〉責備; 挑剔; 反復地要求 scold; find fault with; repeatedly ask
    keep after sb/sth The police kept after the criminal until they seized him. 警察局輕輕地努力學習追趕囚犯,陪你到把他握住。 We kept after the stolen car for twenty minutes. 我門抓住那輛失竊的機動車將近207分鐘。 keep after sb She keeps after the children the whole time, never lets them have a minute's peace. 她總愛嘮抱怨叨地訓斥同學們,從來都不叫他們有一個幾分鐘寧靜。 You'll have to keep after them if you want the work done. They're so lazy! 也許你理想進行這個運作,就須要不間斷地互相監督他倆。他倆太懶了! If you want to get any essays out of those lazybones, they have to be kept after. 你如果你想讓那方面懶人寫點哪種經典文章,就想盯著你們無可。 keep after sb to-v His mother has to keep after him to finish his homework. 他這位母親夠了不斷告訴他達到家人作業答案。 My wife kept after me to buy a new car. 我兒媳婦多次還要我買輛新客車。 Her mother had to keep after her to clean her bedroom. 她父親母親嚴禁不不停信息提示她打掃衛生大學宿舍。
keep aloof( v.+adv. )
    站得遠遠地; 不參與 keep away from; take no part in
    keep aloof Buyers are keeping aloof. 夠買者都裹足不前。 Artists can never keep aloof from the reality. 美工家1000萬必不可擺脫可能活動。 keep sb/oneself aloof from sb/sth Kehr does not enjoy parties, and usually keeps herself aloof from the other guests, not joining in conversation. 凱爾不習慣參加晚會節目,甚至總有意躲過其它的旅客,不與孩子聊天溝通。
keep apart( v.+adv. )
    (使)分開 (cause to) remain apart
    keep sb/sth apart You'd better keep the two aggressive boys apart. 你最后是把那三個好斗的男娃合在一起。 keep apart from sb/sth He's a strange boy. He keeps apart from all the activities in the school. 這類小女孩有些兒古怪手機,中小學校的其它項目他不會參與性。 keep sb/sth apart from sb/sth I like to keep my work apart from my family. 我并不很愛讓娘家人參與我的作業。
keep at( v.+prep. )
    耽擱; 延誤 delay sb at a place
    keep at sth Einstein kept at his studies and research, and finally he became a world famous scientist. 愛因斯坦始終努力地學和科研,那一刻成為了宇宙著明的實驗家。 He keeps at his studies, although he is ill. 盡管他病了,他仍持之以恒了解。 Ignoring fatigue, they kept at the job and finished it three weeks earlier than planned. 它們不在乎疲勞值維持操作,比原籌劃晚到三周進行了作業。 The work is tiring but he'll keep at it until he's finished. 這種事情太累了人,但他要堅持做下不去,有一天到位結束。 The only way to get a scientific experiment succeeded is to keep at it again and again. 使一類完美實驗設計搞成功失敗的僅有路線就維持持之以恒。 keep at sb Keep at him till he agrees. 注視他,也許他同一結束。 keep at sb to-v The children kept at their mother to take them to the movies, and she had to agree in the end. 幼兒們逼著麻麻帶你們看一部電影,最后一步,她寧愿允許。 keep sb/sth at sth The experienced teacher is used to keeping his students at hard work. 有經驗值的教練喜歡于加強監督學子用功讀書。 keep sth at hand When he writes, he always keeps a dictionary at hand. 他英語寫作時手邊總配備本一辭典。 keep sb at sth I'm sorry,I'm late.I was kept at the office. 對不上,我遲在了。我從辦公區室有點兒那些事被耽誤了。
keep away( v.+adv. )
    (使)缺席 (cause to) be absent
    keep away Danger!Thin ice.Keep away. 危害!冰很脆,別過去。 Keep away, or I'll call the police! 別了,反之我想要告警了! The police warned the people to keep away . 獄警誤報大眾不想緊靠。 Don't keep away during the roll call. 老師點名時就不要離開。 keep sb/sth ? away Would you keep that dog away, please? 請將哪一條狗牽遠些,好不? Provide the bare necessities of life, especially food; keep away hunger. 供應最有必須的居住品,特別的是食物營養,避免饑餓。 keep sb ? away We missed you at the party—what kept you away? 晚會議主持詞咱們就沒有見著你——你為什么說不參加? What kept you away yesterday? 之前你為什么在東西沒得來? An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 日常一草莓,專家不找我聊。
keep away from( v.+adv.+prep. )
    避開 abstain
    keep away from sb/sth Keep away from the furnace. 無需最靠近鍋里。 keep sb/sth away from sb/sth Keep the children away from the machine. 別讓女兒們非常接近廣州POS機。 The fence is intended to keep vehicles away from the lake shore. 這道柵欄有賴于阻住設備在湖岸開車。 Children should be kept away from the river. 不會讓嬰兒們較近那條河。 keep away from sb/sth Keep away from bad companions. 千萬別與歹人一起共事。 If you don't keep away from the dog, you may be bitten. 假設不躲避那只狗,你應該會被咬到。 Keep away from me. I've got a bad cold. 別緊挨我,我患了重流鼻涕。 He keeps away from liquor and tobacco. 他不吸二手煙,不吸二手煙。 You're getting too fat; you should keep away from greasy food. 現如今你越發越胖,可能忌很油性食材。 Einstein was a shy man and kept away from the celebrations. 愛因斯坦也是個大大咧咧的人,他避開啦喜迎會。 They can't keep away from their regular work for long. 其沒能繼續走出自身的本教辦公。 keep sb/sth away from sb/sth My mother kept me away from school yesterday. 之前,我爸爸沒給我上學了。
keep back( v.+adv. )
    扣留; 保留 withhold; reserve
    keep back They all ran forward, but I kept back. 大家 都的向前跑,因此卻留下來末尾。 keep back from sth I asked the spectators to keep back from the sideline. 我想求群眾們不需要乘車邊線。 keep sb/sth ? back You have a good chance to win, so why not try—what's keeping you back? 你截然有勝出的可能,為甚么不奮斗呢——甚么工具繩束住了你的渾身? I hope I am not keeping you back. 我渴望不會有不利于你。 The angry crowds would not keep back the barrier. 憤恨的消費群不想懸在護攔后。 You show promise as a musician but your lack of practice is keeping you back. 你凸顯出當音樂歌曲家的天資,其實欠缺活動,影晌你的發展前景。 A slow learner can keep back the whole class. 表現慢一拍的初中生會影向全班學生的前進。 I can't keep the meal back for more than half an hour to wait for our guest. 我就應該為聽候消費者而把就餐準確時間延遲決定半分鐘。 Dykes keep back the flood water. 河堤擋住洪水災害。 Brooks was able to keep back his anger and avoid a fight. 布魯克斯我己調整了各自的激動,可以減少了場較量。 keep sb/sth ? back from sth/v-ing The fighter accepted money to keep himself back from winning the fight. 這一位就業拳擊手拿了錢,因其妨礙了他在那場拳擊賽中的取勝。 keep sth ? back The prisoner was keeping back vital information. 該囚徒不樂意傾吐最重要現象。 keep sth ? back from sb You are keeping something back from us; what is it? 你也有之類事隱瞞事實咱們,算是是之類? We must hear the whole story, don't keep anything back from us. 我一定要聽一番致死案的整環節,最好不要與我覆蓋啥。 We decided to keep the rest of the bad news back from her until she was feeling stronger. 咱們打算把許多的壞小道消息瞞著她,等她身體健康會感到健壯一絲的時會再暗示她。 The doctor thought the girl's illness should be kept back from her because it was cancer. 專家人為不能夠癥狀對他說這小朋友,鑒于她得了肝癌。 keep sth ? back I kept a few books back and gave him the rest. 等等書我本人不留了幾本,另一個的都給了他。 The owner of the boat kept back half their deposit to pay for the damage they had done. 船主扣下了用戶的半個保證金,以賠償費用戶誘發的流失。 keep sth ? back for sb/sth I shall be late arriving so would you mind keeping back some food for me? 我將晚些回歸,請給他留些的食物怎么樣? The stockholders agreed to let their company keep back a part of its profits for reserve funds. 債權人們準許讓司扣押一本分盈利空間有所作為公積金貸款。 keep sb/sth ? back from sth They kept back five dollars from her wages for income tax. 大家從她公司中扣了五歐元所得的稅。
keep behind1( v.+adv. )
    使在智力上落后 cause to fall behind mentally
keep behind2 ( v.+prep. )
    把…放在…后面 have sth placed or present at the back of sth
    keep behind sb/sth Keep behind the leading runner until the last few yards, then pass him. 緊隨著領先于的是誰電競選手,熬到接下來幾碼時以上去。 keep sth behind sth I keep urgent letters behind the clock so that I will be reminded to reply. 我將關鍵的信放于鐘的后邊,免得不知道寫回信。
keep by1( v.+adv. )
    使保持在手邊 have sth at hand
    keep sth by I always keep a new tin of coffee by in case we suddenly need some more. 我手邊總是有一看新買了的藍山咖啡,以期隔三差五之需。
keep by2( v.+prep. )
    靠近 remain close to
    keep sth by sb/sth I find it helpful to keep several dictionaries by me so as to compare their wording. 發了現,手邊有幾本詞典翻譯有很大的利益,這還可以較這句話的選詞用字。 I always keep a drink of water by my bedside in case I am thirsty in the middle of the night. 我總在床沿放些水,以便下半夜口苦時喝。 keep by sb/sth Keep by me.It's so dark here. 挨著我走,這里很暗。 Keep by this ditch and you'll get there in no time. 想著這段溝走咬下去,一陣子兒就直到。
keep down( v.+adv. )
    保留在胃里 retain or hold food or drink in the stomach
    keep down He kept down in the wheat fields and escaped the enemy patrol's notice. 他蹲在麥田里,躲過后怪物門崗隊的要注意。 keep sb/sth ? down Keep your arms down by your sides. 車把臂放著二邊,無需高舉。 keep down I hope the wind keeps down, or the sea will be too rough for sailing. 機會風小些,甚至,海平面浪濤忙,就沒有辦法試航。 keep sb/sth ? down You can't keep a good man down. 優秀團隊的人是抹殺沒法的。 The army tried to keep down the Indians by force. 中國部隊迫使用勢力壓服印第安人。 We must keep down the cost of production. 人們有必要消減生產成本費用。 We tried all means to keep expenses down, but we have been spending more and more. .我煞費苦心依據限止生產,然而,.我卻越花越少。 Keep your voices down; your mother's trying to get some sleep. 說法小聲點,你寶媽想睡會兒覺。 Try to keep down your anger.It has no good to your health. 盡量避免調節你的恐懼,動怒對你的人欠佳。 She thinks that women have been kept down by men for long enough. 她看作女性受男人嗎破壞的日子都已經 夠長了。 keep sth ? down They have found out a new way to keep down weeds in paddy fields. 兩人遇了某種控住稻田除草的新措施。 Singapore has been very successful in keeping down the number of its mosquitoes. 新增坡在保持蚊蟲之類的方面拿得了非常大的的成功的。 Chemicals are used to keep the insects down. 化學式制劑采用避免蜂類滋長。 keep sb ? down Haas was afraid that if he failed his examinations again, he would be kept down next year. 哈斯在意,他只要再考不及格,下2年就得留級了。 keep sth ? down The sick man can't keep anything down. 病員胃里存出不來任何人商品。 She can't keep these powders down at all. 這一些藥粉她一吃著就是吐。
keep for( v.+prep. )
    (使)保留到…再用 (cause to) last or remain unused until a time
    keep for sth Will your story keep for another time? 是你故事故事留到接下來再講行么? keep sth for sth Let's keep the new play for the opening of the theatre. 把新排的劇留到劇院落成慶典慶典上再演吧。 We'll keep these for another day. 大家都要將這樣的再留存一天到晚。
keep from( v.+prep. )
    忍住,戒 refrain; abstain from
    keep sth from sb Can you keep a secret from your wife? 你可以對你的丈夫保密工作嗎? She can keep nothing from her friends. 她在好友人前沒哪個可保密協議的。 Be sure to keep these facts from those who are concerned. 必須不能把此類現狀顯露出一種給關干員。 keep sb/sth from sth/v-ing I don't want to keep you from your work. 我就想貽誤你的工作上。 Some paint will keep the wood from damage by water. 涂些漆面能令石頭防止遭受水的破壞。 Only pride kept her from bursting into tears. 只要主要是因為自信心她才不會有狂哭著。 Please keep the children from swimming in the sea. There are some dangerous currents just off the shore. 請不讓嬰兒們在海下游泳館,對岸有很大些危害的河水。 The government is considering further action to keep the pound from falling in value. 當地政府未能遵循采取相應再次一個腳印的措施防止出現歐元通貨膨脹。 What shall I do to keep this from getting dirty? 我該該如何辦就能夠使它免受空氣污染? keep from sb/sth/v-ing I hope you will keep from doing anything rash. 我愿意你對付各自沒有去做一點冒失的事。 He couldn't keep from laughing. 他禁停不住笑了。 “I don't worry,”he said,“but I can't keep from thinking.” “我倒不懷疑,”總理還說,“可我也由得要想。” He couldn't keep from thinking that they had changed their minds. 他不能不人為他己經提升了特別注意。 You'd better keep from bad company. 玩家能夠不要與虛偽的人做伴。 If he can keep from smoking for a month or two his health will improve. 他如何能兩三個月大不吸煙,他的身體健康一定的出現出息。 While you're covering from influenza you should try to keep from getting wet or going back to work too soon. 你正從流感癥狀中恢復過來的當時想必以便防止出現淋雨或過快遷回去干活。
keep going( v.+adj. )
    (使)繼續下去 (cause to) continue
    keep going It was exhausting work, but they managed to keep going. 這些運行著實不說還浪費了消費者的注意力,但大家亦或是努力干到地面上了。 This illness makes me feel so tired that some days I don't know how to keep going. 這病使我疲憊感不堪,偶有時,我好莫嘆是怎樣的保持進去了。 keep sb/sth going We need a new contract to keep the firm going for the rest of the year. 讓我們要訂個新補充協議使廠家年尾前另外業務可做。 It was the joint effort of many doctors that kept him going for so long. 是大量婦科醫生的同時勤奮努力才使他活了沒法久。
keep in1( v.+adv. )
    保留… cause sth such as words or actions to remain as part of writing, etc.
    keep in Seeing such fine weather, the boys could scarcely keep in. 看清這好的空氣指數,大男孩們在屋內呆不了。 You'd better keep in until it blows over. 你最后等風以后再過去。 keep sb in The doctor kept him in for a week. 醫師要他呆在屋內睡覺一時間。 keep sb in The teacher kept the student in because he was naughty. 那樣學子所以調皮被講師下學后回到該校里。 The boy was kept in until six o'clock. 這小寶寶被落到幼兒園總是到六點。 keep sth ? in You should keep in your bad temper. 你必須掌控本身的壞暴脾氣。 It was impossible for the children to keep in their laughter any longer. 叫學生們不必再笑出了,是是必須能的。 I was very angry but was able to keep it in and spoke to him pleasantly. 我很發脾氣,但也是操縱住了我,仍和顏悅色地跟他表態發言。 keep in The fire will keep in if you add coal into it from time to time. 不停添點煤,火就沒熄。 The stove will keep in all night if you put enough coal on in the evening. 是我在每天晚上加足煤,燃氣爐便通霄是不會熄火。 keep sth in You needn't keep the fire in while you are out. 人并不在時你并不一直以來都生火災。 keep sth ? in Stand straight and keep your stomach muscles in. 請站直,收腹。 keep sth ? in I always keep some good wine in for unexpected guests. 我總手機截圖些好酒把他們拿來宴請不速之客。 keep sth ? in But that's the best joke in the play; let's keep it in. 但記得整個戲中最激動人心的是一個說笑,就刪去著吧。
keep in2( v.+prep. )
    撫養; 維持 support sb in a certain style
keep in with( v.+adv.+prep. )
    與(某人)保持友好關系; 討好(某人) be on good terms with (sb)
    keep in with sb I'm trying to keep in with them. 你去不遺余力與大家保持良好團結相關。 It will pay you to keep in with the director, as his influence could get you a better position in the firm. 跟她的室主任加強有關,你永不易委曲求全的,正因為他的直接影響會令當你在機構一兩個好的行政職務。 The shopkeeper managed to keep in with his customers. 老板娘事先與求美者作好的聯系。 We'll have to keep in with her in case we can't ever pay the rent. 你們大家不能不已經巴結她,提防你們大家萬每付沒法商鋪租金。 You should keep in with him as he is very influential. 你必須要巴結他,可能他是很有決定的反派人物。
keep indoors( v.+adv. )
    (使)留在戶內、室內 (cause to) remain inside the house
    keep indoors Mother was advised to keep indoors for a week after her cough seemed better. 主任醫生囑托父親支氣管炎見好之前在房里呆一禮拜,不能出門在外。 keep sb/sth indoors They kept the child indoors. 他倆把兒童滯留室內裝修。 We keep the dog indoors on cold nights. 在嚴寒的晚上我們大家把狗關到房間。 We were kept indoors all week by bad weather. 因的天氣不容易,我們都整整的五天未回家。
keep of( v.+prep. )
    使…處于某種狀態 cause to remain a state of
    keep sth of sb/sth The teacher could not keep control of the class any longer. 一位語文老師我就管控不好那班學員了。 The director kept control of most of the shares, but another man was appointed to run the business. 營銷經理保持著太基本上股份公司,而另有三人被指派承擔合作經營中小企業。 We need a better system for keeping count of people who attend our concerts. 他們公司須得的更先進典型的法律依據數據受邀出席他們公司自身會的數量。 Keep hold of the rope, and we'll pull you up. 把握住細繩,小編讓你拉打上來。 In a fierce argument, it is often difficult to keep hold of one's main point. 在斗志昂揚的辯駁中,一家人非常難把捏住住自行的常見論點,使之不來樣。 I like to keep sight of the children while they are playing. 我喜愛在兒童們玩的的時候總是眼看著我們。 Always keep sight of your main purpose in life. 要始終如一把自家的人生圖片大部分工作目標記在心頭。 How do you keep track of such a large family? 這般同一個大眾庭你是如可照管的呢? The library has a new system for keeping track of its books. 閱覽室館還有一個套新方案來熟記閱覽室的問題。
keep off1( v.+adv. )
    (雨、雪等)沒有下 not arrive, fall or occur, especially of rain, snow, etc.
    keep off They asked the spectators to keep off. 大家要球迷站開些。 keep sb/sth ? off Keep the children off.It's dangerous here! 別讓男孩們挨到,這里的英文危害! Cage tends to keep off people who try to be friendly too suddenly. 凱奇之所以也不肯介于那方面無緣無故對她說道和睦相處的人。 He burnt a mosquito coil to keep off the mosquitoes. 他打燃一把蚊香以驅走蟑螂。 Keep your hands off! 勿用力摸! Draw the curtain to keep the sun off. 丟開窗紗,擋擋光照。 We must keep the enemy's attack off until dark. 天黑前大家應當按照抵住仇敵的出兵。 keep off The fishing boats will put out to sea if the storm keeps off tomorrow morning. 今天清晨起床后要是不刮暴風,機動船就海上捕魚打魚。 Will the rain keep off until after the game? 比賽勝出完成后才會降雨吧?
keep off2( v.+prep. )
    禁食 not take sth for health
    keep off sth He told the boys playing football to keep off the grass. 他提醒有些踢籃球的小朋友們不可踩踏草皮。 keep sb/sth off sb/sth Mother will keep Cabe off school until her stomach trouble is better. 老媽將等凱布的胃炎好某些后,再讓她去就學。 I tried to keep the flies off this dish. 我盡量阻止蚊蟲落在菜盤上。 The crowd could not keep their eyes off the beautiful young singer. 朋友若有所思地看向這位漂亮的活力歌唱家。 He learned the hard way to keep his hands off other men's wives. 他得 到酸心,才不能去染指別個的了老婆大人。 keep off sth By mutual consent, the negotiators kept off political differences, and concentrated on the military issue. 經兩人統一,會談代表英文擺脫政治學上的差異,一起審議美國軍事現象。 He embarrassed the government by refusing to keep off the problem of unemployment. 他不能躲著失業金話題,搞得人民政府很受委屈。 I suggest that you keep off religion while the priest is here. 我推薦 ,那牧師列席時你也不要討論教派的問題。 keep off sth The doctor has advised him to keep off fattening food. 大夫已最好是他別吃致肥蛋白質食物。 The doctor ordered the patient to keep off all solid food for at least twenty-four hours. 主任醫師吩咐住院病人每組二十五四小時候內不需要吃任何人固態物體的食物。 The doctor has told me to keep off cigarettes and alcohol. 博士跟我戒除抽煙喝酒。
keep on1( v.+adv. )
    反復提及,抱怨 mention or complain about sth repeatedly, especially in an irritating way
    keep on The climbers kept on in the hope of reaching the top with one last effort. 爬山女隊們持續后退,愿后破釜沉舟地實現山頂。 We kept on in spite of every difficulty. 無論怎樣有一種種難處,企業仍持之以恒咬下去。 keep on v-ing Why do you keep on smiling? 你為這些時不時笑? He kept on smoking after the doctor told him to stop. 醫生專家都勸慰他戒煙,可他仍重新其他沒有煙癮。 She kept on talking long after we had stopped listening. 人們止住認真聽講很多年未來的日子里,她更是不斷的地談著。 I kept on making the same mistakes and the teacher was annoyed. 我總愛犯金橋接地銅絞線——加塑銅絞線的嚴重錯誤,老師們所以很不開心。 He kept on playing the violin. 他再拉鋼琴。 He kept on phoning me, and I really don't want to talk to him. 他不斷地我想要發過來打電話,可我的確不像和你不話。 Don't keep on asking such questions! 不用經常問一類大問題。 keep on with sth Let us keep on with our work. 要當我們仍然干吧。 Are the tourists going to keep on with their trip? 游人們是不是也想法持續度假游? keep sth ? on It's rather cold here.You'd better keep your overcoat on. 那里一樣冷,你最好的是身穿大衣。 All right, keep your hair on!Nobody's blaming you! 得了,別鬧脾氣,誰也沒抱怨你。 keep sb/sth ? on Are you going to keep the flat on if your company sends you abroad? 這樣彼此機構給你派到加拿大去,你還是想法不斷租憑這客房間嗎? Were you able to keep both the gardeners on? 你還是能立刻聘請這數十名花匠嗎? keep on about/at sb/sth The old lady kept on about her illness. 那老妻子沒完死了地講她的患者。 She kept on at her boss to treat her a trip. 她再三需要管理者讓她免費的旋行以此。 She keeps on at the children all day about one thing or another. 她總為這回或那事斥責同學。
keep on2( v.+prep. )
    (使)繼續服藥或接受訓練 (cause to) continue taking medicine or following a course
    keep on sth How do you keep on a horse? 你怎么樣才能騎在立刻? No matter what happens to everyone else,Mr. Smith will keep on top. 不管是另外人的發生一些前提,史密斯某先生將穩坐天下。 keep sth on sth She kept her hat on her head with a long pin. 她用長帽針把禮帽堅定不移地戴在屁股上。 It's hard to keep your mind on your work with all this noise going on. 在這般嘈雜聲中太難讓他堅持集中精力事業。 This new contract should keep the business on its feet for another six months, but after that the future is uncertain. 我英文新合同說明能能使集團再支承幾年,后怎么樣才能就難會說。 We may have to keep the contract on ice until we have the supplies to fulfil it. 公司可能性得先把承包合同說明在一面,等自從有了承擔承包合同說明需要備考的快件完后你說。 keep on sth If we keep on our way for another hour we should reach the village. 只要再一直往前走走部分時,我們大家就到那么小村子了。 It's hard for a former prisoner to keep on the rails. 讓蹲過牢房的人遵紀遵章守紀是不易事。 keep sb/sth on sth The captain was able to keep the ship on her course in spite of the storm. 縱然有雷霆,輪機長仍使船沿河道再出航。 keep on sth Will you keep on the course of exercises until you are thinner? 我能依然此項的訓練,到身休瘦下去截止嗎? keep sb on sth The doctor wants to keep Mother on the medicine for another month. 麻醉醫生要產婦把這藥再用藥有一天時間。
keep out( v.+adv. )
    扣留; 保留,留出 withhold; reserve; save
    keep out Danger!Keep out! 危險區!絕不入內! keep sb/sth ? out This notice should keep unwanted visitors out. 這一條啟事能夠把閑人拒之光外。 Walls and drains have been built to keep out sand and water. 患者修建了土墻和排出污水溝來避免 大風和洪澇。 We must try some way to keep out the dust. 公司得想個各種方法來允許浮土滲入。 The poor worker's thin jacket couldn't keep out the cold. 那叫一個窮施工人員的薄褂子擋不動寒氣。 Warm clothing helps to keep out the cold. 溫暖的的衣服可驅寒。 The trees keep out the wind. 等樹可能擋風。 keep sth out The best cuts of the meat were kept out for the sick and wounded. 好的幾塊錢肉留下來了傷勢員。
keep out of( v.+adv.+prep. )
    (使…)置身于…之外 (cause to) stay away from usually sth bad
    keep out of sth The children have been warned to keep out of the fields while the crops are growing. 已禁告兒童不能到莊稼莊稼地去。 Keep out of my way, can't you?I need room to get past! 別擋我的路,行沒有? 讓我讓個部分過去的英文! keep sb/sth out of sth The cook keeps everybody out of kitchen while he is working. 主廚干活兒時,讓所有人流入伙房。 Keep that dog out of my study. 不必讓哪條狗進去我的臥房。 keep out of sth You should keep out of our quarrel. 就別插足我們的的抱怨。 Keep out of what doesn't concern you. 躲開與你相關的事。 Tell the children to keep out of mischief. 叫胎兒們無需一敗涂地。 “This is our family's affair,” he said. “You keep out of it.” 女人說:“這只是.我的家庭矛盾,你無需參與。” keep sb/sth out of sth I hope you'll keep him out of trouble while I'm away. 你不在時,愿你要幫他與世瑣事。 The children don't do much at their youth club, but at least it keeps them out of harm's way. 即便孩子們在青男孩聚樂部里干不聊一些,但在哪里最起碼能否不掉那些事。 Keep your nose out of my affairs! 不要想太多我的事!
keep till〔until〕( v.+prep. )
    把…留到,保留到; 保持到(某時)不壞; 等到 save sth to a point in time; remain in good condition until a point in time; wait until a time
    keep till〔until〕 sth The milk won't keep till tomorrow; we'd better drink it now. 酸奶留不足下次,大家建議沒多久喝掉。 Writing that letter will have to keep until tomorrow. 寫那封信的事只有你走以后明日而且了。 Can't your story keep until another time? 未能再找時間段講你的歷史故事嗎? keep sth till〔until〕 sth The teacher kept the whole class till four o'clock. 音樂老師把班里同學們留到三點。 The library will let you keep the book till next week. 書刊館會把書借你一個禮拜。 Keep this ring until my return. 把耳環保管好,我等你取回來時你說。
keep to( v.+prep. )
    將…的數量限制在 limit sb/sth to a certain number or quantity
    keep to sth I kept to my tent. 剛想直呆在露營帳篷里。 She was obliged to keep to her bed because of a fever. 她因發高燒而不允許不平躺著做愛。 When Gaer is in a bad temper, she keeps to her room all day. 蓋爾情趣不佳時,天天把自已關到屋里里。 keep to sth If you keep to the main road you won't get lost. 比如你圍著樹干道走,就不可能夢游。 keep to sth In discussing this problem we ought to keep to the point at issue. 小組討論這款一些問題時,人們可以抓取爭辯點。 I must keep to what I've seen with my own eyes. 我只談以下我我親眼所見所聞的事。 keep sb to sth It is part of the chairman's duty to keep each speaker to the point to save wasting time. 使某位演講人不離題,少浪費時,是主特人人的有些主要職責。 keep to sth The tourists insist on keeping to their plan. 旅游者堅持學習按旅游項目作事。 The priest kept to his beliefs in spite of cruel treatment. 那牧師也許遭受慘無人道的正確對待,他仍不加棄我的英雄主義。 Traffic regulations should always be kept to at any time. 其它那時候,老百姓要遵循交通線法律法規。 keep sb to sth I shall keep you to your promise to come and see us next year. 讓我我能應遵照自身的承諾,來年來咱們。 keep to oneself There are only a man and his wife living there.They keep entirely to themselves. 就有一名男人愛和他的妻兒住在哪里有,你是不與別人往來。 keep sth to oneself I'll thank you to keep your opinion to yourself. 我麻煩你別刊出自身的觀點。 keep sb/sth to sth I don't want too many people to come to the party.Please keep the guests to about fifty. 我不會想讓太滿的人來前往參加匯演。把老客戶調控在50位身邊吧! Keep his remarks to the minimum and let other people have chances to present their views. 把他的領導講話控制得盡量短些,好讓外人也是有次數收錄意見書。
keep together( v.+adv. )
    (使)保持行動協調 (cause to) maintain a coordinated action
    keep together He has tied the sticks firmly. He hopes they will keep together. 他把木柴捆帶得緊緊抓住的,期望它們的不可能炸開。 When the mist comes down, we must keep together or we'll be lost. 霧身處時,咱們最佳呆在分著,除非會走散的。 keep sb/sth together I'd like to keep the children together in school. 我周創把學生們集合到培訓機構里。 You must learn to keep your things together and not leave them all over the house. 你就必須學到打掃收拾自個兒的方面,別在屋里里外面亂丟亂排。 A library usually keeps books of the same kind together. 少兒圖館一般是把同樣的書在一個。 It is really incredible that these old records have been kept together through the centuries. 某些古文明的專著居然導出了幾百塊年而不散失,就是其特性很難置信。 keep together We try to keep together as a family. 我們的盡量團結互助得像的一親朋好友。 You singers must keep together or you will spoil the music. 您們這樣的男歌手必須要唱得諧音同調,反之就把小提琴曲糟蹋了。 keep sb together The conductor is good at keeping the players together. 搖滾樂隊指揮手勢敢于使吹奏者者吹奏者互相配合。 Facing a common enemy keeps the nation together. 看待共同利益的敵方,各省人民群眾萬眾執意。 The party was kept together by personal loyalty to the leader. 這點黨是靠對領袖的人忠實而維持在一齊的。
keep under1( v.+adv. )
    控制; 壓迫 control; oppress
    keep under The two scouts, swimming across the river, managed to keep under as the enemy's searchlight raked the surface. 當仇恨的探照燈掃過江面時,那幾名泅水過江的情報偵察員以便躲在水中。 keep sb/sth ? under He tried to swim, but a strong current kept him under and he drowned. 他受盡折磨著游水,但被股激流壓去淹結業了。 keep sb/sth ? under The firemen tried their best to keep the flame under. 消防火災師盡大家更大的奮斗把燃燒物操控住。 You won't keep her under for much longer. 你明確不出她什么時間了。 Former rulers kept the people under, but now they have been allowed to hold elections and have much more freedom. 很久很久的掌權者老是勒住民眾,但目前,民眾被能如期舉行大選并上了更多的的公民權。 The fire was finally kept under. 濃煙那一刻被壓落下去了。
keep under2( v.+prep. )
    控制住…; 保密 continue to be able to control sth/sb; keep secret
keep up( v.+adv. )
    使熬夜 prevent sb from going to bed at the usual time
    keep up The surviving sailors managed to keep up for several hours and were eventually picked up by a lifeboat. 這些幸存的海員盡可能在表面浮了幾小時,就此被救生艇救了開來。 keep sb/sth ? up Are these pillars strong enough to keep up that dome? 這幾條柱子撐經得住什么橢圓形樓頂嗎? The children use water wings to keep themselves up in the water while they're learning to swim. 學生們們在學暢游有時候用浮圈使各自浮在面上。 keep up In spite of the unfavorable weather, the grain output of the farm kept up and even increased a little than last year. 就算氣溫不理想,糧食收購出現沒有降低,以至于比前年還略微上升。 keep sth ? up They worked hard every day to keep their experimental plot up. 他隨時腳踏實地艱苦奮斗,以把疲勞試驗田種好。 keep up The work is too difficult for me and I am not able to keep up. 工做太難關了,我很難遇上人家。 keep sth up The municipal authorities have kept the roads up well. 市政建設外蒙古獨立把發展維護得非常不錯。 It's silly to spend money just to keep up appearances. 實際上因為撐臉面而那么砸錢是愚昧無知的。 The historic mansion was presented by the owner to the city, and is now kept up by the local authorities. 這其它發展歷史重要性的大樓是房主拱手相送地市的,現如今由點政府護膚返修。 keep sth ? up We are very anxious to keep up the reputation of the firm. 我們公司這對于確保企業名稱的榮譽比較急于。 They have kept up their friendship for thirty years. 他倆的團結現在已經保持了三十四年。 We kept up a regular correspondence with them. 大家一直同她們保護做好電力去聯系。 The ancient custom of well-dressing is still kept up in many Derbyshire villages. 穿恰當面的古習慣在德貝夏郡范圍越來越多村莊里一支還始終保持著。 keep up Their spirits kept up well in spite of setbacks. 一直以來備受經歷挫折,其的熱忱不變。 keep sth ? up The men kept up their morale in spite of untold hardships. 雖說歷經了比較的艱難曲折困苦,站士們仍始終維持著蓬勃計程車氣。 Keep it up! Final victory is in sight. 始終去!到最后大獲全勝現在已經在望了。 keep up I hope the weather will keep up. 我想要氣溫持續晴空萬里。 keep sb ? up Don't keep the children up too late. 別讓胎兒們睡得太晚。 I don't want to keep you up; you look very sleepy. 你沒辦法叫你長期熬夜,你見到去現已十分的困倦了。
keep up to( v.+adv.+prep. )
    跟上 remain level with
    keep up to sth The meat prices keep up to last month's level. 肉價與月末一個高。 keep sth up to sth The landlord keeps the rent up to last year's level. 屋主把房費訂得與20年相似高。 keep up to sb I had to run to keep up to the girls. 我得跑去甩開那方面女性。 You should work hard to keep up to other students. 你得認真深造以到了另外人。
keep up with( v.+adv.+prep. )
    保持接觸 maintain contact with
keep with( v.+prep. )
    陪伴 accompany
    keep sth with sth Why do you keep the knives with the forks?I separate mine. 你為那些把刀叉都放在一 起?我的刀叉分著放。 keep with sb I'll keep with you to the bus terminal. 我陪我到通用氣車終端站。
keep within( v.+prep. )
    保持在…內 be limited by
    keep within sth Make sure you keep within the new lower speed limit. 請需不需要高于新的限速。 keep sth within sth The firm's costs must be kept within bounds on this new contract. 會根據發自內心新借款合同,工廠的價格要規程在規程的面積之外。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+形容詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • What God hath done for you ye take no keepe. 出自: A. Barclay
  • If you kept small rules, you could break the big ones. 出自: G. Orwell
  • He kept the dinner appointment. 出自: E. O
目次 緒論 查詞時代