

[spend]     [spend]    
  • n. 預算;花銷
  • v. 花費;浪費;度過;用盡(氣力等)
spendable spender spent spent spending spends



n. (名詞)
  1. 預算
  2. 花銷,開銷,花費
  3. 消費總額
v. (動詞)
  1. 用盡,耗盡,用完
  2. 浪費,亂花,濫用
  3. 花,費,用(錢),花費, 支出
  4. 度過
  5. 消耗,消磨(時間)
  6. 產(卵)
  7. 過(日子)
  8. 花時間,花費精力
  9. (使)筋疲力盡,(使)極度衰弱
  10. 獻出(生命)
  11. 把用于…
  12. 失去(桅桿)


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 用錢; 花錢 pay out money in order to get sth
  2. vt. 度過; 用盡 pass time; finish


  1. pass time in a specific way;

    "how are you spending your summer vacation?"

  2. pay out;

    "spend money"

  3. spend completely;

    "I spend my pocket money in two days"



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. The average spend on higher education was 55 pounds per head.
  2. The new law will put a lid on government spend.
用作動詞 (v.)
  1. The time I spend in commuting every day adds up to three hours.
  2. You really shouldn't spend so much effort on it.
  3. We should not spend our fortune.
  4. How do you spend your spare time?
  5. Cowboys spend most of their time out of doors.


用作動詞 (v.)
spend for (v.+prep.)
    為…花費… use (an amount of money) to pay for (sth)
    spend sth for sth/v-ing Her husband spent thousand yuan for a second-hand computer. 她的丈夫出軌花了1000買來單臺九成新新電腦。 His wife spends a lot of money for her dresses every month. 他的前妻沒月花太多錢買羽絨服衣服。 He spends his spare time for visiting workers. 他空閑時間間隔都代替看望操作人員。
spend in (v.+prep.)
    在…上花費 use up or consume sth
    spend sth (in) sth/v-ing I spent a week in Spain this summer. 近年秋冬我想去匈牙利熬過了周。 They will spend three years in prison. 兩人要在牢房里關四年。 She spent three hours in watching TV. 她看智能電視耗沒了二個個小時。 I spent my holidays in travelling in Scotland. 我的長假是在蘇格蘭文旅重度過的。 He spent a pleasant hour in talking with friends. 他在和同學溝通交流中舒適地過了小時候。 She spent a good deal of time going over your paper. 她花了許許多多時期你看的綜述。 They spent the rest of the morning wandering in the streets. 大家早起湊夠的準確時間都時用游玩了。 He spent his life writing the book. 別用一代子寫這小說。 He spent a pleasant hour talking with friends. 他跟伙伴們聊天,愉悅地舒服的度過了了個鐘頭。 Don't spend your money in gambling. 別把錢花在賭搏上。 A week may be spent in seeing the interesting sights of the city. 都可以花15天的事件過此地該城的景點。 The day before his departure was spent packing his luggage. 他撤出的前某天都常做打點行禮箱。
spend on (v.+prep.)
    把…花在… use sth for sth/sb
    spend sth on sth/v-ing He doesn't spend much time on his homework. 他花在做作業上的時長有限。 She spent half her salary on clothing. 她把工資收入的半截使用于買羽絨服衣服。 She spent a great deal of money on a new car. 她花了越來越多錢去買一艘大眾新車。 He spends his part of the money he made from selling newspapers on chemicals for his experiments. 他把賣報賺來的錢的這方面買做實驗報告用的檢查是否放射性藥品。 He spends pages on it in his book. 他在他的文中花了些篇數來闡明這點事。 This student seems to have spent much effort on his piece of writing. 這留學生幾乎在這篇這段話上花的少林功夫巨大。 He spends a lot of money on entertaining friends. 他把大部分錢花在款待同學上。 He has spent a small fortune on improving his property. 他花了一大大筆錢來減少他的房地產。
spend up (v.+adv.)
    把錢花光 have no money left
    be spent up I can't afford a ticket,I'm spent up. 被我錢花掉了,沒有錢買票了。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • Magee spent his wealth for more power. 出自: L. Steffens
  • He spends his money like water. 出自: S. Delaney
  • I spent..half my wages on nude magazines. 出自: M. Amis
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