

[r?'ta??(r)]     [r?'ta??r]    
  • v. 退休;撤退;離去;就寢;主動退出比賽;收回(貨幣);贖回(票據)
  • n. 退休,退職
retired retired retiring retires



v. (動詞)
  1. 撤退,退卻,后退
  2. 退休,退職,退役
  3. 離開,退出;告退;退隱,隱居
  4. 就寢,去睡覺
  5. 使退休,使退役
  6. 【軍】撤退,退卻,后退
  7. 退去,退下
  8. 撤回
  9. 贖回,收回
  10. 【棒】使出局
  11. 撤離
  12. 引退
  13. 似在后退
  14. 辭退,解職
  15. 使停止使用
  16. 使(擊球手)出局
n. (名詞)
  1. 退隱,隱居
  2. 退隱所
  3. 【軍】退兵信號
  4. 撤退號
  5. 退休,退職


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. (使)退休; 退下; 撤退 (cause to) stop working at one's job, profession, etc.; go away to a quiet or less control place; move back intentionally, without being forced to
  2. vi. 就寢 go to bed


  1. go into retirement; stop performing one's work or withdraw from one's position;

    "He retired at age 68"

  2. withdraw from active participation;

    "He retired from chess"

  3. pull back or move away or backward;

    "The enemy withdrew"
    "The limo pulled away from the curb"

  4. withdraw from circulation or from the market, as of bills, shares, and bonds
  5. break from a meeting or gathering;

    "We adjourned for lunch"
    "The men retired to the library"

  6. make (someone) retire;

    "The director was retired after the scandal"

  7. dispose of (something no longer useful or needed);

    "She finally retired that old coat"

  8. lose interest;

    "he retired from life when his wife died"

  9. cause to be out on a fielding play
  10. cause to get out;

    "The pitcher retired three batters"
    "the runner was put out at third base"

  11. prepare for sleep;

    "I usually turn in at midnight"
    "He goes to bed at the crack of dawn"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. My father retired at the age of 60.
  2. The old worker decided to retire to the country.
  3. Our forces retired to prepared positions.
  4. After lunch he retired to his study.
  5. I decided to retire early with a book.
  6. She fell badly, spraining her ankle, and had to retire.
  7. Companies may retire their bonds payable before maturity.


用作動詞 (v.)
retire from (v.+prep.)
    從…撤退 move back from (a position)
    retire from sth/v-ing When Jim's uncle retired from the railway company, he was given a gold watch. 吉姆的伯父從軌道上退休之時有一點金表。 They had decided to retire from farming. 其取決不要種地。 Gradually the shore retired from view. 港灣越來越向后走,從而從視角中不見了。 retire sth from sth The government retires worn or torn dollar bills from use. 縣政府將破舊的人名幣收售注銷。 retire from sth The officer ordered the troop to retire from the action. 軍宮嚴令將家撤出戰場。 The soldiers received orders to retire from the positions that they had just won. 兵士們送到命令行從這些人不久前攻占的場地上投降。
retire from the world (v.+prep.+n.)
    歸隱 enter a religious order, or live alone from principle, seeing no one
retire into oneself (v.+prep.+pron.)
    變得沉默寡言,不愿同別人交談 become very quiet and unwilling to talk to people
retire on (v.+prep.)
    退休后靠…(生活) have a (income) at the end of one's working life
    retire on sth People who retire on fixed incomes have the greatest difficulty with rising prices. 靠穩定養老金金生活中的人最為困難的以敷衍的沒有斷飛漲的商品價格。
retire to (v.+prep.)
    退到,去往… move to (a place) at the end of one's life's work
    retire to sth He retired to his bedroom. 他回臥房去。 At the end of the meal, we all retired to the garden. 一吃飯后后,自己都到家園里去。 Many people retire to the country, where they can enjoy peace and fresh air. 非常幾十人退休工資后遷往鄉間來了,在在那里大家能否獲取幽靜并呼氣到新鮮松茸空氣的。 The old man retired to the country for rest. 這名老父進村休息日想去。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • He made retire From his companions, and set forth. 出自: Keats
  • No. 28 overturned and..retired from the race. 出自: E. Waugh
  • They retired early and lay in their beds. 出自: E. Langley
  • The doctor in disgust..had retired to the country. 出自: G. Greene
  • His illness..finally forced him to retire. 出自: E. Pawel





  • retired adj. 退休的;退職的;退后的‖retiredness n. 退休‖retirement n. 退休,退職,退役


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