

[d?s't?ɑ?d?]     [d?s't?ɑ?rd?]    
  • v. 排出;釋放;解雇;放電;解除;清償債務
  • n. 卸貨;釋放;發射;放電;準許離開;排出物
dischargeable dischargee discharged discharged discharging discharges



v. (動詞)
  1. 卸下(船)上的貨物,卸掉…的負載
  2. 卸(貨)
  3. 下(客)
  4. 打(槍),射(箭),發射(導彈)
  5. 放出,排出,排泄
  6. 允許…離開,準許(某人)離開
  7. 清償(債務等)
  8. 【律】撤銷(法院命令),免除(債務人或破產者的)債務
  9. 履行(義務、職責、誓約等),盡(職),完成
  10. 【法律】釋放(被拘留的被告)
  11. 解散
  12. 【圖書館學】銷掉借閱記錄
  13. 【電】使(蓄電池等)放電
  14. 【紡】為(織物)拔染
  15. 【建筑】分布(載荷),轉移(載荷)
  16. 解除負擔
  17. 出膿,流濃,出水
  18. 開火,開槍,射擊,發射,爆炸
  19. (顏料等)滲開
  20. 【電】放電,失去蓄有的電
n. (名詞)
  1. 卸貨,起貨
  2. 釋放
  3. 解雇,免職
  4. 解職令
  5. 發射,射出
  6. 退伍證明書
  7. 放出的電
  8. 退伍
  9. 排出,流出,排泄
  10. 執行,履行
  11. 發射,開炮
  12. 放出氣體、液體
  13. 流量


n. (名詞)
  1. [U]獲準離開,釋放 discharging or being discharge
  2. [U]排出,放出,放電 that which is discharged
v. (動詞)
  1. vi. 卸船 unload cargo from a ship
  2. vt. & vi. 放出; 流出 give or send out liquid, gas, electric current, etc.
  3. vt. 開槍; 發射 fire a gun, etc.; let fly an arrow or other missile
  4. vt. 償還 pay a debt
  5. vt. 執行; 履行 perform a duty


  1. the sudden giving off of energy
  2. the act of venting
  3. a substance that is emitted or released
  4. any of several bodily processes by which substances go out of the body;

    "the discharge of pus"

  5. electrical conduction through a gas in an applied electric field
  6. the pouring forth of a fluid
  7. the termination of someone's employment (leaving them free to depart)
  8. a formal written statement of relinquishment
  9. the act of discharging a gun
  1. complete or carry out;

    "discharge one's duties"

  2. pour forth or release;

    "discharge liquids"

  3. free from obligations or duties
  4. remove the charge from
  5. go off or discharge;

    "The gun fired"

  6. pronounce not guilty of criminal charges;

    "The suspect was cleared of the murder charges"

  7. eliminate (a substance);

    "combustion products are exhausted in the engine"
    "the plant releases a gas"

  8. leave or unload;

    "unload the cargo"
    "drop off the passengers at the hotel"

  9. cause to go off;

    "fire a gun"
    "fire a bullet"

  10. release from military service
  11. become empty or void of its content;

    "The room emptied"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. The Nile discharge itself into the Mediterranean.
  2. The water pipe doesn't discharge freely.
  3. The judge discharged the prisoner.
  4. I am going to discharge our chauffeur.
  5. Severe variations deform the discharge curves.
  6. Thus, the discharge lamp starts with certainty.
  7. The carrier may discharge the goods into any depot.
  8. We have to discharge our debts.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. How long will the discharge of the cargo take?
  2. The prisoner was glad to get his discharge.
  3. The simultaneous discharge of these guns destroyed enemy's defence.
  4. According to the electron collision ionization theory of Townsend, the electron avalanche is the basic process in gas discharge.
  5. So far,China has designated 34 dumping areas for dredged materials of the third category and four areas for midair oil discharge.


用作動詞 (v.)
discharge from (v.+prep.)
    遣走…,讓…離走 send (sb) away; allow (sb) to leave
    discharge sth from sth A lot of people discharged the cargo from a ship. 一部分人從船中卸除快件。 The captain ordered his men to discharge the cargo from the ship at Keelung Dock. 艦長ps命令部下在基隆卸除船里的物貨。 discharge sth from sth The boy discharged a stone from a sling. 一個小男生用彈弓把石子射了到處。 discharge sb from sth They discharged him from prison. 孩子把他從強戒里放了得出來。 The man was discharged from his post. 這各人被接除了職位。 She was discharged from the company. 她被司解雇了。
discharge into (v.+prep.)
    放出,流出 give or send out
    discharge sth into sth The Nile discharges itself into the Mediterranean. 尼羅河里獲取輕奢極簡。 The river Thames discharges itself into the sea some miles east of London. 泰晤士河在巴黎東邊數英里處流通量大海深處。 The factory discharge its waste into the river. 這公司將廢品傾瀉到河里。 Factories chimneys discharge smoke into the atmosphere. 加工廠的煙筒向高樓排風。
discharge of (v.+prep.)
    執行(職責) perform
    discharge oneself of sth We have to discharge ourselves of our duties. 小編的要盡小編的的崗位責任。


用作名詞 (n.)
形容詞+~ ~+名詞 ~+介詞
用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • I sent for a notary, and caused him to draw up a general release or discharge. 出自: Defoe
  • I discharge thee of thy prisoner. 出自:Much Ado about Nothing , Shakespeare
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