

[r?'p??t]     [r?'p??rt]    
  • n. 報告;傳聞;成績單;爆炸聲
  • v. 報告;報導;敘述;舉報;報到;對…負責
reportable reported reported reporting reports



n. (名詞)
  1. 報告(書)
  2. 傳聞,傳說
  3. 爆炸聲
  4. 通訊
  5. 報導
  6. 名聲
  7. <英>成績報告單
  8. 匯報
  9. 槍聲
  10. 風評
  11. 公報
  12. 【議會】記錄
  13. 速記
  14. 【律】審判記錄
  15. 意見書
  16. 申請書
v. (動詞)
  1. 報告(情況),發表公報,就…提出報告
  2. (使)報到
  3. 發表,公布,宣告
  4. 傳聞,傳說
  5. 告發,揭發,舉報
  6. 當記者
  7. 記述,描述,敘述
  8. 寫報導
  9. 告知,呈報,匯報
  10. 回報作報告,打報告
  11. 傳達(人的話)
  12. 品評,訪問,采訪
  13. 通訊
  14. 記錄(講演等以備發表)
  15. 報道,報導
  16. 轉述
  17. 記錄
  18. 說明
  19. 交回議會辯論(常與out連用)
  20. 歸…領導
  21. 對 ... 負責


n. (名詞)
  1. [C]報告,報道 spoken or written account of sth heard, seen, done, studied, etc., especially one that is published or broadcast
  2. [C]成績報告單,工作鑒定書 periodical written statement about a pupil's or an employee's work and conduct
  3. [U]傳聞,謠言,流言蜚語 common talk or rumour; piece of gossip
  4. [U]名聲,名譽 way in which sb/sth is spoken of
  5. [C]爆炸聲 explosive sound, like that of a gun being fired
v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 報告; 報道 provide information (about) or give an account (of); make (sth) known; write or give an account of (a piece of news)
  2. vt. & vi. 公布,宣布,宣告; 當記者 make sth known, especially by publishing or broadcasting; announce; work as a reporter
  3. vt. 告發; 舉報 make a complaint about
  4. vt. & vi. 報到 go or be present


  1. a written document describing the findings of some individual or group;

    "this accords with the recent study by Hill and Dale"

  2. the act of informing by verbal report;

    "he heard reports that they were causing trouble"
    "by all accounts they were a happy couple"

  3. a short account of the news;

    "the report of his speech"
    "the story was on the 11 o'clock news"
    "the account of his speech that was given on the evening news made the governor furious"

  4. a sharp explosive sound (especially the sound of a gun firing);

    "they heard a violent report followed by silence"

  5. a written evaluation of a student's scholarship and deportment;

    "his father signed his report card"

  6. an essay (especially one written as an assignment);

    "he got an A on his composition"

  7. the general estimation that the public has for a person;

    "he acquired a reputation as an actor before he started writing"
    "he was a person of bad report"

  1. to give an account or representation of in words;

    "Discreet Italian police described it in a manner typically continental"

  2. announce as the result of an investigation or experience or finding;

    "Dozens of incidents of wife beatings are reported daily in this city"
    "The team reported significant advances in their research"

  3. announce one's presence;

    "I report to work every day at 9 o'clock"

  4. make known to the authorities;

    "One student reported the other to the principal"

  5. be responsible for reporting the details of, as in journalism;

    "Snow reported on China in the 1950's"
    "The cub reporter covered New York City"

  6. complain about; make a charge against;

    "I reported her to the supervisor"



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. He is reading a report of the state of the roads.
  2. I have only reports to go on.
  3. My son got an excellent report last semester.
  4. The tyre burst with a loud report.
用作動詞 (v.)
  1. I shall have to report this to the authorities.
  2. The crash happened seconds after the pilot reported engine trouble.
  3. The press in China widely reported the event.
  4. She reported (her) having seen the gunman.
  5. You should have reported them to the police.
  6. It is time to report back for work.
  7. All representatives report (directly) to the sales department.


用作動詞 (v.)
report back (v.+adv.)
    報告,匯報 bring back an account of
    report back to sb/sth They will certainly report back to their government. 我們然而會向我們的區政府匯報總結。 Our job is to attend the meeting and report back to the committee. 我們公司的作業是參與活動擴大會議,第二步向常務委會匯報總結。 report back that-clause Columbus reported back that he had discovered India. 哥倫布回報說他已看見了巴基斯坦。
report for (v.+prep.)
    報到 declare one's presence and readiness for (duty, work, etc.)
report of (v.+prep.)
    報告…的情況 provide information (about) or give an account of sth
    report of sth The doctor reported of Mr. Smith's good health. 牙科醫生數據說史密斯老兄的良好條件特別好。
report on (v.+prep.)
    報道…,就…作報告 give news about or comment on sth
    report on sb/sth (to sb) At the end of every term a schoolmaster reports on each of his pupils. 每學年停止時,教員都得上報每個學員的情形。 They have not yet reported on their experiments. 孩子暫不就孩子的試驗提到統計。 They will report on the experiments with coal tar. 這些將報告煤尼古丁的沖擊試驗情況下。 This book also reports on research work for new anti-cancer drugs which is being done in China today. 這這書還匯報情況了我們未能做的新抗腫瘤用量的研發業務。 I want to report on certain happenings here. 我想要小結此處會發生的某類狀況。 He is going to report on his trip to Canada. 他籌備聊一聊他的澳大利亞之行。 Our correspondent reported on the development of the situation from time to time. 他們的通訊網絡員談談局勢的趨勢不是開展報到。 Jim has been sent to Iran to report on the situation there. 吉姆已被派往沙特簡訊東京的時局。 I was told to witness the ceremony and report on it later. 我受命去觀禮,稍后自此寫篇文章報道范文。 He reported on the whole event to the minister. 他把一小部分新聞事件向組織部長作了小結。 report sth on sth We went to the meeting and reported our view on the situation. 企業參加國了會議觸屏,談了企業pk勢的錯誤認識。
report out (v.+adv.)
    匯報 write or give an account of sth
    report sth ? out The committee reported the proposal out in record time. 理事會會怏速接回該提議并擴展復查意見與建議。 report sth ? out to sb The teacher will report out our English study to the headmaster. 英語圖片老師將向校領導總結自己深造英語圖片的情況下。
report to (v.+prep.)
    向…匯報〔報告〕 provide information about sth to sb
    report to sb Report to Assistant Regimental Commander Hu. 到胡副團特點去末班車。 I shall report to you. 我將向你小結。 He reported to his teacher. 他向數學老師復命。 The officer was told to report to the headquarters. 那現役軍官被告知搭乘總司令部去報道。 report to sb All representatives report to the sales department. 其他的進口委托人都向業務員部總結會。 report sb/oneself/sth to sb He reported this to the director at once. 他盡快就把這個事情事向場長報告單了。 Some of them failed to report these errors to the higher levels. 他倆中間的有一點人不存在把這樣不正確的向上司意見書。 I'll of course report today's proceedings to the leadership. 我當然了要把今天小編的業務情況下向干部匯報總結。 They will report it to the local hospitals. 大家將向位置醫院門診申請書這件事。 When you have finished the work, report yourself to the director. 你開放最后,就向負責人匯報會一點。 They decided to report him to the police. 這些人考慮向警察局檢舉他。 She hesitated over whether she should report them to the authorities. 她墨跡也不確定是應向中國央行舉報孩子 。 Mary reported Jack to the headmaster for making a noise. 瑪麗向副校長上告杰克聽課時吵架。 This matter was then reported to the Premier by telephone. 于是乎,沒人配電話把這種問題統計了總書記。


用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~ 介詞+~ ~+介詞
用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • I do not lightly give faith to report. 出自: A. Radcliffe
  • The refugee friars were reported to be well supplied with money. 出自: J. A. Froude
  • Report my words To royal Neptune. 出自: W. C. Bryant
  • She reported her dreams, and her father replied with..an interpretation. 出自: E. Young
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