

[r?'dju?s]     [r?'du?s]    
  • v. 減少;縮小;使落魄;簡化;還原
reducible reducibly reducer reduced reduced reducing reduces



v. (動詞)
  1. 減少
  2. 縮小
  3. 減輕體重
  4. 降服
  5. 使降級
  6. 約簡
  7. 減肥
  8. 換算
  9. 折合
  10. 化為
  11. 體重減輕
  12. 【生】減數分裂
  13. 使處于
  14. 節減
  15. 使化為
  16. 縮短
  17. 降低
  18. 貶低
  19. 使沒落
  20. 使降職
  21. 使落魄
  22. 把…歸納
  23. 使降服
  24. 征服
  25. 把…歸并
  26. 把…弄碎
  27. 克服
  28. 攻陷
  29. 把…分解
  30. 使衰弱
  31. 把…分析
  32. 使變弱
  33. 使退化
  34. 使變為
  35. 使變瘦
  36. 使成為
  37. 把…折合
  38. 迫使
  39. 歸納為
  40. 節食
  41. 變瘦
  42. 縮減
  43. 減弱
  44. 還原
  45. 稀釋
  46. 復原
  47. 減數分裂


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. 縮減,減少; 降低 make less in size, amount, price, degree, etc.
  2. vi. 減輕體重,節食 lose weight intentionly; diet
  3. vt. 降職 make sb lower in rank or status; demote sb
  4. vt. 使…陷入某種狀態或狀況中 bring sb/sth into a specified state or condition
  5. vt. 將…概括或簡化 change sth to a more general or basic form
  6. vt. 將…還原 remove oxygen from or add hydrogen or electrons to (a compound)


  1. cut down on; make a reduction in;

    "reduce your daily fat intake"
    "The employer wants to cut back health benefits"

  2. make less complex;

    "reduce a problem to a single question"

  3. bring to humbler or weaker state or condition;

    "He reduced the population to slavery"

  4. simplify the form of a mathematical equation of expression by substituting one term for another
  5. lower in grade or rank or force somebody into an undignified situation;

    "She reduced her niece to a servant"

  6. be the essential element;

    "The proposal boils down to a compromise"

  7. reduce in size; reduce physically;

    "Hot water will shrink the sweater"
    "Can you shrink this image?"

  8. lessen and make more modest;

    "reduce one's standard of living"

  9. make smaller;

    "reduce an image"

  10. to remove oxygen from a compound, or cause to react with hydrogen or form a hydride, or to undergo an increase in the number of electrons
  11. narrow or limit;

    "reduce the influx of foreigners"

  12. put down by force or intimidation;

    "The government quashes any attempt of an uprising"
    "China keeps down her dissidents very efficiently"
    "The rich landowners subjugated the peasants working the land"

  13. undergo meiosis;

    "The cells reduce"

  14. reposition (a broken bone after surgery) back to its normal site
  15. destress and thus weaken a sound when pronouncing it
  16. reduce in scope while retaining essential elements;

    "The manuscript must be shortened"

  17. be cooked until very little liquid is left;

    "The sauce should reduce to one cup"

  18. cook until very little liquid is left;

    "The cook reduced the sauce by boiling it for a long time"

  19. lessen the strength or flavor of a solution or mixture;

    "cut bourbon"

  20. take off weight



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. The new government's prime task is to reduce the level of inflation.
  2. We need to reduce our dependence on oil as a source of energy.
  3. We must gradually reduce the wage gap.
  4. They were reduced to begging.
  5. You need to reduce the equation to its simplest form.
  6. Electrons from water involved in noncyclic photophosphorylation are used to reduce the added substance.
  7. In the case of very small strains, these derived bounds reduce known results for linear cases.


用作動詞 (v.)
reduce by (v.+prep.)
    用…方法還原 remove oxygen from or add hydrogen or electrons to (a compound) with sth
reduce from (v.+prep.)
    使…低于 make (sth such as a price) less than (a former level)
    reduce sth from sth I bought this shirt because it was considerably reduced from its original price. 買了這一件上衣外套是畢竟它而我不超過它的標價。
reduce in (v.+prep.)
    使…方面降低 bring (sth/sb) down with regard to (a level, price, etc.)
    reduce sb/sth in sth He would not reduce it in price. 他不想大大減少它的價位。 They have decided to reduce him in post. 大家早已決定了降他的職。 Most of the daily necessities have been greatly reduced in price. 大位置日用化工品已大減價。 He was reduced in rank. 他被降權了。
reduce to (v.+prep.)
    折合; 分解成 change; separate sth such as a mixture or combination into its parts
    reduce sb/sth to sth/v-ing They reduced the expenses to 60 per cent. 自己將成本降低到60%。 We should reduce the unproductive expenditure to a minimum. 企業是把非產出性支出費用再壓縮到很低殘留量。 The fighting reduced the city to a shambles. 這局空戰使這座省會城市為一陣沙漠。 A conflagration in 1947 reduced 90 percent of the houses to ashes.1947 年的整場爆紅,使90%的樓房化成灰燼。 Even when we reduce the salt to a fine powder, it still tastes salt. 所有把氯化鈉搗成粉末狀原材料,它還是要有咸味的。 A succession of bad harvest had reduced the small farmer to penury. 連著歉收隨著在這個小良種場主遭遇了困難戶險境。 Anxiety about the fate of his family reduced him to a nervous wreck. 對親人財運的憂心使他意志出錯。 His income has been reduced to half its amount . 他的薪資收入變少新一半。 The operation must be carefully planned so that the loss of blood would be reduced to a minimum. 這次更新術要嚴密工作計劃,要把出血量降成至少裝量。 Your speed must be reduced to the city speed as soon as you cross the border. 你一進市內時速就得減到市內的標準規定網絡速度。 He is reduced almost to a skeleton. 他瘦得近乎改成了了個膝蓋骨架。 The chalk was reduced to powder. 粉筆被碾成納米銀溶液。 The house was reduced to ashes. 那房間被燒變成灰燼。 I bought the coat as it was reduced to only £30. 買個有件打底衫擔心它減價到只賣30元。 After the Opium War of 1840,China was gradually reduced to a semicolonial and semi ̄feudal society.1840 年鴉片世界戰爭后,國逐步陷入一位半殖民地半封建制度的社會各界。 Its people were thus reduced to slavery. 就這個它的民眾都淪落成奴仆了。 In the old society he was finally reduced to begging. 在舊世界,他接下來被逼得討飯。 During the famine, many people were reduced to eating grass and leaves. 眾多人去饑荒時被強行吃花草啃枝葉抵餓。 The captain was reduced to the ranks. 上尉被降為兵員。 reduce sth/wh-clause to sth I think we can reduce his rather lengthy statement to one or two essential points. 我覺得能夠把他空泛的演說總括為二二個點。 This kind of analysis reduces the problem to its simplest form. 這樣定性分析把這里原因覆蓋成最單純的形勢。 We can reduce what he said to three simple facts. 我們公司能夠把他講的游戲內容總括為三件事。 His life's work can be reduced to a search for truth. 他的窮盡一生企事業能說可是探究信念。 Boil all the ingredients together till they are reduced to half the quantity. 將全部主料投入一切熬,使兩者溶縮排成半。 reduce sth to sth To reduce pounds to pence you multiply by a hundred. 把元折自動合成便士,你只需乘上100。 Our chemistry teacher often reduces a compound to its components in lab. 在實驗操作室中物理師傅常把類化合物溶解為各樣的成分。 Water can be reduced to oxygen and hydrogen by electrolysis. 民用電解法能把水被分解轉換成為氧和氫。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • Potatoes..cooked so long that they have been reduced to a watery flour. 出自: F. King
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