

['k?ntr?kt]     ['kɑ?ntr?kt]    
  • n. 合同;婚約;合約;契約
  • v. 縮小;訂合同;縮短;感染(疾病);招致
contractible contractibility contracted contracted contracting contracts



n. (名詞)
  1. 合同,合約,契約,協議,盟約
  2. 婚約
  3. 契約書,合約書
  4. 【律】契約法
  5. 【牌】定約
  6. 合約橋牌
  7. 月(季)票
  8. 含有契約條款的文件
  9. 縮約詞,縮約形式
  10. 被收買去干殺人勾當
  11. 賄賂
v. (動詞)
  1. 締結,訂(約)
  2. 使訂婚約;訂立(婚約)
  3. 使縮小,使收縮
  4. 收縮,縮小,緊縮
  5. 得(病) ,沾染(習慣),感染(疾病)
  6. 承包,承辦
  7. 負(債)
  8. 與…訂立合同
  9. 退出…合約
  10. 皺起
  11. 與…結交,與…結識
adj. (形容詞)
  1. 縮約的,縮攏的


v. (動詞)
  1. vi. & vt. 締結; 訂契約 make, settle or establish by contract
  2. vt. 染上惡習; 染上疾病 get bad habits; catch an illness
  3. vi. 縮小; 緊縮 make smaller; shrink
n. (名詞)
  1. [C]契約,合同 compact; pact


  1. a binding agreement between two or more persons that is enforceable by law
  2. (contract bridge) the highest bid becomes the contract setting the number of tricks that the bidder must make
  3. a variety of bridge in which the bidder receives points toward game only for the number of tricks he bid
  1. enter into a contractual arrangement
  2. engage by written agreement;

    "They signed two new pitchers for the next season"

  3. squeeze or press together;

    "she compressed her lips"
    "the spasm contracted the muscle"

  4. be stricken by an illness, fall victim to an illness;

    "He got AIDS"
    "She came down with pneumonia"
    "She took a chill"

  5. become smaller or draw together;

    "The fabric shrank"
    "The balloon shrank"

  6. make smaller;

    "The heat contracted the woollen garment"

  7. compress or concentrate;

    "Congress condensed the three-year plan into a six-month plan"

  8. make or become more narrow or restricted;

    "The selection was narrowed"
    "The road narrowed"

  9. reduce in scope while retaining essential elements;

    "The manuscript must be shortened"



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. They had set a term to the contract.
  2. Families sought favourable alliances, either by marriage or contract.
  3. Several companies will bid for the contract.
  4. He managed to disengage himself from the contract.
用作動詞 (v.)
  1. The heat contracted the woollen garment.
  2. We'd like to contract in on this project,if possible.
  3. It's an urgent business, we have no time for unnecessary consideration—please contract your inspection period!
  4. She has contracted a severe fever.
  5. He has contracted the habit of talking to himself.


用作動詞 (v.)
contract for (v.+prep.)
    承建; 承包,承辦 offer one's price for making or supplying (sth)
    contract for sth The builders have contracted for three bridges this year. 就在今年某些房建操作人員已轉包了三座新橋梁結構。
contract in (v.+adv.)
    承諾參加 promise officially to take part in (an activity)
    contract in How many of the companies have contracted in so far? 到近幾年就行某個很多大公司約定加入到呢?
contract out (v.+adv.)
    拒絕參加 refuse to join (in an agreement, etc.)
    contract out I don't want to be associated with your scheme; I'm contracting out. 我沒想到想陸續參與各位的工作規劃; 我應該加入。 contract sth ? out The city council has already contracted out the work on the new road. 市政工程會已把一條路新路的裝修做工作包出來 了。 contract out of sth Workers are permitted to contract out of the latest old-age insurance plan. 不能師傅們不前往參加這幾天的長者保險行業方案。
contract to (v.+prep.)
    縮寫成 abbreviate (sth) into (sth)
    contract sth to sth In conversational English “is not” often contracts to “isn't”. 少兒英語口語練習中 is not 常縮略詞為 isn't 。 “I am” is often contracted to “I'm”. I am 常英語縮寫成 I'm 。
contract with (v.+prep.)
    與(某人或某公司)簽訂合同 make an agreement in law with (sb or a firm)
    contract sth with sb The woman claims that she contracted a form of marriage with the prisoner, who already has a wife. 這一位老年婦女駁斥她與這款犯人曾簽訂婚約,但他都出現妻子和女兒。 She had contracted an alliance with a wealthy man of rank. 她和的有身份的有錢人強強聯合。 contract with sth The city council has contracted with White Company for the new building. 市議會已與懷特有限公司就造建新樓一案簽了協議書。 They contracted with that factory for ten lathes. 你們和那所廠子立約進貨10臺機床。 Our shop contracted with a clothing firm to buy 100 coats a week. 各位品牌門店和一間新款產品我司簽借款合同借款合同,每星期從在哪里買一百五十件運動外套。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞
用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~ ~+名詞 介詞+~ ~+介詞


  • She wondered if having failed in one marriage she should hastily contract another. 出自: I. Murdoch
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