

[p??k]     [po?k]    
  • n. 戳;刺;撥;錢袋
  • v. 戳;捅;刺;撥開;伸出
poked poked poking pokes



n. (名詞)
  1. 戳,刺,捅
  2. <口>一拳,一擊
  3. <俚>游手好閑的人,懶人
  4. 慢性子的人
  5. 寬前沿女帽
  6. 寬前沿
  7. 袋子,小袋
  8. 錢袋,錢包
  9. 頸軛
  10. 討厭的家伙
  11. 撥弄
v. (動詞)
  1. 撥(弄),撥開
  2. 探聽,打聽,刺探
  3. 摸索地走
  4. 攪動
  5. <口>用拳打
  6. 打出
  7. <口>使困居
  8. 向前擠
  9. 干涉
  10. 閑逛,閑蕩
  11. 戳(進),捅,刺
  12. 伸出,突出
  13. 好事,多嘴
  14. <美俚>激發,引起
  15. 猛打,猛擊
  16. 把...戳向
  17. 把...指向
  18. 杵,推
  19. 探(出),露出
  20. 捅窟窿
  21. 戲弄


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 戳; 撥; 捅 push a pointed thing into (sb or sth)


  1. tall coarse perennial American herb having small white flowers followed by blackish-red berries on long drooping racemes; young fleshy stems are edible; berries and root are poisonous
  2. someone who takes more time than necessary; someone who lags behind
  3. a bag made of paper or plastic for holding customer's purchases
  4. a sharp hand gesture (resembling a blow);

    "he warned me with a jab with his finger"
    "he made a thrusting motion with his fist"

  5. (boxing) a blow with the fist;

    "I gave him a clout on his nose"

  1. poke or thrust abruptly;

    "he jabbed his finger into her ribs"

  2. search or inquire in a meddlesome way;

    "This guy is always nosing around the office"

  3. stir by poking;

    "poke the embers in the fireplace"

  4. hit hard with the hand, fist, or some heavy instrument;

    "the salesman pounded the door knocker"
    "a bible-thumping Southern Baptist"

  5. make a hole by poking



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. In his view, a pinch, a whack or a poke essentially tugged on a neural rope that then rang a pain alarm bell in the brain.
  2. I didn't know Haku had a fast poke.
  3. He used a nail to poke a hole.
  4. At frequent intervals the driver used to stop, poke the fire and add fresh fuel.
用作動詞 (v.)
  1. Don't poke her eye out with that stick!
  2. Don't poke your mouth with the chopsticks.
  3. She shall know better than to poke the animal with her umbrella.
  4. She poked her finger into the hole.
  5. Don't poke into my private affairs.
  6. We never thought she would poke her nose into this.
  7. He poked (at) the fire with a stick.


用作動詞 (v.)
poke about〔around,round〕 (v.+adv.)
    翻弄,翻找… search (in or for sth) by examining other people's business
    poke about〔around,round〕 Who's that poking about in the attic? 誰在小隔樓上翻動知識? She poked about in her bag for her ticket. 她在兜里查找她的票。 She's been poking about in the kitchen all morning, moving tins and boxes. 她全部整個晚上都會在餐廳廚房瞎忙,將罐頭食品和小盒搬來搬去。 What was he poking about for?We have no stolen goods hidden in there. 他亂翻那些?自己一邊可沒藏偷來的內容。 The detective poked around in the missing man's office. 偵探在走失者的辦工室里找尋情節。 He was lying flat on his stomach, poking around under the bed with his arm. 他伏在地表,手摸臂在床上面摸來摸去。 Why are you poking round among our things? 你為社樣的亂翻企業的東西?
poke along (v.+adv.)
    慢慢地〔懶散地〕移動 move slowly and lazily
    poke along The cows were poking along, holding up the traffic. 牛群相對比較緩慢地移動手機著,無復流了城市交通。
poke at (v.+prep.)
    戳,刺,捅,擊… give a quick sharp push or blow to (sth or sb)
    poke at sb/sth He kept poking at me. 他持續地捅我。 The fighter won not by a singe blow, but by poking at his opponent so often that he weakened him. 這樣的拳擊手并非兩拳就戰勝的,他是以頻繁的被攻擊競爭對手,降低彼此精力才爭取了比賽勝出的勝者。 From the way she just poked at the food, we could see she wasn't hungry. 從她悄悄撥弄的食物的的樣子人們能能看著出她并不餓。 He poked at the meat with his fork, but it seemed undercooked. 來用叉子戳戳肉,但這肉類似沒煮熟似地。
poke fun at (v.+n.+prep.)
    嘲笑… make a joke against (sth or sb), unkindly
    poke fun at sth It's cruel, as well as rude, to poke fun at a foreigner's mistakes in English. 譏笑一兩個國處人講英語英語時突然出現的異常是既粗魯又刻薄的道德行為。
poke forward (v.+adv.)
    (使)笨拙地向前移動; (使)笨拙地保持向前傾的姿勢 (cause to) move forward or be held in a forward position, awkwardly
    poke forward His head poked forward as he walked. 他行走時時頭不斷往前一伸一伸的。 Why does he walk with his head poked forward? 他咋個伸著頭跑步?
poke in1 (v.+adv.)
    詢問別人的事 enquire into other people's business
    poke sth ? in He poked the stick in a long way, but no animal came out. 他把棍子捅過去好長,卻也沒有軟體動物出現。 poke in Has that policeman been poking in again? 那人民警察又來詢問報道哪天? Stop poking in where you're not wanted! 別到處跑了解閑事!
poke in2 (v.+prep.)
    在(某物)上扎(洞) make (a hole) by pushing sharply into (sth)
poke nose in (v.+n.+prep.)
    打聽,干涉 enquire into (sth that is not one's own affair)
    poke one's nose in sth Don't poke your nose in another's business. 別多管閑事。 Stop poking your nose in other people's which you're not wanted! 與你無光的事別亂詢問! He's always poking his nose in other people's affairs; I wish he would mind his own business. 他總愛探聽別人的事,我還望他少管閑事。 Nobody asked his opinion.He should not poke his nose in where he isn't welcome. 也沒有征得他的個人意見,他不要在他受不到歡迎會的問題插足。
poke out (v.+adv.)
    (使)伸出,留在外面 (cause to) be put or left outside
    poke out We knew the animal was in there, because it left its tail poking out. 公司都知道這節肢動物這里邊,是因為它的尾端還露在且外邊。 poke sth ? out Poke your head out and see if it's still raining. 將頭伸到上邊,看可否一直在下雨了。 Don't let your boy poke his head out of the train window; it's dangerous! 別你會的嬰兒從后面申出火車動車窗子,太危險物品了。
poke through (v.+prep.)
    使穿過,捅穿(某物) push (sth) sharply through (sth)
    poke through sth His elbow was poking through his torn shirt sleeve. 他的肘從寸衫的破前襟中外露來。 The tops of his shoes had worn so thin that his toes were poking through the leather. 他的鞋前頭磨得很薄了,腳趾頭都從皮子里拱了出來的。 poke sth through sth Don't poke your umbrella through the bars of the lion's cage. 別把傘探進獅籠欄中去。 Poke your hand through the fence and see if you can reach the piece of paper. 你將手從籬笆縫里伸過來,看一下能沒辦法夠著那張紙。
poke up (v.+adv.)
    把…撥旺 push the materials of (a fire) so as to make it burn more brightly by providing more air
    poke sth ? up The room is cold; poke the fire up a little. 屋內挺冷的,把火撥旺點。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • The captain and some of the crew wanted to take a poke at him. 出自: L. Armstrong
  • The Civil Guard ordered them down with a poke of their cudgels. 出自: M. Warner
  • Let's drop in at your place and have a poke around. 出自: R. Hill
  • On her knees before the fire, she was poking the big log. 出自: E. Welty
  • Jansey chooses to poke her little brother. 出自: P. Farmer
  • She..poked me..in the ribs. 出自: P. Benson





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