

[st?b]     [st?b]    
  • v. 刺;戳;刺傷
  • n. 刺;戳;刺痛;嘗試
stabber stabbed stabbed stabbing stabs



v. (動詞)
  1. 戳,刺,捅,扎
  2. 刺傷,刺入,刺痛
  3. 傷害
  4. 用線釘(書)
  5. 【建】把墻面鑿粗糙
  6. 宰,捅死
  7. 把(磚墻)鑿毛
  8. 陷害信任你的人
  9. 使貫穿
  10. 使傷心
  11. 使受創傷
  12. 嘗試,試圖
n. (名詞)
  1. 刺,戳,捅
  2. <口>嘗試,努力,試圖
  3. 刺痛,刺傷
  4. 一種突然強烈的感覺
  5. 背后罵人,中傷
  6. 暗害
  7. 要害
  8. 刺破的傷口
  9. 突發的一陣,突然一陣劇痛
adj. (形容詞)
  1. 周薪制的
  2. 時薪制的


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 刺; 扎 pierce or wound with a sharp-pointed weapon or instrument; push a knife, etc. into sb


  1. a sudden sharp feeling;

    "pangs of regret"
    "she felt a stab of excitement"
    "twinges of conscience"

  2. a strong blow with a knife or other sharp pointed instrument;

    "one strong stab to the heart killed him"

  3. informal words for any attempt or effort;

    "he gave it his best shot"
    "he took a stab at forecasting"

  1. use a knife on;

    "The victim was knifed to death"

  2. stab or pierce;

    "he jabbed the piece of meat with his pocket knife"

  3. poke or thrust abruptly;

    "he jabbed his finger into her ribs"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. Good friends stab you in the front.
  2. He stabbed at the earth with his stick.
  3. She stabbed at the air with her finger to emphasize what she was saying.
  4. He stabbed the meat with his fork/stabbed his fork into the meat.
  5. She stabbed him in the leg with a kitchen knife.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. The hunter made a stab at the wolf, but missed.
  2. A stab of misgiving shot through Val.
  3. A sudden stab of pain twisted him up.
  4. You'll never mend your car like that let me have a stab at it.


用作動詞 (v.)
stab at (v.+prep.)
    (用刀等)刺〔戳〕 attempt to wound sb or make a hole in sth with a sharp point such as a knife
    stab at sb/sth with sth The big man stabbed at the guard with a dagger. 那彪形是大漢的用刀猛刺衛軍。 It's rude to stab at the meat with your knife to see if it is well cooked. 關鍵在于看肉是否有是熟的而用小刀去戳沒有尊重的。 He stabbed at the earth with his stick. 它用手杖戳著地。 She stabbed at the air with her finger to emphasize what she was saying. 她手摸指一指一點兒地比劃著,突出她講的時候。
stab in (v.+prep.)
    (用刀等)刺傷 wound sb in a part of the body with a sharp point such as a knife
    stab sb in sth The thief stabbed me in the arm with a knife as he seized my bag. 那賊緊緊抓住了背包提包,時候在我的臂彎上刺一堆刀。
stab in the back (v.+prep.+n.)
    暗箭傷人,背棄別人 attack or fail to support sb in a disloyal way
    stab sb in the back The chairman expected his friends to vote for him, but they stabbed him in the back by electing his opponent. 新主席我希望他的家人們競選他,可這些人暗土里投他的對方幾票。
stab to the heart (v.+prep.+n.)
    嚴重傷害某人的感情 hurt sb's feelings severely; cause sb to sorrow
    stab sb to the heart It stabs me to the heart when I remember how happy we were then. 仿佛我憶起往日的開心時,我心疼欲碎。 His disloyalty stabbed me to the heart. 他的不忠使我心如刀扎。 The mother was stabbed to the heart by her son's lack of gratitude. 小女兒忘恩負義,生母心如刀絞。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • You found me with this stab and an ugly bruise or two. 出自: Dickens
  • Let them ride among you there, Slash, and stab, and maim, and hew. 出自: Shelley
  • He..stabbed at the snow with his sticks. 出自: C. Wood
  • The news of Doris's death..stabbed deep into his flesh. 出自: B. Bova
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