

[??n]     [o?n]    
  • adj. 自己的;特有的
  • n. 自己的東西
  • v. 承認;擁有
owner owned owned owning owns



adj. (形容詞)
  1. 自己的,個人的,本人的,自己做的,為自己的
  2. 特有的
  3. 嫡親的,至親的
  4. 同胞的
  5. 珍貴的,心愛的
  6. 親自
  7. 生身
  8. 獨自,單獨,獨立
v. (動詞)
  1. 承認,自白,自認,坦白
  2. 持有,占有,擁有,具有,有
  3. 順受,服從
  4. 喧賓奪主
  5. 承擔責任,認錯
  6. 認識
pron. (代詞)
  1. 自己的東西或所有物
  2. 心愛的人


pron. (代詞)
  1. 屬于自己的 belong to oneself, itself, ourselves, etc.
  2. 自己做的,為自己的 done or produced by and for oneself
v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 擁有 possess
  2. vt. & vi. 承認 admit


  1. belonging to or on behalf of a specified person (especially yourself); preceded by a possessive;

    "for your own use"
    "do your own thing"
    "she makes her own clothes"
    "`ain' is Scottish"

  1. have ownership or possession of;

    "He owns three houses in Florida"
    "How many cars does she have?"



用作形容詞 (adj.)
  1. But I can't hold on to my own principles, either.
  2. The writer has his own brand of humour.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. Children need toys of their own.
用作動詞 (v.)
  1. He owns he was wrong.
  2. Nobody owned up to the theft.
  3. He would not own to knowing those persons.
  4. Do you own the house or are you a tenant?
  5. Someday, I will own a shop like this.


用作代詞 (pron.)
come into one's own
    獲得自主〔承認〕receive the credit, recognition, etc. one deserves
hold one's own
    沒有失敗〔惡化〕keep one's (strong) position
of one's own
    自己的belonging to oneself and no one else
on one's own
    靠自己的力量,獨自地without help; alone
用作動詞 (v.)
own to (v.+prep.)
    承認(某事); 承認有(某種心情等) admit; admit to bear an certain feeling
    own to sth I must own to a feeling of anxiety. 我污蔑我郁郁寡歡忡忡。 Has he owned to the theft? 他不有認同這樁扒竊案是他干的? own to v-ing I must own to feeling anxious. 我誠認我倍感了哀愁。 He owned to being uncertain about that. 他確認對這件狀況不會把握住。 He owned to being wrong. 他坦誠的說搞錯。 The boy owned to having told a lie. 那男孩子坦白曾撒過一回謊。 The boy owned to having broken the glass. 那小女孩確認打爛了玻離杯。 She owned to having had doubts at first. 她認同展開有困惑。
own up (v.+adv.)
    完完全全地坦白供認 confess fully and frankly
    own up I advise you to own up at once. 我勸你即時辯解。 Come on, own up. 快,叮囑叮囑吧。 own up to sth He owned up to the crime. 他對經濟犯罪供認不諱。 You'd better own up to your faults. 你依舊確認我自己的疏忽大意為好。 So far no one has owned up to the theft of the clock. 到目前就行就行還沒有玩家認知度鐘是他偷的。 own up to v-ing If no one will own up to misbehaving, all pupils will be kept in after school. 如果誰就不出去供認此種異常的行為,放學路上后因此的孩子都得留有。 He owned up to being the writer of the anonymous letter. 他坦誠的說自身是寫那封匪名信的人。 Tony finally owned up to having taken his brother's ball. 托尼最后一步承不承認他拿了回家的皮球。 The man owned up to having taken my watch. 那個女人認同偷了我的表。 own up that-clause You'd better own up that you were responsible for the traffic accident. 你較好認嗎對那起交通運輸事件應負責任心。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • Each should..have an own name. 出自: W. D. Whitney
  • The cottage..had been built..by the occupier's own hands. 出自: T. Hardy
  • Each social class has its own sort of suffering. 出自: E. Templeton
  • She wants her own Christmas tree ornaments..not her mother's. 出自: J. D. Salinger
  • We picked her up..in a borrowed car, as we didn't own one. 出自: N. Sedaka
  • He owned no property and lived by his labour. 出自: A. Sillitoe
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