

[li?n]     [li?n]    
  • v. 傾斜;傾向;依靠;倚;屈身
  • adj. 瘦的;貧乏的;無脂肪的
  • n. 瘦肉;傾斜,傾向
leanly leaner leanest leanness leaned leaned leaning leans



v. (動詞)
  1. 傾斜,傾向,偏向,傾側,彎斜
  2. 倚靠,倚,靠,仰靠
  3. 依靠,依賴
  4. 躬屈,屈身,傾身
  5. 使傾斜,使斜靠
  6. 偏袒
  7. 依偎
  8. 傾向于
  9. 使變瘦,使瘦弱
  10. 變瘦
adj. (形容詞)
  1. 瘦的,精瘦的
  2. 貧乏的,貧弱的
  3. 瘠薄的,貧瘠的
  4. 枯燥無味的
  5. 不毛的,沒收成的
  6. 利益少的,不合算的
  7. 無脂肪的,少脂肪的
  8. 缺乏營養的
n. (名詞)
  1. 瘦肉
  2. 傾斜,傾向
  3. 偏差
  4. 低品位


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 傾斜,屈身 slope or bend from an upright position
  2. vt. 倚,靠 support or rest oneself in a bent or sloping position
  3. vt. 依賴 need the help of; depend on
adj. (形容詞)
  1. 瘦的;少脂肪的 not having much flesh;healthily thin;not having much fat
  2. 貧瘠的;收益差的 producing or having little value


  1. the property possessed by a line or surface that departs from the vertical;

    "the tower had a pronounced tilt"
    "the ship developed a list to starboard"
    "he walked with a heavy inclination to the right"

  1. lacking excess flesh;

    "you can't be too rich or too thin"
    "Yon Cassius has a lean and hungry look"

  2. lacking in mineral content or combustible material;

    "lean ore"
    "lean fuel"

  3. containing little excess;

    "a lean budget"
    "a skimpy allowance"

  4. not profitable or prosperous;

    "a lean year"

  1. to incline or bend from a vertical position;

    "She leaned over the banister"

  2. cause to lean or incline;

    "He leaned his rifle against the wall"

  3. have a tendency or disposition to do or be something; be inclined;

    "She tends to be nervous before her lectures"
    "These dresses run small"
    "He inclined to corpulence"

  4. rely on for support;

    "We can lean on this man"

  5. cause to lean to the side;

    "Erosion listed the old tree"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. The trees leant in the wind.
  2. Kids today lean toward casual clothes.
  3. I lean towards letting him go alone.
  4. We lean on our friends when we are in trouble.
  5. He leant on the back of the sofa.
用作形容詞 (adj.)
  1. The little girl only eats lean pork.
  2. I am afraid he is too lean to endure it.
  3. She felt the drag of a lean and narrow life.
  4. But even lean red meat seems to increase the risk of colon cancer.


用作動詞 (v.)
lean against (v.+prep.)
    對…有看法 regard (sb or an opinion) with disfavour
    lean against sth Lean against my arm,I will support you. 靠在我手臂上,我想摟住你。 The boy stood leaning against the sofa. 那么寶寶倚著木椅站著。 The old man leaned against the wall, bewailing his misfortune. 老漢靠在墻面上,哀嘆自已的悲劇。 We had to lean against the strong wind in order to move forward at all. 要為一直一往無前,小編既然頂著大風天氣走。 lean sth against sth He leaned his back against the wall. 他背靠在墻面上。 The child leaned his back against the fence. 兒子靠在護欄上。 Lean the board against the wall, it is in the way. 把板子靠在墻壁,它擋道。 Lean a ladder against a wall. 把爬梯靠在墻壁。 lean against sth The courts tend to be influenced by a man's past, and lean against such a prisoner, so it is no longer permitted in court to mention a man's earlier crimes. 在押犯的歷史資料更易印象司法的狀態,因此生成刻板印象。任何,審判庭上從此不允許值談論被告人會有前科。
lean back (v.+adv.)
    仰靠著,向后靠 hold oneself or sth at an angle in a backward direction
    lean back The old woman leaned back in the chair and took a nap. 老婦女靠在木椅子上打盹。 The willows leaned back under a stiff wind. 垂柳被風一吹得直向前傾。 I leaned back to get a better view, and fell off the chair. 我向前傾,本愛看清除些,然而卻從桌子上摔了了。 lean sth ? back We leaned the poles back against the wall. 大家把一些竿子斜倚在墻上面。 Please don't lean your chair back, you'll break it. 請不要再坐到木桌椅上以后仰,會把木桌椅弄壞的。
lean down (v.+adv.)
    向下彎 hold oneself or sth at an angle in a downward direction
    lean down Tony was too tall that he had to lean down to get through the doorway. 托尼身材太高了,入戶時禁止不彎下腰來。 The branches leaned down to the ground, heavy with the weight of the fruit. 累累的樹種子使梢頭垂向面。 lean sb/sth ? down to-v She leaned her face down to be kissed by the child. 她彎下腰讓娃兒吻她。
lean forward (v.+adv.)
    傾向 hold oneself or sth at an angle towards sth or sb
    lean forward He leaned forward and looked into the hole. 他蹲著往洞里望望。 Don't lean too far forward, you might fall over board. 身體不向前看探過分,有一種會從船甲板上掉回去的。 He leaned forward and patted me on the shoulder. 他向前伸著身體并拍我的手臂。 lean sth ? forward He leaned his head forward. 他歪著頭。 I leaned my head forward to hear what they were saying. 快把頭掉上前,傾聽下孩子在說哪種。
lean on〔upon〕 (v.+prep.)
    威脅,逼迫 threaten or force (sb) to act
    lean on〔upon〕 sb/sth Lean on me if you feel dizzy. 要你總感發暈,就靠在我的身上完了。 Don't lean so heavily on me. 別這樣用手地靠在我手指上。 I know you are tired;please lean on my arm. 我直到你累了倦了,請靠在我臂上吧。 Lean on my arm,I will help you to walk. 坐在我的肩膀,我扶著你走。 If you lean upon those wet railings you'll dirty your sleeve. 你諾靠在哪幾個濕護欄上,會弄臟領口的。 He leaned upon the table. 他靠在桌腿上。 She sang the song leaning on the piano. 她倚著小提琴唱這支歌。 lean sth on〔upon〕 sb/sth Leaning her head on my shoulder, she began to cry. 她將頭靠在我的肩頭淚奔起。 Don't lean your elbows upon the table, it's not polite. 別把臂膀肘支在辦公桌上,本來不謙虛。 lean on〔upon〕 sb/sth Do not lean too much on others. 也不要太依賴癥人家。 They always lean on us when they're in trouble. 這些 有糾紛時一定信任我們公司。 You have to make your own way in the world, and not lean on your father for the rest of your life. 你得本人創出好幾條路來,沒有后半輩子也離不開你自己的爸爸。 Do it yourself, don't lean on others for support. 他們做,最好不要依耐別人的的可以。 lean on sb If you pay the gang the thousand pounds, they'll only lean on you for more. 如何你將這一百人民幣借給這幫歹徒,其僅會向你敲詐很多的錢。 We were supposed to share the profit from the jewel robbery, but now he's hidden them— we might have to lean on him a little. 鉆石珠寶本應評分,可他卻把小東西藏了起床,我覺得自己得還給點背景顏色。
lean out (v.+adv.)
    探出 hold oneself or sth at an angle outside somewhere, as a window
    lean out Please don't lean out. 請別把頭發探到去。 She went to the window and leaned out. 她奔向窗框,將身體張開去。 lean sth ? out Lean your head out for a moment and see if it's raining. 把頭發張開去,來看看并不再是是在下雨。
lean over1 (v.+adv.)
    彎曲,傾斜 hold oneself or itself at an angle; bend at the waist
    lean over He went to the parapet and leaned over. 他我們走鐵扶手前,俯身靠在鐵扶手上。 John leaned over and whispered something into my ear. 阿奇博爾德伸過分來,向我緩緩耳語沒事番。 The small tree leans over in the wind. 那棵小樹苗在風中傾倒著。 The old building is leaning over at a dangerous angle and may fall at any moment. 這座朝代已久的建筑工程施工已支持來到很兇險的因素,暫時常有將會坍塌事故。 As Jim leaned over to pick up the pen, he felt a sharp pain in his back. 吉姆哈腰拾鋼筆時,前胸陣陣劇烈疼痛。
lean over2 (v.+prep.)
    趴在…上 bend over sth or sb
    lean over sb/sth Please don't lean over me while I'm working, it annoys me. 我干活兒時別緊靠我身體,怪煩人的。 If you lean over the railing and look ahead , you'll see the river. 你憑欄眺遠,就也可以看出 哪一條河。 The pair of lovers were leaning over the bridge, looking into the water. 這對夫妻緊靠橋上,望著池水。 The clerk leaned over the counter. 那個公司職員坐在服務臺上。
lean over backward(s) (v.+adv.+adv.)
    極力,拼命 try to do sth
    lean over backward to-v He leans over backwards to make up for what he has lost. 他全力以赴補救他的虧損。 Jackson is leaning over backwards to persuade his wealthy uncle. 杰克遜通過那些小妙招去巴結他那種有錢用的堂叔。 He leaned over backwards to prove he was unprejudiced. 他盡力證明材料她是無偏見的。 Tom leaned over backwards to try to impress the manager. 湯姆竭盡全力保持想給管理是一個好腦海。 I practically leaned over backwards to persuade him to stay, but to no avail. 為勸他留住來,我可能算苦口婆心,可他說呀一些 都不肯。 I've leant over backwards to help her. 我已竭盡所能奮力可以幫助她。
lean to (v.+prep.)
    傾向于…,同意… be likely to agree with sth
lean towards (v.+prep.)
    傾向于… (cause to) move one's opinion more in favour of a different opinion or belief
    lean towards sb/sth The child leaned towards his mother and fell headlong in front of her. 孩童向自己彎過身去,在她家里倆頭栽倒了。 I had to lean towards the secretary to hear what she was saying. 只為聽清文秘人員在怎么說話樣的,我就只好把身體探過去的。 If you lean too far towards the water, you might fall in. 你身軀得是朝池底斜得太激烈,說浮動要掉水進里。 lean towards sth/v-ing Young people today lean towards casual clothes. 到現在的年輕的人局限性于穿運動休閑裝。 Having lived in Shanghai for a decade or so, he still leans towards his native dishes. 在武漢雖已住了15年范圍,他或者是愛吃家鄉美景菜。 His interest leans towards biochemistry. 他的好奇心在生物技術生物學的方面。 Personally I lean towards a teaching career. 就我一個人說,我更傾向于轉行教學法事情。 I lean towards the belief that there should be education for everybody. 我趨勢于這么的意志,培訓須看向大眾邁騰。 Do some oriental philosophies lean towards fatalism? 還有一些東方經典的現象學家趨勢于宿命論嗎? He leans towards the opinion that we should leave here at once. 他行為于咱們立刻離開了這有。 I lean towards letting him go along. 我盲目性于使他有一自己的去。 lean sb towards sth/v-ing Recent events lean me more towards favouring longer years of imprisonment. 附近會出現的慘案更使我盲目性于一些具體意見:增長犯罪人拘押使用期。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+副詞 ~+介詞
用作形容詞 (adj.)


  • Jack Sprat could eat no fat, his wife could eat no lean. 出自:Nursery rhyme
  • The lean captain of a trading-vessel envies the big-paunched wine-shop proprietor. 出自: R. Graves
  • I leaned towards them so as not to miss a single word. 出自: H. Jacobson
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