

[θ?n]     [θ?n]    
  • adj. 薄的;瘦的;稀的
thinnish thinly thinner thinnest thinness thinned thinned thinning thins



adj. (形容詞)
  1. 細的
  2. 薄的
  3. 瘦的
  4. 稀疏的,稀少的
  5. 稀薄的,微弱的,淡的
  6. 淺薄的,空洞的,不能令人信服的
  7. 能見度較高的
  8. 有氣無力的
  9. 含氧少的
  10. 不真心實意的
  11. 冷淡的
  12. 暗淡的
  13. 質量差的
  14. 空乏的
  15. 將要垮掉的,守不住的
  16. <英口>不舒服的,不愉快的
  17. 【印】細體的
  18. 【攝】(照片或底片)襯度弱的,不夠濃的
adv. (副詞)
  1. 稀薄
  2. 稀疏地
n. (名詞)
  1. 細小部分
  2. 稀薄部分
v. (動詞)
  1. 使稀,使薄,使細,使淡,使瘦,使稀薄,使稀疏,使減少
  2. 變瘦,變稀,變稀少,變少,變細,變淡
  3. 【農】間苗


adj. (形容詞)
  1. 薄的,細的 having a small or smaller than average distance between opposite surface; not stick
  2. 稀的,稀疏的,稀少的 (of a liquid) watery, flowing easily, not closely packed, made of few objects widely separated, easy to see through, not dense
  3. 瘦的 having little fat on the body, not fat
  4. 弱的,缺乏力量的,淺薄的 lacking in strength and fullness, not having the necessary qualities to gain the intended result; unsatisfactory
v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. (使)變稀薄,(使)變稀少,(使)變細 (cause to) become thin or thinner


  1. of relatively small extent from one surface to the opposite or in cross section;

    "thin wire"
    "a thin chiffon blouse"
    "a thin book"
    "a thin layer of paint"

  2. lacking excess flesh;

    "you can't be too rich or too thin"
    "Yon Cassius has a lean and hungry look"

  3. very narrow;

    "a thin line across the page"

  4. not dense;

    "a thin beard"
    "trees were sparse"

  5. relatively thin in consistency or low in density; not viscous;

    "air is thin at high altitudes"
    "a thin soup"
    "skimmed milk is much thinner than whole milk"
    "thin oil"

  6. (of sound) lacking resonance or volume;

    "a thin feeble cry"

  7. lacking spirit or sincere effort;

    "a thin smile"

  8. lacking substance or significance;

    "slight evidence"
    "a tenuous argument"
    "a thin plot"

  1. without viscosity;

    "the blood was flowing thin"

  1. lose thickness; become thin or thinner
  2. make thin or thinner;

    "Thin the solution"

  3. lessen the strength or flavor of a solution or mixture;

    "cut bourbon"

  4. take off weight



用作形容詞 (adj.)
  1. The ice on the pond is too thin for skating.
  2. His face is thin and very tanned.
  3. This string is too thin, I need a thicker piece.
  4. Boil down the soup until it gets thicker. I don't like thin soup.


用作形容詞 (adj.)
grow thin
    變小〔少〕 become small or less
have a thin time
    日子過得不愉快〔舒服〕 have an unpleasant, uncomfortable or especially unsuccessful time
stretch thin
    快到極限了 will come to the limit
    stretch sb/sth thin That country's manpower and its resources are already stretched thin. 哪一個地方的人力成本和資金投入已快到山窮水盡的層度了。 Seven years of war have stretched their army thin. 四年戰事已使這些 的武力表示不充足。
thin end of the wedge
    開頭無關緊要但后果嚴重的事 sth which seems unimportant but will open the way for more serious things of a similar kind
thin on the ground
    稀少的,寥寥無幾 not plentiful
wear thin
    守不住,要垮了 begin to fail
用作動詞 (v.)
thin down (v.+adv.)
    (使)變細,(使)變薄,(使)變稀疏 (cause to) become less thick, dense, or crowded
    thin down This liquid appears to have thinned down. 這藥液貌似臉變黏稠了。 thin sth ? down The painter thinned the paint down with white spirit. 畫家庭型松菜子油溶液溶解稀釋色漿。 Can you thin the paint down so that it spreads more easily? 你能沒能把噴漆調稀一點兒?只要很差刷。 The oppression of the invaders had thinned down the population of the village. 黑客攻擊者的傷到使這樣的自然村的人口數可以減少了。 thin down to sth The stream had thinned down to a mere trickle. 河水越變越窄,末尾變回了涓涓細流。 Her voice thinned down to a whisper as people turned to shush her. 當老百姓回去頭來噓她時,她就往下壓嗓門講稿了。
thin out (v.+adv.)
    除去 remove surplus plants or trees
    thin out The enemy resistance thinned out as night approached. 黃昏時,敵方的減緩越變越弱了。 thin sth ? out The barber thinned out his customer's thick hair. 理發師把客戶的濃黑發型削薄了些。 thin out Towards the city limits the houses begin to thin out. 靠著地區最深處的空間樓房漸漸地不多來。 thin sth ? out He thinned out the seedlings. 他撥掉這些秧苗使兩者覺得稀松。 War and disease had thinned out the population. 世界大戰和問題更讓人口減輕了。 The population of the city was thinned out by the black death. 這點城鎮的人口數量主要是因為黑死病而以減少了。 thin sth ? out They thinned out a stand to create a lush forest tomorrow. 他清除了林場中很多的花草樹木,以便于來日叢林長的更茂密。


用作形容詞 (adj.)
~+名詞 ~+介詞
用作動詞 (v.)


  • He ran his thin bony fingers through her hair. 出自: A. N. Wilson
  • A bright thin crescent moon. 出自: L. Ellmann
  • The tablecloth was thin and frayed. 出自: R. Rayner
  • Some are thin as pencil points. 出自: J. C. Oates
  • A woman thinned and raddled by incessant jealousy. 出自: Hugh Walpole
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