

[be?(r)]     [ber]    
  • adj. 赤裸的;空的;僅有的;貧瘠的,荒蕪的
  • vt. 使裸露;暴露
barer barest bareness bared bared baring bares



adj. (形容詞)
  1. 裸體的;裸露的 not covered by any clothes; without clothes or covering
  2. 光禿禿的;荒蕪的 not covered with leaves; without plants or trees
  3. 無遮蓋的;沒有保護的 not covered with or protected by anything
  4. 空的 empty; containing nothing
  5. 僅夠的;最基本的;最簡單的 just enough; the most basic or simple
v. (動詞)
  1. vt. 使赤裸,露出,暴露 bring to view


  1. completely unclothed;

    "bare bodies"
    "naked from the waist up"
    "a nude model"

  2. lacking in amplitude or quantity;

    "a bare livelihood"
    "a scanty harvest"
    "a spare diet"

  3. not having a protective covering;

    "unsheathed cables"
    "a bare blade"

  4. lacking its natural or customary covering;

    "a bare hill"
    "bare feet"

  5. just barely adequate or within a lower limit;

    "a bare majority"
    "a marginal victory"

  6. apart from anything else; without additions or modifications;

    "only the bare facts"
    "shocked by the mere idea"
    "the simple passage of time was enough"
    "the simple truth"

  7. lacking a surface finish such as paint;

    "bare wood"
    "unfinished furniture"

  8. providing no shelter or sustenance;

    "bare rocky hills"
    "barren lands"
    "the bleak treeless regions of the high Andes"
    "the desolate surface of the moon"
    "a stark landscape"

  9. having everything extraneous removed including contents;

    "the bare walls"
    "the cupboard was bare"

  10. lacking embellishment or ornamentation;

    "a plain hair style"
    "unembellished white walls"
    "functional architecture featuring stark unornamented concrete"

  1. lay bare;

    "bare your breasts"
    "bare your feelings"

  2. make public;

    "She aired her opinions on welfare"

  3. lay bare;

    "denude a forest"



用作形容詞 (adj.)
  1. The fierce sun parched the bare earth.
  2. The boy likes to walk on the sand with bare feet.
  3. The little room was almost bare of furniture.
  4. A bare word would be enough for me.
用作及物動詞 (vt.)
  1. He bared the tree of its bark.
  2. He bared his head.
  3. The dog bared its teeth.
  4. He bared his heart to the girl.


用作形容詞 (adj.)
the bare bones (of)
    (…的)梗概或概要the most basic features or details (of)
lay bare
    暴露;揭露show sth that was covered or to make sth known that was secret
    lay sth ? bare She lays bare her three unhappy marriages in her autobiography. 她在自傳中毫不猶豫掩蓋地說到3次無效的愛情婚姻。 The investigation has laid bare their fraudulent scheme. 這里調察把用戶的詐騙裸漏竭忠。 Every aspect of their private lives has been laid bare. 你們的私生命逐步吹捧了。
with one's bare hands〔arms〕
    空手地;赤手空拳地without using any equipment or weapons when doing sth that needs a lot of strength
用作動詞 (v.)
bare one's soul (to)
    (向某人)打開心扉,傾訴衷腸make known one's deepest feelings; tell sb your deepest and most private feeling
bare one's teeth
    (兇惡地)齜牙咧嘴 show one's teeth in a fierce and threatening way


用作形容詞 (adj.)
~+名詞 副詞+~ ~+介詞
用作動詞 (v.)


  • Bare in thy guilt how foul must thou appear! 出自: Milton
  • His mind was..in contact with the bare facts of life. 出自: J. A. Froude
  • Earl Warrenne bared a rusty sword. 出自: J. R. Green
  • He bows, he bares his head. 出自: Tennyson
  • Scalpel bares a creamy rib. 出自: J. Kirkup
  • Sometimes..she bares her teeth without smiling, a mannerism like a pleased snarl. 出自: N. Gordimer
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