

[f?l]     [f?l]    
  • vt. 裝滿;彌漫;填充;擔任
  • n. 足量
filled filled filling fills



n. (名詞)
  1. 填方
  2. 填土
  3. 足夠
  4. 填滿的量
  5. 充足
  6. 裝填物
  7. 路堤
  8. 充滿
  9. 飽滿
  10. 填塞物
  11. 沖填
  12. 充填體
  13. 充水
  14. 填滿…的量
  15. 吃飽的量
  16. 喝足的量
  17. 充分
  18. 足夠…的量
  19. 滿足
v. (動詞)
  1. 滿足
  2. 裝滿
  3. 填滿
  4. 堵塞
  5. 注滿
  6. 使充滿
  7. 填補
  8. 被充滿
  9. 鼓脹
  10. 裝填
  11. 張滿(帆)
  12. 使(帆背)受風
  13. 充實
  14. 普及
  15. 彌漫
  16. 供應
  17. 任(職)
  18. 堵塞(洞、孔)
  19. 填(缺)
  20. 配藥
  21. 照滿
  22. 填充
  23. 任職
  24. 填補(洞、孔)
  25. 使充滿(感情)
  26. 使遍及
  27. 布滿
  28. 變得沉重
  29. 湊成、組成同一花色或某種花色組合


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. (使)充滿,(使)裝滿,填滿 make sth full; occupy all of the space in sth
  2. vt. 滿足 meet the needs or demands of
  3. vt. 任職 hold a position and do the necessary work
  4. vt. 配藥 make up the medicine
n. (名詞)
  1. [C]填滿…的量 enough to fill sth
  2. [U]充分,足夠 enough; plenty


  1. a quantity sufficient to satisfy;

    "he ate his fill of potatoes"
    "she had heard her fill of gossip"

  2. any material that fills a space or container;

    "there was not enough fill for the trench"

  1. make full, also in a metaphorical sense;

    "fill a container"
    "fill the child with pride"

  2. become full;

    "The pool slowly filled with water"
    "The theater filled up slowly"

  3. occupy the whole of;

    "The liquid fills the container"

  4. assume, as of positions or roles;

    "She took the job as director of development"
    "he occupies the position of manager"
    "the young prince will soon occupy the throne"

  5. fill or meet a want or need
  6. appoint someone to (a position or a job)
  7. eat until one is sated;

    "He filled up on turkey"

  8. fill to satisfaction;

    "I am sated"

  9. plug with a substance;

    "fill a cavity"



用作及物動詞 (vt.)
  1. Please fill the cup with water.
  2. Smoke filled the room.
  3. Life just gives you time and space, it's up to you to fill it.
  4. He is competent enough to fill that position.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. No more tea,thank you,I've had my fill.


用作動詞 (v.)
fill away (v.+adv.)
    順風行駛 catch the wind by setting the yards or trimming the sails
    fill away Then a wind arose, and the little sailing boat filled away. 不一定起風了,小沖浪板順風馳駛。 Each vessel filled away, and kept in its course. 每只船都借風試航,有時提高自我的河道。 The fleet began to fill away on a northerly course. 輪船慢慢借方向北航海。
fill in (v.+adv.)
    填補 act as a replacement for
    fill sth ? in The workmen dug a hole, mended the pipe, and then filled the hole in again. 操作人員們挖了個洞,修整好pvc管道,而后又把洞填平。 They were busy filling in a depression in the road to facilitate transportation. 她們顧著填平在路上的坑洼并能利交通出行。 He helped us to fill in a big gap in our knowledge. 他給我們填平專業知識上的空白的。 The ruts must be filled in so that traffic can pass. 輪胎壓出的轍跡須要填平,方能行和人車量通行證。 fill sth ? in Many people find it difficult to fill in a form. 非常兩個人看到表格中提交難點。 You are expected to fill in your name to cash a cheque. 要得以實現現金支票你得添上名字。 You got the date wrong when you were filling in the cheque. 你填寫內容轉賬支票時把年月日寫弄錯。 It took me only five minutes to fill in the questionnaire. 提交這個調查問卷僅需要用了我五1分鐘精力。 A blank space left so that the date could be filled in. 剩余白頁,事先確認準確時間。 fill in the time Sam, if you don't work, how can you fill in the time? 山姆,你如不上下班為何打發奶油黃道吉日呢? fill sb ? in on sth Please fill me in on your future plan. 請基本們闡述一下你以后的的計劃。 Please fill me in on what happened at the meeting. 請知道了我會議主持稿發生了的事。 He always fills us in on what his programme is. 他會給自己們出示簡略情況下的。 Please fill me in on what's been happening while I've been away. 請說了我去出差期內進行的條件。 fill in John has gone to Paris.I have to fill in. 蓋倫去莫斯科了,我得加盟他的事情。 I don't know what to do,I'm just filling in while the regular girl is away. 我就不作道做一些 才好,我只不過突然頂替有個做一項作業的故娘。 fill in for sb I can't go to the meeting, will you fill in for me? 我不會能參于哪一個會了,讓你替就去嗎? Cage is ill.Can you fill in for her tonight? 凱奇病了,你令晚替她一次怎麼樣? His medical skill is so superb that he can hardly be filled in for in an emergency. 他手術出眾,在應急處置具體情況下無法用別人帶替。 fill in The harbour gradually filled in. 港口城市慢慢慢慢淤塞了。 fill sth ? in He fills in a sketch with shadow. 他在畫稿上添襯上陰暗。 His research results helped filling in our knowledge. 他的分析重大成就益處企業補平了意識上的個空頁。
fill out (v.+adv.)
    充實; 增補 enlarge
    fill sth ? out She'll soon become a Party member, she's filled out a membership application. 她更慢就讓變成了黨團員了,她已然填寫表格了入黨個人申請個人申請報告。 fill out The sails filled out and the boat floated away . 帆張滿后船漂就離開了。 fill out The underweight child has begun to fill out after regular exercises. 這樣的偏瘦的學生在做出好幾個段有的規律的運動后慢慢長壯了。 It's strange she didn't fill out much after pregnancy. 很覺得好奇,她剛懷孕后也沒為什么發胖。 Her cheeks began to fill out after she'd been in the convalescent hospital for a couple of months. 在康復醫院養了兩人月已后,她的臉慢慢慢慢變圓了。 fill sth ? out Better health had filled her face out a little. 她的健康好了的健康,面頰發胖。 fill sth ? out They say they'll publish your paper if you can just fill it out a little. 孩子 說,一旦是你整形論文內部稍事豐富,孩子 就登載。 The manuscript might be usable if the author could fill it out a little. 要小說家稍事努力,手稿就是可以取來施用。 Tom has been asked to fill out the last part of his book to balance the first part. 湯姆被耍求把書上最終三環節充滿著一段時間,使之與第三環節相協調會。
fill up (v.+adv.)
    (使)充滿 make or become completely full
    fill up The theatre began to fill up just before the performance. 就在巡演進行前,影劇院滿座了。 Following the heavy rain, the storage tanks were filling up again. 一幕強降雨后,蓄水池又滿了。 We'd better call at the garage to fill up, we're nearly out of petrol. 煤油快用光了,企業是最好的在加高溫油脂站停車的加高溫油脂。 fill sth ? up Brooks said to the garage attendant:“Fill it up!” 布魯克斯對加油工作站服務培訓員說:“把油廂加完。” The report of the accident filled up a column of that paper. 密切相關這些死亡事故的簡報占了那張雜志的過去了一欄。 We'll have to fill up the page with photographs. 我們的使用婚紗照把這頁排滿。 The swimming pool is filled up with mud. 游水池里很多是泥。 The canal was filled up with boats on account of a vessel being aground and blocking the way. 由于有只船沉沒阻道,運河上擠爆了船。 I can't see you till tomorrow, the rest of the day is filled up. 我今日事情都制定滿了,昨天方可見面你。
fill with (v.+prep.)
    使滿懷(某種情感等) fill (sb) with (sth such as a feeling)
    fill with sth The sails filled with wind. 航程充滿了的風浪。 The lake is filling with the heavy rain. 是由于傾盆大雨水面無法繼續上漲。 The sky filled with stars. 星斗滿天。 The valley filled with stretchers.Local women hurried over to carry the wounded. 深谷里擺滿了單架,本地人婦人高興地去轉運傷兵。 fill sth with sb/sth They filled the hole with rubbish. 這些 用垃圾堆填坑。 Please fill the bottle with water. 請把這塑料瓶子注滿水。 Fill the tyres with air. 把車胎打上氣。 The box was filled with gifts. 方盒里填滿了禮物大全。 The old well was filled with poisonous gas. 那口古井里充完天然氣。 The hall was at once filled with joy. 窗口里十分高興一陣歡騰。 fill sb with sth The sound of that music fills me with memories. 那音樂英文聲使我充滿了美好的回憶。 This thought filled me with pleasure. 這一種感觸使我心理保持快樂。 The sight of him filled her with happiness. 一時到他,她心頭有著了幸福英文。 The birth of my grandchild filled me with joy. 外孫子的出世給我看提供了無窮的怏樂。 She seemed to be suddenly filled with anger. 她像是無緣無故充滿了了仇恨。 He was filled with pity for the poor girl. 他對那一個衣服破舊不堪的美女充滿了悲憫。
用作名詞 (n.)
one's fill
    能忍受的限度 as much as one can bear


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞
用作名詞 (n.)
動詞~ ~+介詞


  • Away, my goats, away: for you have browz'd your fill. 出自: Dryden
  • She had had her fill of the cloisters and the hovering nuns, kindly as most of them were. 出自: fig.
  • She filled the kettle and placed it on the stove. 出自: J. L. Waten
  • The..brutality..filled him with a despairing desire to escape. 出自: J. Conrad
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