

[?k'sp?nd]     [?k'sp?nd]    
  • v. 使 ... 膨脹;詳述;擴張;增加;張開
expandable expander expanded expanded expanding expands



v. (動詞)
  1. 擴張,擴展,發展
  2. 擴大,擴充
  3. 詳述,詳細闡明,細談
  4. 使擴張,使變大
  5. (使)增長,(使)增加
  6. (使)膨脹
  7. 變得和藹可親
  8. 延伸
  9. 使發展
  10. 【釋】擴編
  11. 【數】展開
  12. 感到心曠神怡,熱情洋溢
  13. 變開朗;(談吐)放開
  14. 伸展,伸開,展開
  15. 推廣開來


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 擴大; 加大; 使大 make larger
  2. vt. & vi. 展開 unfold or spread out


  1. extend in one or more directions;

    "The dough expands"

  2. become larger in size or volume or quantity;

    "his business expanded rapidly"

  3. make bigger or wider in size, volume, or quantity;

    "expand the house by adding another wing"

  4. grow vigorously;

    "The deer population in this town is thriving"
    "business is booming"

  5. exaggerate or make bigger;

    "The charges were inflated"

  6. add details, as to an account or idea; clarify the meaning of and discourse in a learned way, usually in writing;

    "She elaborated on the main ideas in her dissertation"

  7. expand the influence of;

    "The King extended his rule to the Eastern part of the continent"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. Metals expand when they are heated.
  2. Would you expand upon the matter a little further?
  3. They conferred on the best way to expand business.
  4. Our foreign trade has expanded during recent years.
  5. The petals of many flowers expand in the sunshine.


用作動詞 (v.)
expand into (v.+prep.)
    (使)擴展,將…擴充成 enlarge sth to become wider
    expand into sth The company intends to expand into a wider market. 這間企業開始打算進步范疇茶葉市場。 The society expanded into a worldwide organization. 該大學社團已提升被選為同一個這個全球性的安排。 The narrow path expanded into a wide road. 瓣膜反流的石板路規化成小條馬路。 The saplings have expanded into trees. 那方面樹苗都已經 長變為了參天大樹。 expand sth into sth He expanded his short story into a book. 他把他的短篇小說集增加連成一片那本書。 The director plans to expand the firm into an international company. 辦公室主任行動計劃把此廠家拓展是海外廠家。 The writer expanded one sentence into a paragraph. 文學家把其中一個短語突出成小段文字背景。 The small pocket dictionary was expanded into a full-sized one. 那本袖珍字典已拓張變成 二本大中型字典。
expand on (v.+prep.)
    進一步闡述,詳談,補充 express oneself more fully or in greater detail on
    expand on sth You will have to expand on your argument if you want to convince me. 你必須想勸服我,只要你得充分地闡釋你的論點。 He did not expand greatly on his statement. 他未就他的聲明范文多放釋疑。 In his lecture the teacher expanded on the uses of the English subjunctive mood. 教練在教課中詳細的地講講了英語口語虛擬游戲口吻的用途。 I am quite satisfied with your explanation, so there's no need to expand on it. 我對你的表述很滿足,沒得這個必要再和大家說了。
expand to (v.+prep.)
    擴展到… enlarge to
    expand to sth/v-ing The factory expands to the foot of the mountain. 這里廠商的地界初始化去了山眼底下。 The town has now expanded to twice its original size. 這里鎮早就突出到原平數的兩倍。 The business has expanded from having one office to having eight. 這間裝修單位已從有一個裝修單位成長 到具有八家分裝修單位。 expand sth to sth There sugar-beet plantation areas were expanded to 176000 hectares. 許多人的甜菜種直戶型面積新增到176000公傾。 Transport networks need to be expanded to remote rural areas. 車輛運輸網要求擴大到原的農村生活。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • Sicily then lay expanded like a map beneath our eyes. 出自: Leigh Hunt
  • He..expanded his mouth in a significant smirk. 出自: O. Manning





根目錄 緒論 查詞時代