

[d?'l?v?(r)]     [d?'l?v?r]    
  • v. 遞送;發表(演講);交付;解救;生(孩子);接生;履行;投擲
deliverable deliverability delivered delivered delivering delivers



v. (動詞)
  1. 宣布,發表,講
  2. 釋放,解脫,解放出
  3. 交付,移交
  4. 運送,送貨,運載,傳送
  5. 給予
  6. 發動(進攻)
  7. 給…接生
  8. 履行(諾言); 實現(期望)
  9. 為競選人拉(選票)
  10. 救,救出
  11. 引渡
  12. 投遞,送,傳達
  13. 拋、投球
  14. 生小孩,生產,分娩
adj. (形容詞)
  1. 靈敏的,敏捷的


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 遞送,交付 take sth to people’s houses or places of work
  2. vt. 發言 speak or read aloud to people listening
  3. vt. 助產 help in giving birth
  4. vt. 發動,提出 arouse; put forward


  1. deliver (a speech, oration, or idea);

    "The commencement speaker presented a forceful speech that impressed the students"

  2. bring to a destination, make a delivery;

    "our local super market delivers"

  3. to surrender someone or something to another;

    "the guard delivered the criminal to the police"
    "render up the prisoners"
    "render the town to the enemy"
    "fork over the money"

  4. free from harm or evil
  5. hand over to the authorities of another country;

    "They extradited the fugitive to his native country so he could be tried there"

  6. pass down;

    "render a verdict"
    "deliver a judgment"

  7. utter (an exclamation, noise, etc.);

    "The students delivered a cry of joy"

  8. save from sins
  9. carry out or perform;

    "deliver an attack"
    "deliver a blow"
    "The boxer drove home a solid left"

  10. relinquish possession or control over;

    "The squatters had to surrender the building after the police moved in"

  11. throw or hurl from the mound to the batter, as in baseball;

    "The pitcher delivered the ball"

  12. cause to be born;

    "My wife had twins yesterday!"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. The mailman delivers letters and parcels every morning.
  2. He delivered a long prose.
  3. We deliver the goods in batches.
  4. Education delivered him from ignorance.
  5. She delivered twins in the evening.
  6. The obstetrician delivered the child.
  7. I am certain that he will deliver on his promise.
  8. He must deliver the missile and at the same time stay inside the throwing circle.


用作動詞 (v.)
deliver from (v.+prep.)
    (把某人)從…中解救出來 save sb from bad, as a threat
    deliver sth from some place Has the furniture been delivered from the factory yet? 歐式家具從鑄造廠發送來到是沒有? The eggs were delivered from the farm along with the milk. 章魚隨巴氏奶由牧場送往訂戶。 deliver sb from sth This pill will deliver you from pain. 這藥上能接觸你的精神痛苦。 They delivered him from death. 我們把他從傷亡線上線下救回好。 Only education can deliver people from fear and superstition. 只是學前教育方能把國人從恐慌和沉迷中救出而來。 We need a strong leader to deliver the country from the dangers of falling money values. 自己應該一個強堅實的的領導人把自己歐洲國家從經濟貨幣貶值的問題中救回下來。 The sick man was delivered from danger. 內個患者從產生中急救出來。 They were delivered from slavery. 兩人從奴役情況中釋放過來。
deliver of (v.+prep.)
    表達(自己的觀點) express sth such as an opinion
    deliver sb of sb The doctor delivered Mrs. Jones of a baby. 大夫為瓊斯妻子接生了個寶寶。 She was delivered of a lovely girl. 她生了了個可愛的她。 She was safely delivered of a boy in the early hours of this morning. 她本文早晨順利圓滿懷上一女孩兒。 deliver oneself of sth It's so uninteresting to listen to a politician delivering himself of his views. 聽一名官員發布自家的看法太無聊了。
deliver on (v.+prep.)
    〈美口〉履行,實行 perform; carry out
    deliver on sth This autumn the President had a major opportunity to deliver on his pledge. 就在今年初秋國家元首有長次落實他誓言的最重要就會。 They failed to deliver on their promises. 兩人無落實兩人的承諾。
deliver over/up to (v.+adv.+prep.)
    〈正〉把…移交出去,把…轉交給 yield sb/sth to
    deliver sb/oneself/sth over/up to sb He delivered himself up to the police. 他向公安局專案組投案了。 At last, they delivered the port over to the enemy. 第三它們抱拳把集裝箱碼頭寄給了怪物。 The old man delivered his property over to his son. 老大爺把夫妻共同財產交由了小女兒。 When the sale is complete, you must deliver the house over to the new owner. 轉賣成交量后,你需求把毛坯房移交清單給新主人家。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • The Lord..will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine. 出自:Bible (AV): 1 Samuel
  • A mood of disgust..from which he was only delivered by..abandoning these studies. 出自: T. Hardy
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