

[kra?d]     [kra?d]    
  • n. 人群;群眾;大群;朋友
  • v. 擁擠;擠滿;涌入;貼近;逼迫
crowder crowded crowded crowding crowds



n. (名詞)
  1. 人群,群人
  2. 大眾,群眾,民眾,老百姓
  3. 許多,大量
  4. 一堆
  5. <口>一伙,一幫,一群
  6. 擁擠
  7. 伙伴,家伙
  8. 東西
  9. 部隊
  10. 熙攘的人群,人山人海
v. (動詞)
  1. 催逼,催促,逼迫
  2. 聚集,群聚,云集
  3. 擁擠,擠滿,塞滿
  4. 擠(進)
  5. 將…塞進
  6. 排擠
  7. 勒索
  8. 簇擁, 聚集在…周圍
  9. 把...擠得水泄不通,使…擁擠
  10. 涌上(心頭),涌入(腦海)
  11. 靠近
  12. 擠在一旁


n. (名詞)
  1. [C]人群 (a) large number of people gathered together
  2. [C]聽眾,觀眾 mass of spectators; audience
  3. [C]一群,一批; 一堆 a large number of (people or things)
v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 群集,擁擠 come together in a crowd
  2. vt. 擠滿,塞滿 fill with
  3. vt. 催逼 put purpose on


  1. a large number of things or people considered together;

    "a crowd of insects assembled around the flowers"

  2. an informal body of friends;

    "he still hangs out with the same crowd"

  1. cause to herd, drive, or crowd together;

    "We herded the children into a spare classroom"

  2. fill or occupy to the point of overflowing;

    "The students crowded the auditorium"

  3. to gather together in large numbers;

    "men in straw boaters and waxed mustaches crowded the verandah"

  4. approach a certain age or speed;

    "She is pushing fifty"



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. We had to push our way through the crowd.
  2. From across the fields came cheers of the crowd.
  3. A large crowd was waiting at the bus stop.
  4. A crowd gathered at the scene of the fire.
  5. That's just what you get from hanging out with the wrong crowd.
用作動詞 (v.)
  1. They had managed to crowd into a train.
  2. Everyone in the restaurant crowded around them and started singing.
  3. The room was crowded with guests.
  4. Hundreds of people crowded the street.
  5. Images of the accident kept crowding my mind.
  6. A bevy of reporters crowded toward the candidate.
  7. He crowded the debtor for payment.


用作動詞 (v.)
crowd in (v.+adv.)
    在時間表中擠進,強安排進 fill one's timetable with difficulty with (sth/sb)
    crowd in When the gates of the ground were opened, all the football supporters crowded in. 當比賽場的時代瀏覽器打開時,足球迷們一擁而進。 crowd sb ? in It's impossible to crowd any more football supporters in. 不可再讓某些足球迷擠到中間去了之后。 crowd sb/sth ? in Mr. Smith is seeing people all morning, but if the matter is urgent I'll see if I can crowd you in. 將近一兩個中午史密斯先是都還在接持賓客,但若你事物緊急措施,小編觀察能不是為誰布置下面會見。
crowd in (up)on (v.+adv.+prep.)
    (往事)涌現于(某人)的腦海 fill the mind of (sb)
crowd into (v.+prep.)
    涌現于(某人)的腦海 fill the mind of (sb)
    crowd into sth The neighbours crowded into their home to wish them well. 樓上住戶們涌入這些 的房里為這些 祝福語言。 They all crowded into the cinema. 用戶都擁入了影視作品院。 They crowded through the gate into the stadium. 她們擠過門樓,開始田徑運動場。 crowd sb/sth into sth I crowded everything into my suitcase. 你把全部的的食物都塞進了手拿箱。 Reporters and photographers were crowded into the lobby. 電視記者和攝影師都擠進了窗口。 Too much furniture had been crowded into the sales room. 售貨處塞的家具廠許多了。 crowd sb/sth into sth If the matter is urgent,I'll see if I can crowd you into Mr. Black's timetable today. 要是這件事應緊,我想看能無法把你自己分配在布萊克師傅的準確時間表上。 crowd sth into one's mind So many thoughts of Haas were now crowded into her mind, all at once. 對哈斯的那些想念一番子涌上她的心尖。
crowd out (v.+adv.)
    將…排擠出 squeeze (sb/sth) out
    crowd out When the performance was over, the people crowded out. 展現出了完畢后,人涌了出了。 crowd sb ? out (of sth) I tried to keep my place in the queue, but they crowded me out. 我全力落到隊中,可這些人讓我擠了出去。 Some football fans were crowded out of the football ground. 許多籃球迷被一擠籃球場。 crowd sb/sth ? out (of sth) The big firms tried to crowd our small business out of the market. 一些大企業名稱視圖讓我們的小商家欺壓出賣場。 We would have liked to print your letter in the newspaper, but it was crowded out by important news. 自己本想要我的歌詞的信在英文報紙上發稿,但它被關鍵要聞排出了。
crowd round1 (v.+adv.)
    聚集在一起 gather in large numbers
    crowd round We crowded round eagerly, then felt disappointed. 大家都著急地圍攏沒了,可都感到孤獨感觸良多。 The children crowded round to hear the story. 閨女們聚在一塊兒聽典故。
crowd round2 (v.+prep.)
    聚集在…的周圍 gather in large numbers closely round (sth/sb)
    crowd round sb/sth The students crowded round the teacher to ask questions. 小學生們團團圍住講師回答題。 The people crowded round the scene of the accident. 顧客集結在出車禍在什么地方身邊的。
crowd with (v.+prep.)
    用…催逼 put purpose on (sb) using sth


用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~ ~+名詞 ~+介詞
用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • The first to be swept away were the crowds of middle-men. 出自: J. B. Priestley
  • Then official duties crowded the matter from his mind. 出自: O. Henry
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