

[kr?k]     [kr?k]    
  • v. 破裂;砸開;發出爆裂聲;撞擊;破解;變嘶啞;崩潰;制裁;<非正式>開玩笑
  • n. 裂縫;裂痕;爆裂聲;猛擊;嘗試;俏皮話
  • adj. 訓練有素的
cracked cracked cracking cracks



v. (動詞)
  1. 裂,開裂,裂開,破裂
  2. 突然斷裂
  3. 發破裂聲,發坼裂聲,發出爆裂聲
  4. 噼啪噼啪地響
  5. (嗓子)變粗,(聲音)變啞
  6. 失敗,放棄
  7. (身體上或精神上)垮掉,崩潰,屈服
  8. 【化】裂化,分餾
  9. 【計】非法侵入(計算機系統)(后跟into)
  10. <美>吹牛,自夸
  11. <蘇格蘭>談話,聊天
  12. <俚>性交
  13. 使…劈啪作響
  14. 使裂開,使破裂,使爆裂
  15. 撞擊,打擊并發出劇烈聲響
  16. <美俚>闖進,破門而入
  17. 破壞,損壞
  18. 削弱
  19. 稍微打開
  20. 說(笑話)
  21. 解決,偵破(案件),破解(密碼、秘密等)
  22. 使(聲音)發啞
  23. <口>撬開,打開(保險柜等)
  24. <口>翻開(書)
  25. <口>打開(酒瓶)
  26. 【化】裂化(石油等),使裂解
  27. 吹捧(某人或物)
  28. 使發狂,使精神失常
  29. 【棒球】打擊
  30. 【計】非法侵入
n. (名詞)
  1. 破裂,斷裂,碎裂,皸裂,龜裂
  2. 爆裂聲,破裂聲,噼啪聲
  3. 裂縫,裂紋,縫隙,裂口
  4. <俚>俏皮話,玩笑,挖苦的話
  5. 缺點,毛病,瑕疵
  6. 猛烈的一擊,打擊,(砰的)一擊
  7. <口>嘗試
  8. 【化】裂化
  9. 變聲,發啞
  10. 精神錯亂
  11. <美俚>強效純可卡因(供吸毒者吸煙用)
  12. 瞬間,片刻
  13. <俚>溜門撬鎖,盜竊
  14. <英國方言>閑談,聊天
  15. <英國方言>吹牛,謊言
  16. (步槍等的)槍聲,射擊
  17. (使石頭密接的)槽口
  18. <口>優秀的人,優秀選手
  19. <口>精彩的東西
adj. (形容詞)
  1. 第一流的,一流的,頂呱呱的,最好的,極好的,頂尖的
  2. 出名的,優秀的
  3. 老練的,高明的
  4. 高級的
  5. 訓練有素的,技藝高超的
adv. (副詞)
  1. 霹啪一聲地
  2. 噼啪地
  3. 啪的一聲
  4. 尖銳地


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 使…開裂,破裂 make to develop a crack or cracks
  2. vt. & vi. 使身體上或精神上垮掉 cause to suffer a physical or mental collapse
n. (名詞)
  1. [C]裂縫,縫隙 a line of division caused by splitting; very thin mark or opening caused by breaking, but not into separate parts
  2. [C]噼啪聲,爆裂聲 a loud sharp sound
  3. [C]意外的一下重擊 a sudden sharp blow esp. caused accidentally
  4. [S]試圖,嘗試 an attempt
  5. [C]俏皮話 a clever quick joke or remark


  1. a long narrow opening
  2. a narrow opening;

    "he opened the window a crack"

  3. a long narrow depression in a surface
  4. a sudden sharp noise;

    "the crack of a whip"
    "he heard the cracking of the ice"
    "he can hear the snap of a twig"

  5. a chance to do something;

    "he wanted a shot at the champion"

  6. witty remark
  7. a blemish resulting from a break without complete separation of the parts;

    "there was a crack in the mirror"

  8. a purified and potent form of cocaine that is smoked rather than snorted; highly addictive
  9. a usually brief attempt;

    "he took a crack at it"
    "I gave it a whirl"

  10. the act of cracking something
  1. of the highest quality;

    "an ace reporter"
    "a crack shot"
    "a first-rate golfer"
    "a super party"
    "played top-notch tennis"
    "an athlete in tiptop condition"
    "she is absolutely tops"

  1. become fractured; break or crack on the surface only;

    "The glass cracked when it was heated"

  2. make a very sharp explosive sound;

    "His gun cracked"

  3. make a sharp sound;

    "his fingers snapped"

  4. hit forcefully; deal a hard blow, making a cracking noise;

    "The teacher cracked him across the face with a ruler"

  5. pass through (a barrier);

    "Registrations cracked through the 30,000 mark in the county"

  6. break partially but keep its integrity;

    "The glass cracked"

  7. break suddenly and abruptly, as under tension;

    "The pipe snapped"

  8. gain unauthorized access computers with malicious intentions;

    "she cracked my password"
    "crack a safe"

  9. suffer a nervous breakdown
  10. tell spontaneously;

    "crack a joke"

  11. cause to become cracked;

    "heat and light cracked the back of the leather chair"

  12. reduce (petroleum) to a simpler compound by cracking
  13. break into simpler molecules by means of heat;

    "The petroleum cracked"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. The glass will crack if you pour boiled water into it .
  2. You may crack these nuts with a hammer.
  3. I cracked two eggs into the frying pan.
  4. Thunder cracked overhead.
  5. Dad fell and cracked his head against the door.
  6. The histone code will not be easy to crack.
  7. His voice cracked with emotion.
  8. The boy's voice is beginning to crack at the age of puberty.
  9. Anyone can crack under pressure.
  10. Police are cracking down on drug dealers.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. There is a crack in this window.
  2. They wormed their way out through the crack in the wall.
  3. After only a year, cracks started to appear in their marriage.
  4. The crack of a rifle is very sharp.
  5. The branch broke with a sharp crack.
  6. He was struck with a smart crack on the head.
  7. This is her first crack at writing a book.
  8. Red always goofs off, or thinks of a smart crack instead of working.
用作形容詞 (adj.)
  1. She is a crack shot with a rifle.


用作動詞 (v.)
crack down on (v.+adv.+prep.)
    處罰,制裁 become more strict with sb
    crack down on sb/sth The police are really beginning to crack down on drivers who park their cars just where they like. 民警真要對有些任意停入氣車的小車司機通過采取嚴格要求舉措了。 The city authorities decided to crack down on illegal trading. 某省派出所直接決定全部取消黑市賣賣。
crack a joke (v.+n.)
    講笑話,開玩笑 speak funny story
crack into (v.+prep.)
    分裂為 make develop a crack
    crack into sth Inside the reactor the large molecules are cracked into smaller molecules. 在不良反應堆里,大團伙裂變式為小團伙。
crack on (v.+adv.)
    扯滿篷帆前進 set the canvas to start sail
    crack on We set the flying jib and cracked on. 當我們扯起三角形帆,順風馳駛。
crack a smile (v.+n.)
    露出笑臉 smile
crack up (v.+adv.)
    〈非正〉夸獎; 吹捧 be not as good as other people have praised; praise highly
    crack up The land cracked up because of the drought. 地面因旱災而裂縫。 The airplane cracked up in landing. 那架飛機航班降落時撞毀了。 crack sth ? up John cracked up his car. 阿奇博爾德把本身的車撞毀了。 crack up Pressure of work caused John to crack up. 上班壓力值使羅伯特體垮了。 If he doesn't rest he'll crack up soon. 他只要不歇歇,他比較慢會垮掉的。 Poor Tom cracked up under the strain of overwork. 可伶的湯姆工作過分過分,人體垮了。 Stop talking to yourself, or people will think you're cracking up! 別自說自話了,不燃消費者會為你得了精神是什么病呢! When the court pronounced him death penalty, the accused totally cracked up. 當仲裁庭最終判決被告死刑判決時,原告人的理念充分頓卡了。 crack sb/sth ? up You should have heard them cracking him up! 你真該聆聽孩子們對他怎么樣去大捧而特捧。 He is not so clever as he has been cracked up to be. 他并不是和某個人吹捧的因為那樣聰敏。 I don't think this new sewing-machine is everything it's cracked up to be. 我 看這臺新電動縫紉機只能靠用戶吹噓得特別好。
用作名詞 (n.)
the crack of doom
    世界末日 the end of the world


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞
用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 介詞+~ ~+介詞


  • Maybe I'll give another agency first crack at it instead. 出自: B. Schulberg
  • Crack shots, winners of Queen's prizes. 出自: J. K. Jerome
  • Soldiers of several crack regiments. 出自: P. Ustinov
  • Silks russle, and tough Whalebones crack. 出自: Pope
  • The flame cracked up among the twigs. 出自: J. Steinbeck





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