

[k?'m?t]     [k?'m?t]    
  • v. 犯罪;承諾;委托;托付
committable committed committed committing commits



v. (動詞)
  1. 犯(罪),干, 做
  2. 使作出保證,使表態, 使承擔義務,承諾,保證
  3. 托,委,委托,委任,把...交托給,把...提交給
  4. (把議程等)交付委員會
  5. 【律】提(審), 收(監), 下(牢),判處,把...押交,把...判處
  6. 【軍】使…投入戰斗,指派...作戰
  7. 把...付諸
  8. 撥出,指定...用于,調配…供使用


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. 犯罪; 犯錯 perform a crime, foolish act
  2. vt. 承諾; 使自己受約束 pledge; bind oneself
  3. vt. 托付; 交付 entrust, give over, hand over to, for safekeeping or treatment


  1. perform an act, usually with a negative connotation;

    "perpetrate a crime"
    "pull a bank robbery"

  2. give entirely to a specific person, activity, or cause;

    "She committed herself to the work of God"
    "give one's talents to a good cause"
    "consecrate your life to the church"

  3. cause to be admitted; of persons to an institution;

    "After the second episode, she had to be committed"
    "he was committed to prison"

  4. confer a trust upon;

    "The messenger was entrusted with the general's secret"
    "I commit my soul to God"

  5. make an investment;

    "Put money into bonds"

  6. engage in or perform;

    "practice safe sex"
    "commit a random act of kindness"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. They committed outrages on innocent citizens.
  2. He committed suicide rather than sell out to the enemy.
  3. He didn't commit himself to anything.
  4. The girl was committed to the care of an aunt.


用作動詞 (v.)
commit for (v.+prep.)
    把(某人)押送至,送交… send or hold (sb) for (a purpose)
    commit sb for sb The prisoner was committed for trial. 那囚徒被上傳法官。
commit on (v.+prep.)
    把自己對(某事物或某人)的看法公之于眾 make one's opinions known about (sth or sb)
    commit oneself on sth You can't change your mind now; you've already committed yourself on that question. 你目前不可以再發生變化特別注意了,你都已經對這個一些問題透明化發言了。 He couldn't commit himself on any issue. 他不想讓在不管什么困難上表示。
commit to (v.+prep.)
    把…固定在,保留在…之上或之中 fix (sth) in or on (sth)
    commit sth to sth I commit this evil book to the flames. 我將這部壞書付產品之一炬。 They committed some funds to the care of the board of trustees. 孩子 把多一筆款子還給監事會成員會管控。 commit sb to sth The boy was committed to the care of his aunt. 這些寶寶被交出他的姑媽照管。 The criminals were committed to prison. 某些犯人被抓進牢房。 The old man was committed to a hospital for mad people. 一個中老年人被送進了瘋人大醫院。 commit oneself/sth to sth/v-ing I must go. I have committed myself to the club tonight and the members are expecting me. 我得回來了,我都已經 考慮考慮昨晚去俱樂部,vip會員們正等到我呢。 I should not like to commit myself to an opinion at this stage. 在一些關鍵時期,我想文章發表一些建議。 He has committed himself to the cause of education. 他已思想上美女獻身教育教學衛生事業。 He committed himself to the cause of modernizing the country's industry. 他美女獻身于的國家的工業制造近代化基本建設行業。 The government can't commit any more money to improving the National Health Service. 人民政府尚未拿到越多的錢來調理醫療食品衛生食品衛生衛生事業。 A thinking person must commit himself to working for peace. 的有腦海的人有必要銳意創新于為友誼而的工作。 He was a good worker who was committed to his family as well as to his work. 他也是個好人工,不只對崗位盡心全力,對婚姻也盡快到責任事故。 The doctor was committed to practical medicine. 那名醫護人員著力推進于配用醫藥學。 commit sth to sth Don't commit your promises to paper. 避免我的歌詞的承諾卡記錄下來來。 The actor committed the part to memory. 那叫一個知名演員把英雄緊緊系牢。 You should commit your idea to writing. 你應把屬于自己的征求意見寫出來。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • The magistrates committed the prisoners to the House of Correction for one month each. 出自: H. Martineau
  • I'm rather worried about you. About your mind...I think I'll have you committed. 出自: E. Albee
  • He was charged with wilful murder and formally committed for trial. 出自: R. Travers
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