

[b?d]     [b?d]    
  • v. (買方)出價;投標;吩咐;叫牌
  • n. 出價;努力;叫牌
bidder bade/bid bidden/bid bidding bids



v. (動詞)
  1. 投標,出價,喊價,競買
  2. 囑,命令,吩咐
  3. 表示(歡迎);告(別);贈(言)祝;祝;向(某人)問候、道別等
  4. 邀請
  5. 【橋牌】叫牌
  6. 企圖;努力爭取,企圖獲得
  7. 向...表示,告訴
  8. <美口>接納...為成員
n. (名詞)
  1. 出價,喊價
  2. 企圖,努力,努力爭取
  3. 投標
  4. 邀請
  5. 【牌】叫牌,有資格叫牌的一手牌,叫出的點數
  6. 提議
  7. 還價,遞價
  8. 出價數目
  9. 出價的機會


n. (名詞)
  1. [C]企圖,努力 an attempt to get, win, or attract
  2. [C]喊價,出價,投標 an offer to pay a certain price at a sale, esp. at an auction; an offer to do some work at a certain price; tender
v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 出價,投標 (at an auction sale) make an offer of money; put in a tender for
  2. vt. 命令; 吩咐 command; tell
  3. vt. 說問候話 say (as a greeting, etc.)


  1. an authoritative direction or instruction to do something
  2. an attempt to get something;

    "they made a futile play for power"
    "he made a bid to gain attention"

  3. a formal proposal to buy at a specified price
  4. (bridge) the number of tricks a bridge player is willing to contract to make
  1. propose a payment;

    "The Swiss dealer offered $2 million for the painting"

  2. invoke upon;

    "wish you a nice evening"
    "bid farewell"

  3. ask for or request earnestly;

    "The prophet bid all people to become good persons"

  4. make a demand, as for a card or a suit or a show of hands;

    "He called his trump"

  5. make a serious effort to attain something;

    "His campaign bid for the attention of the poor population"

  6. ask someone in a friendly way to do something



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. She bid 500 for the painting.
  2. Several firms have bid for the contract to build the new concert hall.
  3. Several companies are bidding for the contract to build the bridge.
  4. Do as you are bidden.
  5. I bid two hearts.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. He made a bid of 50 for a painting.
  2. A bid higher than another bid.
  3. He failed in his bid to reach the summit.
  4. He made a strong bid for the championship.
  5. It's your bid next.


用作動詞 (v.)
bid fair (v.+adv.)
    有…的可能 seem likely (to do sth)
    bid fair to-v He bids fair to be a popular author. 他有很大期待稱為受人青睞的文學家。 This plan bids fair to be a success. 該類方案可望成功的英文。
bid for (v.+prep.)
    靠許愿來獲得(贊成、支持等) try to get (approval, support, etc.)
    bid for sth She bid frantically for the old chair. 她發狂地高喊好價錢要買那把傳統的靠椅。 A surprising number of people were bidding for those rather worthless things at the sale. 排賣有些沒得啥子附加值的地方時,定價秒殺活動者編制數之多這令咋舌。 bid sth for sth I bid 1000 dollars for that picture. 我對那幅畫買價1000澳元。 He bid a quarter of million pounds for the portrait. 他對那幅肖像畫標價26萬歐元。 bid for sth The Chinese climbers are determined to bid for the highest mountain in the world. 中國現代登山隊自行車運策劃著努力等上社會更高峰時段。 Several companies are bidding for the contract to build the bridge. 有好幾家總部真正競爭性談判鼓勵承包人建橋市政工程。 bid for sth The politicians are bidding for our favour by making wild promises that they can't keep. 魅力值和家們為調用消費者的可以而滿天飛許愿。
bid in (v.+adv.)
    在拍賣中出價競買(自己的拍賣物) offer a price for (one's own goods) at an auction
    bid sth ? in The painting failed to reach its agreed price, and was bid in at 4000 dollars. 那幅畫尚未按議定的單價轉化率,物主出了4000英鎊的介格把它放在自已雙手。
bid on (v.+prep.)
    投標承包(某項工程) offer to do (a piece of work) at a certain price
    bid on sth How many firms bid on the contract to build the bridge? 有多長家工廠出價力爭那座橋的努力營造權?
bid up (v.+adv.)
    在拍賣中哄抬物價 raise the price of (goods) at an auction
    bid sth ? up The dealers bid up all the good pieces to keep out private buyers. 神秘商人們對拍賣行中的尖貨競出低價,以規定個購置者。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • Britain's Bid for War-Plane Supremacy. 出自:Punch
  • That's not a bid for pity, it's just telling you why I feel this way. 出自: J. Van Druten
  • The two Earls were..bidden to be diligent. 出自: E. A. Freeman
  • Just you go and do as I bid you. 出自: L. M. Montgomery
  • Good Captain, bid the drums be silent. 出自: W. H. Auden





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