

[belt]     [belt]    
  • n. 腰帶;帶狀物;地帶;皮帶
  • vt. 用皮帶抽打;用帶系上;用帶標示
  • vi. 疾馳;大聲歌唱
belted belted belting belts



n. (名詞)
  1. 地帶,地區
  2. 皮帶,腰帶
  3. 帶,帶狀物
  4. 子彈帶
  5. 海峽
  6. 區域
  7. 吃水線以下的裝甲帶
  8. 快感,刺激
  9. 綬帶
  10. 線條
  11. <俚>猛擊,狠揍
  12. 【機】傳動帶,傳送帶
  13. 【天】云狀帶
v. (動詞)
  1. 用皮帶抽打,抽打
  2. 用帶捆住,用帶扎上,用皮帶等圍繞,用帶扎牢
  3. 用帶標明
  4. 環繞
  5. <俚>猛擊,狠打,狠揍,狠擊
  6. 痛罵
  7. <俚>疾馳,飛奔,飛馳
  8. 在...上系帶子,繞著系上帶子,用帶系上
  9. 急走,快速移動,高速運動
  10. 佩帶
  11. 高聲唱歌,引吭高歌,大聲歌唱
  12. 系上安全帶
  13. 住口,閉嘴
  14. 系腰帶
  15. 喊破嗓門(常與out連用)
  16. 狂飲,喝 ,飲一口(酒)(常與down連用)


n. (名詞)
  1. [C]腰帶,帶子 strip of leather, cloth, etc. usually worn around the waist
  2. [C]傳送帶 an endless circle band of leather other material used for driving a machine or moving things from one place to another
  3. [C]區域; 地帶 an area that has a particular quality or part
v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 用帶束緊,用帶子系住 fasten with a belt
  2. vt. & vi. 抽打,用皮帶打 thrash; hit with a belt
  3. vt. & vi. 重打 hit very hard, especially with the hand
  4. vt. & vi. 快速行進 travel fast


  1. endless loop of flexible material between two rotating shafts or pulleys
  2. a band to tie or buckle around the body (usually at the waist)
  3. an elongated region where a specific condition or characteristic is found;

    "a belt of high pressure"

  4. a vigorous blow;

    "the sudden knock floored him"
    "he took a bash right in his face"
    "he got a bang on the head"

  5. a path or strip (as cut by one course of mowing)
  6. ammunition (usually of small caliber) loaded in flexible linked strips for use in a machine gun
  7. the act of hitting vigorously;

    "he gave the table a whack"

  1. sing loudly and forcefully
  2. deliver a blow to;

    "He belted his opponent"

  3. fasten with a belt;

    "belt your trousers"



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. He has a brown belt in karate.
  2. A belt of trees grew between the two fields.
  3. As Indonesia lies in the volcanic belt, earthquakes can occur.
  4. My trousers only stay up if I wear a belt.
用作及物動詞 (vt.)
  1. He strapped the driver with a leather belt.
  2. The air hostess asked everyone to belt himself in.
用作不及物動詞 (vi.)
  1. They went belting along the road.
  2. Mahalia Jackson beltd out a gospel tune.


用作名詞 (n.)
below the belt
    不公正的; 傷人的 unfair or cruel
pull in one's belt
    勒緊褲帶,節衣縮食 spend less; make economies
tighten one's belt
    儉省,節約度日,忍饑受餓 spend less; make economies
under one's belt
    為自己所有,在自己手中,在腹中 have as an achievement or experience; in the abdomen
用作動詞 (v.)
belt along1 (v.+adv.)
    迅速行動 move fast
    belt along He belts along in the car. 他驅車發展沖。
belt along2 (v.+prep.)
    迅速行動 move fast
    belt along sth We belted along the motorway for nearly a hundred miles, and then had to travel at a crawl along the minor roads. .我在順豐車道上急馳了近100英里,然而必須要不在石板路上慢悠悠地行駛。
belt down (v.+prep.)
    在…上迅速移動 move very fast in specified direction
    belt sb down sth He was belted down the motorway at 90 m.p.h. 他在加速度工路先以每H90英里的加速度汽車行駛。
belt in (v.+prep.)
    猛打 hit very hard
    belt sb in sth She belted me in the eye. 她打火了我的眼光。
belt into (v.+prep.)
    狠揍; 痛罵 hit very hard; scold hard
    belt into sb I lost my temper and belted into him. 剛發不火,狠恨地揍了他一頓。 When he said that,I belted into him and told him just what I thought. 我女朋友了那事之后,我痛罵了他一下并問他他我是什么樣想的。
belt on (v.+adv.)
    用帶系住 fasten with a belt
    belt sth ? on The officer belted his sword on. 那上校軍官用繩子把劍佩上。 The detective belted his pistol on. 偵探用繩子將手槍系住。
belt out (v.+adv.)
    大聲〔用力〕唱 sing loudly and forcefully
    belt out I open the door, the cat belted out. 把我門一拆開,貓就真快跑出去玩了。 belt sth ? out She belted out a high note. 她大嗓門唱出來高音。 She belted out ballads and hillbilly songs one after another all evening. 她整夜其中一兩個接其中一兩個地大唱民謠歌曲和山村小調。 No one can belt out those old songs as she can. 不能可以像她那種放聲唱起哪種老歌。 They belted it out for all they were worth. 它們我們一起地放聲合唱。
belt out of (v.+adv.+prep.)
    把…用力打出 hit sth very hard out of sth
    belt sth out of sth The tennis player was so annoyed that he belted the ball right out of the court. 那一網球手發怒地過度一揮把球打得網網球場外去。
belt up (v.+adv.)
    〈俚〉安靜 be quiet
    belt up The soldiers belted up and went out. 戰士職業們系好武裝帶,溜了回來。 Many people think it is important to belt up before you start to drive. 好多的人因為駕車去前幾天系上安全可靠帶是為重要的。 belt sth ? up He belted up his raincoat. 他扎好雨衣套裝的繩子。 They belted the mechanism up. 你把機械性保護裝置掛了傳動帶。 belt up Belt up.I can't hear what your mother is saying. 僻靜點,聽來不及你父親母親所指下了。 Belt up, you boys,Father's asleep. 靜放進去吧,娃兒們,媽媽在休息。 Oh, belt up,I'm tired of your moaning. 哦,別談了,我厭惡你的悲嘆聲。


用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~ ~+名詞 介詞+~
用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • The sword..hung from a belt that passed over the shoulder. 出自: C. Boutell
  • He wore a loosely made camel's-hair overcoat, the unfastened belt of which trailed behind him. 出自: A. Powell
  • His jeans were held up by a wide harness-leather belt with a big square brass buckle. 出自: J. Steinbeck
  • Allen-a-Dale was ne'er belted a knight. 出自: Sir W. Scott





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