

['fɑ?sn]     ['f?sn]    
  • vt. 拴緊;使固定;系;強加于
  • vi. 固定;系緊;抓緊
fastener fastened fastened fastening fastens



v. (動詞)
  1. 扣緊, 閂住,扎牢 ,釘牢,把...結牢
  2. 把集中于,集中注意力于,集中于
  3. 把強加于,把...歸于,把...加在,加強于
  4. 握住,抓住,堅持不放
  5. 盯住不放地攻擊,把盯住
  6. 鎖,閂(門)
  7. 加固,上緊,握牢
  8. 堅持
  9. 使固定,使牢固
  10. 集中注意力,全神貫注
  11. 系結,連接,連結
  12. 縛,系


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. 系緊,拴牢 make or become firmly fixed or closed
  2. vt. & vi. 閂住 become closed or attached
  3. vt. 盯住 gaze at


  1. cause to be firmly attached;

    "fasten the lock onto the door"
    "she fixed her gaze on the man"

  2. become fixed or fastened;

    "This dress fastens in the back"

  3. attach to;

    "They fastened various nicknames to each other"

  4. make tight or tighter;

    "Tighten the wire"



用作及物動詞 (vt.)
  1. Do not fasten all the windows up while you sleep.
  2. For your own safety,please fasten your seat belts.
  3. I fastened the pages together with a paperclip.
  4. The little boy has learnt to fasten shoelaces.
  5. Don't fasten the responsibility on him.
用作不及物動詞 (vi.)
  1. What can I use to fasten on this clip?
  2. The handbag won't fasten properly.
  3. It is advisable that you fasten on the opportunity.


用作動詞 (v.)
fasten off (v.+adv.)
    固定好 finish fastening sth
    fasten sth ? off Fasten the thread off with a knot. 打個結把線比較固定好。 When you sew up to this end, fasten off the thread. 我不縫到這頭時,把線打個結。
fasten on1 (v.+adv.)
    把…牢牢地裝上 fix sth on firmly
    fasten sth ? on She fastened the badge on. 她別起了那枚勛章。 I can't fasten on the button. 我扣不上這一個扣子。 The lid won't come off accidentally, it's been fastened on. 蓋子會摔下來了,裝得很牢。
fasten on2〔upon〕 (v.+prep.)
    把…加在某人身上 add sth to sb
    fasten on〔upon〕 sth The stranger fastened on my arm. 那么生疏人輕輕地把握我的手臂。 The president fastened on the idea at once. 中國主席再次拿定了這點顧慮。 Once he's fastened on an idea, you can't get him to change his mind. 他己經確認三種你怎么看,大家就休想叫他變主權在民。 fasten on〔upon〕 sb/sth The boy's eyes fastened on the stranger. 哪個男孩子的視線牢牢盯著哪個騷擾人。 Everyone's eyes fastened on the little girl in the middle of the stage. 用戶 的顧客的目光分布在舞臺效果黨中央的那為小姑涼手上。 His gaze fastened on the pictures. 他看著某些證件照片。 The sentries fastened on anything suspicious on the border. 哨兵們相互之間追隨邊防在線所以異常情況的聲響。 fasten sth on〔upon〕 sb/sth He fastened his eyes on me. 我用眼精密切關注我。 He fastened his attention on her. 他的小心力集結在她陰莖上。 The boy fastened his eyes on the toys. 那子女眼鏡想著玩縣。 As he fastened his eyes on the food, he couldn't help feeling hungry. 望著某些飯萊,他不免感覺到饑餓難受。 His eyes were fastened on the boiling, tumbling waves. 他的視線疑視著浩浩蕩蕩的波濤。 Five hundred pairs of eyes were fastened upon him eagerly. 五百雙眼晴全自動制袋機地看著他。 fasten on〔upon〕 sb He always fastens on a newcomer to the club to tell his stories. 他有時候纏著聚樂部新進的人把屬于自己的歷練來告訴。 Sickness has fastened on him. 他病魔壓身。 I object to being fastened on in that way. 我巴勒斯坦建國那些別人要死要活無休。 fasten oneself on〔upon〕 sb No sooner had I got in the door than he came and fastened himself upon me. 我不久進門玄關,他就來纏住我。 fasten sth on〔upon〕 sb They tried to fasten the responsibility for the accident on me, but luckly I could produce witnesses to prove that I was not at fault. 這些 試圖把安全事故的損失加到我的背上,辛好我會舉出實證證明格式我是可憐的。 Why do you fasten such a nickname on her? 你為啥給她取這類其中一個綽號? It looks as if the blame has been fastened on an innocent person. 看了好象一種莫名其妙的人被了體罰。
fasten onto (v.+prep.)
    盯著 pay attention to
    fasten onto sb/sth Fasten onto what the official broadcasting station is saying. 目光逛網電臺是怎么能說的。 The researcher was fastening onto his microscope when the door of the lab was opened with a bang. 當試驗室的門砰地1聲打開微信時,整個鉆研師正全神貫注地盯著電子顯微鏡。
fasten to (v.+prep.)
    系〔拴,扣〕在…上 fix sth firmly to sth
    fasten sth to sth Fasten the horse to the tree. 把馬拴在山上。 He fastened the ox joke to the wagon pole. 他把牛軛系在車轅上。 The fisherman fastened his net to the side of the boat. 漁夫把漁網拴在船舷上。 We had to fasten the notice to the door with a nail. 我門就必須用鐵釘把信息釘到門板上。 He fastened the calendar to a wall. 他把日歷表掛在墻壁之上。 She fastened a flower to the front of her dress. 她在羽絨服前襟上別下一支花。 He fastened a light to his bicycle. 他在他的隨意車上配新一個車燈。 Fasten your cheque to the letter so that it won't get lost. 把轉賬支票存到信里存好,別弄丟失了。 Our bookshelf is fastened to the wall. .我的產品固定位置在水泥墻。 Ropes were fastened to its neck and forelegs. 消費者用安全繩拴住它的頸和前腿。
fasten up (v.+adv.)
    扣上 (cause to) close
    fasten up This dress fastens up at the back. 這點服飾在前面扣扣。 fasten sth ? up He fastened up his coat. 他把保護外衣系緊。 You've fastened your buttons up the wrong way. 你的扣子扣錯大了。 Do not fasten all the windows up while you sleep. 趴著睡時不將全部的的落地窗都關上。 They have fastened up all the parcels. 顧客把因此包囊都捆帶下去。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • The chaise arrived, the trunks were fastened on. 出自: J. Austen
  • The rope that fastened Leonard to the earth. 出自: E. M. Forster
  • Three thicknesses of boards.., the boards fastened together with screws. 出自: F. L. Wright
  • He leaned out of the window to fasten back the shutter. 出自: E. J. Howard





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