

[f?l]     [f?l]    
  • adj. 滿的;充滿的;完全的
  • n. 全部;極點
  • adv. 非常;直接地
  • vt. 使衣服寬松;增厚
fuller fullest fullness fulled fulled fulling fulls



adj. (形容詞)
  1. 完全的,充分的
  2. 滿的,充滿的,裝滿的,擠滿的
  3. 寬松的
  4. 正式的
  5. 豐滿的,圓潤的
  6. (酒)濃郁的,醇厚的
  7. 豐富的
  8. 吃飽的
  9. 最大的,最高的
  10. 強烈的
  11. 深的
  12. 完整的,詳盡的
  13. 盡興的
n. (名詞)
  1. 全部
  2. 完全,充分,徹底
  3. 極盛時,頂點,極點
  4. 豐滿型船
  5. 滿風
  6. 十分
  7. 最大的量、程度、數目、尺寸等
  8. 整個
adv. (副詞)
  1. 直接地,徑直地
  2. 完全地,充分地,到最大程度
  3. 整整,足(足)
  4. 恰恰,正好,恰好
  5. 極其,十分,非常
v. (動詞)
  1. 【紡】蒸洗,漂洗
  2. 縮絨,縮呢
  3. 把(衣服)裁寬大些
  4. 把(裙子)縫出皺褶
  5. 圓,滿(月)
  6. (通過縮水、捶打或熨燙)增加(布料的重量和厚度)
  7. 使...充滿
  8. 增厚


adj. (形容詞)
  1. 滿的,裝滿的 holding as much as it can
  2. 完全的,充分的,完整的 complete; with nothing missing


  1. the time when the Moon is fully illuminated;

    "the moon is at the full"

  1. containing as much or as many as is possible or normal;

    "a full glass"
    "a sky full of stars"
    "a full life"
    "the auditorium was full to overflowing"

  2. constituting the full quantity or extent; complete;

    "an entire town devastated by an earthquake"
    "gave full attention"
    "a total failure"

  3. complete in extent or degree and in every particular;

    "a full game"
    "a total eclipse"
    "a total disaster"

  4. filled to satisfaction with food or drink;

    "a full stomach"

  5. (of sound) having marked deepness and body;

    "full tones"
    "a full voice"

  6. having the normally expected amount;

    "gives full measure"
    "gives good measure"
    "a good mile from here"

  7. being at a peak or culminating point;

    "broad daylight"
    "full summer"

  8. having ample fabric;

    "the current taste for wide trousers"
    "a full skirt"

  1. to the greatest degree or extent; completely or entirely; (`full' in this sense is used as a combining form);

    "fully grown"
    "he didn't fully understand"
    "knew full well"

  1. beat for the purpose of cleaning and thickening;

    "full the cloth"

  2. make (a garment) fuller by pleating or gathering
  3. increase in phase;

    "the moon is waxing"



用作形容詞 (adj.)
  1. Hotels are often full in season
  2. He gave a boring speech full of stale jokes.
  3. The bottle is full of water.
  4. The roses are in full bloom.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. Sign your name in full.
  2. The moon can't always be at the full.
用作副詞 (adv.)
  1. They knew full well that he wouldn't keep his promise.
  2. Henry hit him full in the face.


用作形容詞 (adj.)
full of
    充滿 holding as much as can
    be full of sb/sth The hall was full of people. 窗口里擠爆了人。 Don't trust him, he is full of craft. 別堅信他,他是個很足的詐騙。 The party was full of couples, with no single people. 報考晚會節目的人統統成雙成對,還沒有單身的。 The closet was full of piles of old books. 壁櫥里放滿了舊書。 My drawer is full of pens, books, and the like. 我的格子里放滿了鋼筆、書及其比如說因此的玩意。 The box was full of sand. 背包里滿基本都是沙質土。 The harbour was full of all kinds of craft. 渤海灣停泊著各個油船。 After the storm, the holes in the road were full of rainwater. 暴狂風暴雨后,道一路上的洞里盡是雨。 The sky is full of stars. 玫瑰花斗。 The papers were suddenly full of news about England. 新聞報紙上就滿是相對于英格蘭的新聞。 She was full of the news. 她滿大腦全都那新信息。 Mary's heart was full of distress. 瑪麗的內心中有著非常痛苦。 My grandfather's life was full of trials and tribulations. 我外祖父的今生彌漫了艱難險阻困苦。 Life is full of worries. 生存中充滿了著使人能煩惱圖片的事。 You should not trust him, he is full of hatred for kind people. 難道不一般深信他,他對好青年布滿恨意。 His heart is full of goodwill to all men. 他心里對每個人都充滿著善良。 The men were full of indignation because they thought their friend had been unjustly punished. 哪幾種人至關懊悔,會因為孩子 相信孩子 的伙伴感受到了不房屋公證的體罰。 In war a soldier's life is full of danger. 在戰征中,軍人的生命力電池充電安全。 At night the city is full of dangers. 晚間鎮上四處都具有著的危險。 The children were full of excitement at the thought of their coming holiday. 體會出假期生活即將迎來來到,兒子們格外激情。 A team which is full of enthusiasm is more likely to win. 心氣激昂的隊伍建設更可能獲獎。 His speech was full of striking thoughts. 他的講演充滿著了句句戳心的認知。 These books were full of the scientific thought in the 19th century. 這個書保持了19世紀經典的科學學想法。 She is full of graces. 她很有活力。 Ask him, he's always full of ideas. 去得他,他總愛足智多謀。 He died in 1900, full of years and honours. 他死于非命1900年,享盡天年與華為暢想。 She's full of vitality. 她充滿了潛能。 The lake is full of aquatic products. 這款湖里有多樣的魚業品。 The field was deserted and full of weeds. 田地荒無了,起滿了野草。 The sculpture is true to life and full of vitality. 這一件石雕品很真實,有著生機勃勃。 The woods were full of game, but now you can hardly find any. 之前這林子里飛禽走獸非常多,而是現時先要遇到。 The dictionary is full of useful examples. 這不詞典下載有有很多使用的例句。 Joe would be a nice boy if he would stop being so full of himself. 喬若果不萬事都為個人想要,這就是兩個好寶貝。 Being full of his own concerns, the egoist never gave a thought to others. 利己理性主義者只確定自身,而不確定別個。 Some people are too full of their own troubles to care about the difficulties of others. 有哪些人太提前準備我們的問題而不考慮競爭對手的困難的。 She's always full of her own importance. 她有時候自其實是。 He's full of his coming journey to America. 他心里總想可能已來的法國之游。 n\u002e+full of sth She is a woman full of jealous. 她是個具有妒忌的女士。 My father wrote me a letter full of his paternal love for me. 我老爸給他寫了封沖滿父愛的信。 He is an aspiring, ambitious young man full of enthusiasm and vitality. 他是位有宏大豪情壯志,保持熱度與青春活力的青年團。 Xi'an is an ancient city full of treasures and saintly relics. 杭州也是個有許多寶貝和莊嚴神圣的遺跡的悠久省會城市。
full to
    滿滿的 holding or containing as many as possible; completely filled
    full to sth The glass was full to the brim. 這玻璃紙杯以經倒滿了。 full to v-ing The granaries are full to bursting. 這個糧倉都堆得熱騰騰的。 The bag is full to bursting. 這包裝袋滿得就要撐破了。 The glass is full to overflowing. 水杯滿得快多余得了。 The suitcase is full to overflowing. 這皮箱滿得裝不起了。 The dictionary is full to overflowing with new words. 這書漢語詞典帶有的熱詞多樣化那節課真。


用作形容詞 (adj.)
~+名詞 副詞+~ ~+介詞


  • The sink had been blocked for several days and was full of..water. 出自: I. Murdoch
  • The hotels were full or would not let me in. 出自: S. Beckett
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