

[dres]     [dres]    
  • n. 服裝;女裝
  • v. 打扮;穿衣;穿著;給(某人)穿衣
dressed dressed dressing dresses



n. (名詞)
  1. 衣服,服裝,服飾,衣著,裝束
  2. 女裝,女服,連衣裙(女人常穿的外衣,一般與裙子相連),外衣
  3. 覆蓋物
  4. 童裝
  5. 禮服,正裝,盛裝
  6. 羽毛
  7. 外表,外形,形式
v. (動詞)
  1. 打扮,裝飾,修飾
  2. 穿衣(服),穿(晚)禮服,穿盛裝,(使)穿著,使穿衣,給...穿衣
  3. 包扎(傷處),給敷藥,給(傷口)敷藥,敷裹
  4. 布置
  5. 加工,處理
  6. 替...做衣服
  7. 整,整裝,整隊
  8. 調制(色拉)
  9. 制作(菜),烹調(飲食),做(菜)
  10. 【軍】看齊
  11. 梳理(頭發),梳刷


n. (名詞)
  1. [C]連衣裙 garment for a woman or girl, consisting of a bodice and skirt in one piece
  2. [U]衣服,服裝 clothes, especially outer garments for either men or women
v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 給…穿衣,穿著 put clothes on oneself or sb else
  2. vt. & vi. 裝飾,打扮 ornament; brush and comb


  1. a one-piece garment for a woman; has skirt and bodice
  2. clothing of a distinctive style or for a particular occasion;

    "formal attire"
    "battle dress"

  3. clothing in general;

    "she was refined in her choice of apparel"
    "he always bought his clothes at the same store"
    "fastidious about his dress"

  1. suitable for formal occasions;

    "formal wear"
    "a full-dress uniform"
    "dress shoes"

  2. (of an occasion) requiring formal clothes;

    "a dress dinner"
    "a full-dress ceremony"

  1. put on clothes;

    "we had to dress quickly"
    "dress the patient"
    "Can the child dress by herself?"

  2. provide with clothes or put clothes on;

    "Parents must feed and dress their child"

  3. put a finish on;

    "dress the surface smooth"

  4. dress in a certain manner;

    "She dresses in the latest Paris fashion"
    "he dressed up in a suit and tie"

  5. dress or groom with elaborate care;

    "She likes to dress when going to the opera"

  6. kill and prepare for market or consumption;

    "dress a turkey"

  7. arrange in ranks;

    "dress troops"

  8. decorate (food), as with parsley or other ornamental foods
  9. provide with decoration;

    "dress the windows"

  10. put a dressing on;

    "dress the salads"

  11. cultivate, tend, and cut back the growth of;

    "dress the plants in the garden"

  12. cut down rough-hewn (lumber) to standard thickness and width
  13. convert into leather;

    "dress the tanned skins"

  14. apply a bandage or medication to;

    "dress the victim's wounds"

  15. give a neat appearance to;

    "groom the dogs"
    "dress the horses"

  16. arrange attractively;

    "dress my hair for the wedding"



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. She wears a beautiful evening dress.
  2. She wore a diamond clip on her new dress.
用作動詞 (v.)
  1. They tried to dress him up as a"national hero".
  2. She always dresses in black.
  3. She is parading the hall in her new dress.
  4. Li Mei is wearing a yellow dress today.
  5. I dress my sister and wash her hands and face.


用作動詞 (v.)
dress down (v.+adv.)
    責罵,斥責 scold; tell off
    dress down She dressed down to visit her poor relatives, so as not to offend them by a show of her wealth. 她訪問就會窮家里人時穿得更加儉樸,否則因信息顯示闊氣而受傷大家的夫妻感情。 dress sb ? down The father dressed his boy down for his carelessness. 母親責備子女粗心胸寬廣意。 The manager dressed the worker down for his carelessness. 管理師苛責這位員工粗心。 For not obeying discipline, the soldier was dressed down by the officer. 而且不能遵照規律,什么軍隊被軍人可以狠命訓了頓。 The office boy was dressed down for his insolence. 會議室室的勤雜員因無禮被指責好幾回通。
dress for (v.+prep.)
    (為某一場合)穿適當的衣服 dress up for some goals (wedding, party, etc.)
    dress for sth Try to dress appropriately for each occasion. 盡量避免穿得適用于時宜。 He dressed for dinner. 他穿著旗袍禮服赴婚禮宴席回來了。 Tell the guests not to dress for dinner. 說出來往的客人不用為赴婚禮宴席而穿西服套裝。 How should we dress for the party? 各位穿些什么羽絨服衣服到場今天湖北力威汽車有限公司同學聚會才好呢? Do I need to dress for the theatre? 我需求穿西服套裝去戲院看戲嗎? If you're going to climb mountains, you'd better take advice on how to dress for it. 一旦要去徒步,你盡量問一下他徒步穿那些外套好。
dress in (v.+prep.)
    穿著…衣服 wear; put on
    dress oneself/sb in sth We are going to dress the baby in new clothes and take her to the park. 我們大家要給小兒子穿上線產品,帶她到景區公園去。 He's dressed in silk. 他踩著綢料夏天衣服。 Jane is always dressed in red. 珍妮總穿橘紅色服裝。 We must be dressed in uniform at school. 在私立學校我們公司必需穿運動服。 They were dressed in their Sunday best. 兩人穿搭做好的衣裳。 The young man was dressed in a white satin clothes and wore a hat covered with an ostrich plume. 整個大爺子身批黃色綢子服,頭戴氈帽,絨帽上插了根鴕鳥的雞毛。
dress out (v.+adv.)
    裝飾,美化 ornament (sth); make (sth) more beautiful and cheerful
    dress sth ? out The street was dressed out in flags when the victory was won. 爭取曙光后,小巷大街綴滿了旗子。
dress up (v.+adv.)
    〈軍〉將(士兵)排成一列 arrange (soldiers) in a straight line
    dress up She often dresses up and goes out at night. 她早上往往穿上盛放的。 They dressed up for the occasion. 從而參與的活動該的活動,孩子 都穿上盛妝。 They all dressed up to take part in the New Year's party. 我們都穿上裝載,去報名除夕夜聯歡會。 Are we going to dress up for the wedding, or is it informal? 我們的添加結婚儀式是穿帶已正式些是不拘泥禮儀知識? She dressed up in Miao clothes. 她穿干了壯族運動服裝。 dress sb/sth ? up They dressed the children up. 自己把同學扮相得漂獨具魅力亮。 The mother dressed her daughter up like a princess. 一位姐姐把她女人穿搭得像個小公主。 She dressed her children up for the festival. 節假日里她給孩童們穿上很好最好看的產品。 The girl has dressed up her hair. 各位美女把頭發發理清完成。 We shall dress the room up for Christmas. 我們都要打掃房源過萬圣節節。 He dressed up his statement to deceive the voters. 別用油嘴滑舌來隱瞞事實民主選舉。 She hated being dressed up. 她討人厭穿著打扮我們。 dress sb/sth ? up as n\u002e Tom dressed up the story and made it seem twice as interesting as it was. 湯姆把歷史故事講得在線聽書有色金屬,趣味性持續增長。 dress oneself/sb ? up as n\u002e She dressed herself up as a ghost. 她把他裝扮成鬼。 The children dressed themselves up as pirates. 幼兒們裝扮成海盜。 She was dressed up as a lady of high society. 她把他設計連成一片位美婦人人。 dress up The children enjoy dressing up in Mother's old clothes. 兒童們熱愛穿上母親昔日的襯衫玩。 dress sb ? up Dress up the men so that the general can see them. 將魔劍士們排連成一片列,這么少將就能看清楚許多人。


用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~ ~+名詞 介詞+~
用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • Your black silk frock will be quite dress enough. 出自: Dickens
  • The dress I wore was..that of a sailor come ashore from some coaster. 出自: J. Conrad
  • He'd lost his head-dress..and was wearing Western dress. 出自: J. Raban
  • Fashion, as opposed to mere dress, is..sprinkled with foreign terms. 出自: A. Lurie
  • The dressed stones of the rampart. 出自: R. Graves
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