

[w?nd]     [w?nd]    
  • n. 風;(隨食物或飲料)吞下的氣;呼吸;氣息;管樂器;<口>空談
  • v. 使喘不過氣來;(給嬰兒輕輕拍撫后背)使打嗝;吹(號角等);(路、河等)蜿蜒;纏繞;給…上發條;可上發條;倒(磁帶、膠卷等);轉動(把手)
  • n. 彎曲;彎曲處;纏繞;轉動;上發條
winder winded winded winding winds



n. (名詞)
  1. 呼吸,氣息
  2. 風,大風,風暴
  3. 腸氣,腸胃氣脹
  4. 彎曲
  5. 氣流
  6. 氣味
  7. <口貶>空談,廢話
  8. 管樂器演奏者
  9. 風聞,傳說
  10. 卷繞
  11. 一圈,一轉,一盤
v. (動詞)
  1. 纏繞,卷繞
  2. 嗅出
  3. 使喘氣
  4. 蜿蜒,迂回
  5. 絞起
  6. 轉動(把手)
  7. 吊起
  8. 上緊...的發條
  9. 用曲柄搖動
  10. 包,裹
  11. 使迂回而行,彎彎曲曲地通過
  12. 卷曲
  13. 吹響號角
  14. 嗅到獵物的氣味
  15. 操作
  16. 使逐步結束
  17. 加快步伐以擺脫追蹤者
  18. 轉彎抹角地做
  19. 迂回而巧妙地進入,潛入,盤旋


n. (名詞)
  1. [C] [U] 風,氣流 air moving as a result of natural forces
  2. [U] 氣味 smell carried by the wind
  3. [U] 呼吸 breath
  4. [U] 空話 useless and boastful talk
  5. [S] 管樂器 wind instruments in an orchestra
v. (動詞)
  1. vt. 使喘不過氣來,讓…喘喘氣 cause to be breathless; give sth time to breathe
  2. vt. 嗅出 smell the presence of sth
v. (動詞)
  1. vt. 卷上; 轉動 turn; make (a machine) go by turning some part of it
  2. vt. & vi. 蜿蜒前進,彎曲 go or move in a circular way


  1. air moving (sometimes with considerable force) from an area of high pressure to an area of low pressure;

    "trees bent under the fierce winds"
    "when there is no wind, row"
    "the radioactivity was being swept upwards by the air current and out into the atmosphere"

  2. a tendency or force that influences events;

    "the winds of change"

  3. breath;

    "the collision knocked the wind out of him"

  4. empty rhetoric or insincere or exaggerated talk;

    "that's a lot of wind"
    "don't give me any of that jazz"

  5. an indication of potential opportunity;

    "he got a tip on the stock market"
    "a good lead for a job"

  6. a musical instrument in which the sound is produced by an enclosed column of air that is moved by the breath
  7. a reflex that expels intestinal gas through the anus
  8. the act of winding or twisting;

    "he put the key in the old clock and gave it a good wind"

  1. to move or cause to move in a sinuous, spiral, or circular course;

    "the river winds through the hills"
    "the path meanders through the vineyards"
    "sometimes, the gout wanders through the entire body"

  2. extend in curves and turns;

    "The road winds around the lake"
    "the path twisted through the forest"

  3. arrange or or coil around;

    "roll your hair around your finger"
    "Twine the thread around the spool"
    "She wrapped her arms around the child"

  4. catch the scent of; get wind of;

    "The dog nosed out the drugs"

  5. coil the spring of (some mechanical device) by turning a stem;

    "wind your watch"

  6. form into a wreath
  7. raise or haul up with or as if with mechanical help;

    "hoist the bicycle onto the roof of the car"



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. A gust of wind blew my hat off.
  2. The higher the tree, the stronger the wind.
    樹越高, 風越大。
  3. The day was very still, without a breath of wind.
  4. I can't eat beans--they give me wind.
  5. I need time to get my wind back after that run.
  6. The deer got the wind of the hunters.
  7. The wind played beautifully.
  8. His promises are merely wind.
用作動詞 (v.)
  1. He was momentarily winded by the blow to his stomach.
  2. Please wind the horn.
  3. The river winds to the sea.
  4. She asked me to wind the wool for her.
  5. Did you wind your watch this morning ?
  6. It was one of those old-fashioned gramophones that winds up.
  7. He wound the tape back to the beginning.
  8. You have to wind a handle at the side of your telephone.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. Give the handle another couple of winds.


用作名詞 (n.)
get wind of
    得到風聲; 獲得線索 get to know of indirectly or secretly
get〔put〕 the wind up
    〈俚〉使受驚嚇; 擔驚受怕 become anxious〔frightened〕
in the teeth of the wind
    〈海〉逆風 with the wind against one
in the wind
    (秘密地)在進行 being planned (secretly)
like the wind
    迅速地 very quickly
on the wind
    逆風,頂風 against the wind
see how〔which〕 way the wind blows
    了解事情的動向 postpone a decision until one has more information
sound in wind and limb
    身體健康的 healthy
take the wind out of sb's sails
    使某人狼狽,挫敗某人的計劃 take away sb's advantage〔confidence〕
用作動詞 (v.)
wind along1( v.+adv. )
    蜿蜒向前 go forward in a twisting direction
    wind along The river wound along. 一條河連綿不斷變化。 The whole caravan was winding along once more. 正個車隊的又彎延上升了。
wind along2( v.+prep. )
    沿…蜿蜒向前 go along sth in a twisting direction
    wind along sth The road winds along the lake. 那塊國道沿湖連綿不斷向前看。
wind around〔round〕( v.+prep. )
    任意擺布某人 control sb easily
    wind around〔round〕 sth The vine winds round a pole. 樹藤纏住在柱子上。 The highway winds around the mountain. 工路盤山而上。 wind sth around〔round〕 sth I wet the clothes and wound them around my neck. 你把產品弄濕繞在下巴上。 He wound a heavy scarf around his neck. 他頸部一個杯罩著一部厚重長圍巾。 Wind the wire around the post. 把金屬絲繞在第三根柱子上。 She wound a bandage round my wounded arm. 她在我碰傷的胳膊肘上綁扎束縛帶。 wind sb around〔round〕 one's finger Jim worships his daughter and will do anything she wants; she can wind him round her little finger. 吉姆頗為鐘愛你的小兒子,對她有求必應,她就能夠私自支使他。
wind back( v.+adv. )
    倒片 turn a film back to an earlier part; rewind
    wind back Wait a minute, it won't take me long to wind back to the beginning, and then I can put the film away. 等一次,我沒有用花多時間間隔倒帶,以后就就能夠發出我來了。 wind sth ? back Would you please wind the film back to the part where the child comes in?I'd like to see that again. 你能夠將.倒回去那樣寶貝走了進來的一段嗎?我猜測再看好多遍。 This section doesn't see right. 你就可以把電影倒回兩個屏幕嗎?這幾局部看出來不好。 This song is my favourite.Let's wind back the tape and listen to it again. 這一首歌是我們摯愛聽的,我們一起把繩子倒回來,再聽很多遍。
wind down( v.+adv. )
    使(逐漸)停止; 緩慢下來; 松懈下來 be no longer in operation, especially gradually; come to a gradual rest to pause
    wind down The windows don't wind down very easily. 哪些鋁門窗不因此很容易搖下。 wind sth ? down I had to wind the car window down to listen to what she was saying. 我只能把車窗玻璃搖來,靜靜聽她在說些什么樣的。 He wound down the window of his car to get some fresh air. 他搖開機窗能夠氣息點最新環境。 wind down My watch had been winding down, and I didn't know it was slow, that's why I'm late. 我手表發條已松,我呢?卻茫然不都知道表慢了,至始遲到早退。 It's a one-day clock; the spring winds down in 24 hours. 這一天上飛一場弦的鐘,發條走三十五四小就松了。 My watch wound down and stopped. 我的表發條已松了,停穩得了。 wind down We went to the local club to wind down. 公司到位置俱樂去放松一下下一下下。 Television is very useful for winding down before going to bed. 要想睡前松弛一點,來看視頻是更為有必要的。 The football crowd don't wind down after a good game until they're nearly arriving at home. 一出興奮內心的壘球賽前一天,大眾們一般說來快新家時才可平穩下去。 wind down A month after the plane crash, rescue work wound down, and the still missing passengers were believed dead. 飛機飛行失后來一兩三個月,解救業務剛開始工程收尾,國人相信我消失的順風車主己經犧牲。 The proceedings began to wind down. 過程中開端慢慢地到地面上了。 I felt tense, but now I'm beginning to wind down. 我曾來感受到焦慮不安,那可是目前 開使放松身心了。 The enemy offensive wound down at last. 敵方進功的趨勢總算是緩減放進去了。 At school, things start winding down a few weeks before the summer holidays begin. 在大學,離放寒暑假還有幾種周,工作中的節湊就慢起來了。 wind sth ? down The company is winding down its business in Hong Kong. 該工司正慢慢降低在廣東的業務領域。
wind in( v.+adv. )
    把…纏繞起來 gather sth such as a line by turning it, as round a wheel
    wind sth ? in Wind your line in very carefully or the fish might get away. 繞繩魚線時要起來歌詞謹慎,要不魚會會逃掉。
wind into( v.+prep. )
    逐漸討某人喜歡 make sb gradually become fond of one, often for a purposeShe wound herself into his affections.她用巧妙的手段贏得他的感情。
wind off( v.+adv. )
    旋轉以松開或解下 remove sth by turning it round and round
    wind sth ? off It may take some time to wind off all the thread. 可能得花些期限方可把那些此類線放下。 She wound off the silk from the ball. 她從線團上解下絲線來。 The electrician wound the wires off. 安裝電工把線飄起解之后。
wind on( v.+adv. )
    把(電影膠片)快進到后面某處 move film to a later point
    wind sth ? on There are special hooks at the sides of the frame for winding the wool on. 在鐵架子的右側常備用的鉤子增多毛線。 How long will it take you to wind on a further 100 metres of line? 再纏400米的線你要配幾厘米時刻? wind on Please wait while I wind on to the end. 請別下,快把膠卷快進到接尾處。 wind sth ? on Let's not see this uninteresting part,I'll wind the film on to the exciting bit near the end. 我們別以為這類索然無色無味的方面吧,小編把膠片圖片快進到相當告一段落的太精彩優點。
wind through( v.+prep. )
    (使)貫穿其中 (cause to) be introduced throughout sth such as writing
    wind through sth The river winds through the high mountains. 此條河在崇山峻嶺中連綿不斷流下。 The procession wound through the town. 那節列人馬迂回看到該鎮。 The path winds through the forest for quite a long way. 如下綿長的小路圖片蜿蜒迂回曲折迂回曲折,從山林中走過。 wind through sth A thread of sorrow winds through her poetry. 她的詩句凄楚出那縷憂思。 wind sth through sth He has wound his opinions through each of his statements. 他的辯證法實現于他的任一篇嚴正聲明中。
wind up( v.+adv. )
    〈非正〉逗弄,愚弄 annoy or deceive (sb) playfully
    wind up The car windows don't wind up very quickly. 這玻璃窗未能加快地搖上。 wind sth ? up Would you please wind the car windows up?It's cold. 那我天窗搖了 行嗎?氣候很冷。 The miners wound up ore from a mine. 煤礦工人們用礦用絞車從礦坑中吊出銅礦石。 wind sth ? up I forgot to wind my watch up, so of course it stopped. 我忘啦了給表上弦,表清新停了。 If you wind up the key at the back of the toy bear, it will sing a song for you. 如何你螺桿旋轉該手里的玩具熊后邊的鑰匙,它會對你唱支歌。 wind up An old path wound up through the hills. 一條線老舊的小路圖片在林間圍繞看到。 wind sth ? up Sailors know how to wind up a long rope neatly. 水手們知應該如何把一道大繩率直地纏好。 She wound up wool into a ball. 她把毛線紡絲機成球。 wind sth ? up The lawyers are still winding up your father's business. 有哪些凌沃財稅仍在除去你他父親的淘寶網店。 The chairman wound up the three-day conference with a closing speech. 大時會現任主席的閉幕式詞公布為限3天的交互完成。 I hope to be able to wind up my affairs without too much trouble before leaving the country. 我渴望在選擇離開這家發達國家之間,并能有點完美自然清我的事物。 Can you think of a good joke I can use to wind up my speech? 你想開拓的我能夠把他們拿來尾聲談話的出彩笑料嗎? wind sth ? up He got so wound up the play that his family hardly saw him. 他一意撲在這個出戲上,家門口的人基本上見還不到他了。 wind up as sb The general began his army life as a Private Soldier and wound up as ruler of his country. 這一名少將從當二等兵起就現在開始了他的戎馬生活,最終當個當時一個國家的獨裁統治者。 wind sb ? up In spite of people's opinions, she wound up the winner. 哪怕人體對她對比論證陸續,她終結還是要變成獲得者。 wind up v-ing I never dreamed that I would wind up owning such a lot of property! 我晚上做夢也是沒有聯想到從前會賦予以下幾筆財產權! Mark my words, he'll wind up running the company. 要銘記我說說吧,他結果會熟練我司掌權的。 wind up With Jim driving, you never know where you're going to wind up. 如果吉姆上高速的時候,你始終甭想清楚車會開得是什么玩意城市去。 The traveller took the wrong train and wound up at a country village. 各位行程者乘弄錯了大巴車,在一家小村落。 The boy's ball wound up on the garage roof. 那么小男孩的球后來飛向了智能停車庫的房底下。 wind up The business might wind up in failure unless more care is taken with the accounts. 除非是在賬目上加個強工作,因為單位就會有低保。 Don't get involved with the gang of hooligans, unless you want to wind up in jail. 如你愿意進牢房,就不要和那先無賴惡勢力鬼混。 I know she would wind up in hospital, she never cared about her health. 我早不知道她會進醫院口腔科,她從未準備自個兒的自身。 wind sb ? up Stop spending so fast, or goodness knows where you'll wind us up. 別揮霍青春無度,否則,天我想知道你要使小編飄落在什么樣的境遇! wind up After much effort the writer wound up with a contract. 經過一堆陣的努力后,哪一位劇作家終究是簽一堆份裝修合同。 Jim entered the competition without much hope, not thinking he would wind up with first prize! 吉姆舉辦一場比塞時沒抱太大的的也希望,沒想些會到幾等獎! wind sb ? up This man is specially employed to wind up the crowd ready to be influenced by our speaker. 這自己的是專雇來調轉觀眾狀態的,以使大家非常易深受.我的演說者的反應。 Don't get so wound up, there's nothing to get excited or nervous about! 別很沖動,還沒有一些 直得沖動或不安的! wind sb ? up Don't take any notice—she's just trying to wind you up. 別在乎,她只不過是在逗弄你。


用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~ 介詞+~ ~+介詞
用作動詞 (v.)
用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • I set up my sail, the wind being fair. 出自: Swift
  • I wanted..to have the wind and the rain in my face. 出自: J. Braine
  • The wind from the ocean blew hard, sending sprays of salt water to the shore. 出自: B. Okri
  • The lowing herd wind slowly o'er the lea. 出自: T. Gray
  • Glad I wind me down the lane. 出自: J. Clare
  • He wound through the..pedestrians, kept his eyes on his route. 出自: L. Grant
  • Ansell had crashed down with such force that he was winded. 出自: B. England
  • The climb up the stairs winded him. 出自: J. Cheever
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