

[bend]     [bend]    
  • v. 彎曲;使彎曲;屈服;屈從;集中于
  • n. 彎曲;彎道
bent bent bending bends



v. (動詞)
  1. 彎曲
  2. 使低垂
  3. 使朝向
  4. 篡改
  5. 轉彎,拐彎
  6. 屈服,屈從,讓步
  7. 傾向,偏向,轉向
  8. 挽,拉
  9. 使彎曲,折彎,弄彎,把…弄彎,拗彎,壓彎
  10. 使致力(于)
  11. 使屈服(于),迫使
  12. 向某人嘮叨訴說
  13. 致力于某事,專心致志,集中于,專心
  14. 扭曲,歪曲
  15. 下跪(請求…)
  16. 央求,苦苦哀求
  17. 說服
  18. (尤指人的身體或頭部)傾斜,屈身,俯身,彎腰
n. (名詞)
  1. 傾向
  2. 彎曲,彎,曲
  3. 彎腰,俯,行禮
  4. 拐彎
  5. 彎道,轉彎處
  6. 潛涵病,減壓病
  7. 瘋狂
  8. 彎曲部,曲處
  9. 【徽章】右斜線
  10. 彎管,可曲波導管
  11. 接頭


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. (使)彎曲; 屈身 cause sth to be out of a straight line or surface; force into a curve or angle
  2. vt. 使改變(主意),使屈服 cause sb to surrender
n. (名詞)
  1. [C]彎曲(處); 拐角 a curve to turn


  1. a circular segment of a curve;

    "a bend in the road"
    "a crook in the path"

  2. movement that causes the formation of a curve
  3. curved segment (of a road or river or railroad track etc.)
  4. an angular or rounded shape made by folding;

    "a fold in the napkin"
    "a crease in his trousers"
    "a plication on her blouse"
    "a flexure of the colon"
    "a bend of his elbow"

  5. a town in central Oregon at the eastern foot of the Cascade Range
  6. diagonal line traversing a shield from the upper right corner to the lower left
  1. form a curve;

    "The stick does not bend"

  2. change direction;

    "The road bends"

  3. cause (a plastic object) to assume a crooked or angular form;

    "bend the rod"
    "twist the dough into a braid"
    "the strong man could turn an iron bar"

  4. bend one's back forward from the waist on down;

    "he crouched down"
    "She bowed before the Queen"
    "The young man stooped to pick up the girl's purse"

  5. turn from a straight course, fixed direction, or line of interest
  6. bend a joint;

    "flex your wrists"
    "bend your knees"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. The branches bent in the wind.
  2. The branch bent but didn't break when the boy climbed along it.
  3. They refused to bend to the hijackers' demands.
  4. She can't bend him to her will.
  5. He could not bend his mind to his studies .
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. The stream takes a sudden bend to the east.
  2. There is a sharp bend in the road here.


用作動詞 (v.)
bend back (v.+adv.)
    (使)向后彎、翻或屈 (cause to) turn, twist, or curve in a backward direction
    bend back I bent back too far and hurt my neck. 我向前傾得太過了,扭傷腳踝了頸部一個。 The collar bends back in the latest fashion. 衣領向后翻是一覽表的式樣。 The top of the box bends back to show the goods. 木箱子蓋向后放開,底下裝的貨都露了出。 She bent back to escape being kissed. 她向仰頭頭來避讓熱吻。 bend sth ? back Don't bend the book back, you'll damage it. 別向后卷書,會弄壞的。 He bent it back. 他把它彎了歸來。
bend before (v.+prep.)
    服從,屈從 yield to (sb/sth)
    bend before sth Trees that don't bend before the wind will break. 沒能隨浪擺動的樹易折。 bend before sb/sth I won't bend before any person. 我不向所以人屈服強度。 I'd advise you to bend before the old lady's wishes. 我勸那就屈從那老嫗人的心愿吧。 John bent before the storm of his father's anger. 雷德里克在的父親盛怒于此屈從了。 bend sth before sb He never bent his knees before the enemy. 他不肯在怪物身邊屈腿。
bend down (v.+adv.)
    (使)折下 (cause to) fold downwards
    bend down The nurse bent down and kissed the child. 醫務人員俯身,吻了吻那么寶貝。 She bent down and picked up a stone. 她彎私處子撿起來一小塊寶石。 Can you bend down and touch your toes without bending your knees? 可以彎下腰不曲膝有遇到你的腳趾嗎? Tony was so tall that he had to bend down to get through the doorway. 托尼身材很高,過門前時總得彎著腰。 bend sth ? down Don't bend the corners of the pages down, it damages them. 別折那先書冊的角,會弄壞的。
bend for (v.+prep.)
    致力于 set one's mind on (sth)
    bend sth for sth He bent his efforts for his new job. 他銳意創新于新的上班。
bend from (v.+prep.)
    使改變,使背離 cause (sb) to change (one's mind) or betray (sb)
    bend sb/sth from sth He bent his steps from the path. 他逃離了一條路。
bend in (v.+adv.)
    (使)向里彎曲 (cause to) curve inwards
    bend in The doctor said that Bob's legs would always bend in as a result of so much horse-riding. 醫師說仍然鮑勃常常騎車,他的腿將要自始至終為O型。 bend sth ? in Don't bend the corners of the pages in, it damages them. 別折這些書卷的角,會弄壞的。 Can you bend it in? 你可讓它彎過去嗎?
bend into (v.+prep.)
    使改變,使背離 cause (sb) to change (one's mind) or betray (sb)
bend on〔upon〕 (v.+prep.)
    決心,決意 make up one's mind
bend over1 (v.+adv.)
    彎腰; 彎曲 be turned over to lean to the ground
    bend over He bent over. 他彎下腰。 bend sth ? over Many boys tend to bend the corners of book pages over and, as a result, damage their books fast. 許許多多大男寶貝常有折書角的習性,報告單書壞得挺快。
bend over2 (v.+prep.)
    彎腰; 彎曲 be turned over to lean to the ground
    bend over He bent over. 他彎下腰。 bend sth ? over Many boys tend to bend the corners of book pages over and, as a result, damage their books fast. 大多男童子都是折書角的自覺性,報告單書壞得馬上。
bend over backward(s) (v.+adv.+adv.)
    〈口〉盡心竭力 lean over backwards
    bend over backward(s) to-v You mustn't be unkind to your mother when she has bent over backward to please you. 你媽媽經常全力使你保持愉悅,你沒能冷待她。 She bent over backwards to make sure that he was always pleased. 她一再使他一直感到恐懼非常高興。
bend to (v.+prep.)
    專心于,致力于 concentrate one's attention
    bend to sth The boy bent curiously to the skeleton of the buck. 這男娃想知道地彎下邊去觀察鹿的骸骨。 Jim bent to the ground to pick up the pen. 吉姆彎下邊去揀鋼筆。 bend to sth The river bends to the east. 那塊河轉彎往東流去。 bend sth to sth Let's bend our way to the Museum of Natural History. 咱倆改道往肯定博物院回去吧。 bend to sth Anyhow, he could bend to circumstances,I suppose. 或許,不要怎么樣的,他是能適宜環保的。 However weak the nation may be, it will never bend to a greater power. 不管一個中國非常弱小,它絕對不會屈服于于比它大的科技興國。 bend sb/sth to one's will/wish Bend nature to our will. 叫大那自然聽當我們制定。 The dam will check the wildness of nature and bend it to man's will. 這河堤將治理和改善大理所當然的狂怒,使其服從人的意志力。 Grandfather was a very powerful man, and used to bend us to his wishes. 爺爺是個很應由威的人,一直叫企業遵守他的需求。 bend to sth/v-ing The welder bent to his work with determination. 一個焊接堅定信心低效奮力的工作。 The sailors are bending to the oars. 水手們在硬著頭皮地劃槳。 I hope you will bend to study. 我期望我要用心實驗。 We'll bend to translating a book on atomic energy. 我們的將專心致志翻譯工作2本關于 水分子能的書。 bend oneself/sth to sth These intellectuals have to bend themselves to the promotion of their technical titles. 這一些基礎知識大分子不允許不被進級高技術專業職稱全心全意以赴。 He bent his mind to his studies. 他集中注意力于學習培訓。 They bent their efforts to the task. 你全心奮力去實現這個世界任務。
bend towards (v.+prep.)
    屈就于,遷就于 give in or accommodate oneself to
    bend towards sth He always bends towards his wife's taste. 他常常容忍媳婦的愛號。
用作名詞 (n.)
above sb's bend
    〈美〉力所不及的 cannot do sth for sb
on the bend
    用不正當的手段 use improper means
round the bend
    發瘋,神經不正常 be crazy or mad


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞
用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~ 介詞+~ ~+介詞


  • A wave just on the bend, and about to break over. 出自: N. Hawthorne
  • He..did a deep-knee bend. 出自: K. Vonnegut
  • Hold hard the breath, and bend up every spirit To his full height. 出自:Henry V , Shakespeare
  • Her whole mind apparently bent up to the solemn interview. 出自: Sir W. Scott
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