

[lu?p]     [lu?p]    
  • n. 環;圈;回路;環形線路
  • vt. 以圈結;以環連結;使 ... 成環(圈)
  • vi. 形成環;環形運動
looped looped looping loops



n. (名詞)
  1. 環狀物
  2. 環,圈,匝,框,環孔
  3. 【電】回路
  4. 環路,環線
  5. 筋斗, 翻筋斗
  6. 【計算機】回線
  7. 彎曲處
  8. 【鐵路】會車線
  9. 循環
  10. 【物】波腹
  11. 盧普區(美國芝加哥鬧市區)
  12. 線圈
  13. 【醫】宮內避孕環,節育環
v. (動詞)
  1. 翻筋斗
  2. 打環,成圈,打成圈,打成環
  3. 用環扣住,用圈圍住,箍住
  4. 纏繞,纏
  5. 把打成環,使成圈,使成環 ,使繞成圈
  6. 【電】 把導線連成回路
  7. 使作成環狀運動
  8. 【空】翻筋斗,使(飛機)翻筋斗
  9. 成環形運動
  10. 以圈結,以環連結
  11. 用環(圈)圍繞
  12. 伸屈前進


n. (名詞)
  1. [C]圈,環;環狀物 a round shape made by sth like string or rope
  2. [C]回路,循環 set of instructions carried out repeatedly until some specified condition is satisfied
v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. (使)成環或圈 form or bend into a loop or loops; supply with a loop or loops


  1. fastener consisting of a metal ring for lining a small hole to permit the attachment of cords or lines
  2. anything with a round or oval shape (formed by a curve that is closed and does not intersect itself)
  3. (computer science) a single execution of a set of instructions that are to be repeated;

    "the solution took hundreds of iterations"

  4. an inner circle of advisors (especially under President Reagan);

    "he's no longer in the loop"

  5. the basic pattern of the human fingerprint
  6. a computer program that performs a series of instructions repeatedly until some specified condition is satisfied
  7. the topology of a network whose components are serially connected in such a way that the last component is connected to the first component
  8. an intrauterine device in the shape of a loop
  9. a complete electrical circuit around which current flows or a signal circulates
  10. a flight maneuver; aircraft flies a complete circle in the vertical plane
  1. move in loops;

    "The bicycle looped around the tree"

  2. make a loop in;

    "loop a rope"

  3. fly loops, perform a loop;

    "the stunt pilot looped his plane"

  4. wind around something in coils or loops
  5. fasten or join with a loop;

    "He looped the watch through his belt"



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. This control may be closed loop or open loop.
  2. Her wavy hair fell in loose wisps and loops upon her shoulders.
用作及物動詞 (vt.)
  1. He looped a scarf around his neck.
  2. I have to loop the wooden pegs around the garden.
  3. The ariman looped the loop three times and won the cheer in chorus from the spectators.


用作動詞 (v.)
loop around (v.+prep.)
    圍以環或圈 form or bend around a loop or loops
    loop around sth The brook loops around the farm. 河水繞農家樂流走。 loop sth around sth Loop the rope around the pole. 把根繩圍繞在柱子上。 Loop the rope around the gate. 用用繩把門系牢。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • Round his neck was the running loop of a rope. 出自: E. Linklater
  • He swung the box on one finger by the little loop..in the string. 出自: P. Bowles
  • The dragon had his tail curled into loops. 出自: R. Ingalls
  • Shirt..with loop for buttoning collar up. 出自:Vogue
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