

['w?sl]     ['w?sl]    
  • n. 口哨;汽笛;警笛
  • v. 吹口哨;鳴汽笛;呼嘯;吹口哨召喚
whistled whistled whistling whistles



n. (名詞)
  1. 口哨,哨子
  2. 笛,號笛,汽笛,警笛
  3. 哨音,口哨聲,哨子聲
  4. 笛聲,汽笛聲,警笛聲
  5. 呼嘯聲,囀鳴聲,呼呼聲,嘯聲,噓聲,嘯嘯聲,振嗚聲
  6. 喉嚨
v. (動詞)
  1. 鳴笛,鳴汽笛
  2. 吹哨子,吹口哨,吹口哨發出信號或指引
  3. (鳥)囀鳴,唧啾
  4. (獸)嘯叫
  5. (風等)呼嘯,呼嘯吹過,呼嘯而行,嗖嗖地移動,嗖嗖飛過
  6. (燒水壺或機器)噓噓地叫,發噓噓聲
  7. 用口哨吹(歌曲),吹口哨叫(狗)
  8. 使發嘯聲行進


n. (名詞)
  1. [C] 哨子,汽笛 an instrument to whistle
  2. [C] 口哨聲,汽笛聲 the high sound made by passing air or steam through a small tube-shaped area, either an instrument or a mouth
v. (動詞)
  1. vi. & vt. 吹口哨 make a sharp, clear, piping sound or note with the lips or with a whistle; produce by whistling
  2. vi. 鳴笛 force air or steam through a whistle
  3. vi. 呼嘯著前進 move with a whistling sound
  4. vi. 空指望 ask for sth with no chance of success


  1. the sound made by something moving rapidly or by steam coming out of a small aperture
  2. the act of signalling (e.g., summoning) by whistling or blowing a whistle;

    "the whistle signalled the end of the game"

  3. a small wind instrument that produces a whistling sound by blowing into it
  4. acoustic device that forces air or steam against an edge or into a cavity and so produces a loud shrill sound
  5. an inexpensive fipple flute
  1. make whistling sounds;

    "He lay there, snoring and whistling"

  2. move with, or as with, a whistling sound;

    "The bullets whistled past him"

  3. utter or express by whistling;

    "She whistled a melody"

  4. move, send, or bring as if by whistling;

    "Her optimism whistled away these worries"

  5. make a whining, ringing, or whistling sound;

    "the kettle was singing"
    "the bullet sang past his ear"

  6. give a signal by whistling;

    "She whistled for her maid"



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. The whistle goes at the end of the match.
  2. He gave a loud whistle of gladness.
  3. The whistle went and the man knocked off for lunch.
  4. The horse shied at the shrill whistle.
用作動詞 (v.)
  1. The little boy rounded his lips to whistle.
  2. The referee whistled and the game began.
  3. He whistled to his friend to keep hidden.
  4. We used to hear the train whistle at night.
  5. A bullet whistled past his head.
  6. The wind whistled through a crack in the door.


用作動詞 (v.)
whistle for (v.+prep.)
    用口哨召喚 call sb by whistling
    whistle for sth I'm not prepared to use any firm's money to pay this man, let him whistle for his money! 我就想要用商行的絲毫錢付給這自己,讓人做他的夢想吧! She didn't even thank us for helping her, so the next time she needs help she can only whistle for it. 而對于當我們大家的可以幫助她連謝不謝,上次別希望當我們大家再幫她了。 whistle for sth John whistled for a taxi. 羅伯特用口哨召喚師求租小車。 whistle for sth to-v The policeman whistled for the motorcar to stop. 警方吹警笛讓轎車住來。
whistle in the dark (v.+prep.+n.)
    〈非正〉在危險、威脅等面前假裝無所畏懼 pretend fearlessness in the face of danger, threat, etc.
whistle through (v.+prep.)
    呼嘯穿過 move with a whistling sound
    whistle through sth The wind whistled through the eaves. 風呼嘯著橫穿屋脊。
whistle to (v.+prep.)
    對…吹口哨〔吹奏〕 produce by whistling toward sb
    whistle to sb He whistled to his dog and it came running. 他吹口哨喚狗,狗跑了出來。 whistle sth to sb He whistled a foreign tune to us. 他為公司吹奏一首國處曲風。
whistle up (v.+adv.)
    〈非正〉從有限或艱難的材料中搞出 make sth from poor or scarce materials〔說明〕 whistle up常不用于進行體。


用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~ 介詞+~
用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • The train blows its whistle. 出自: J. Cheever
  • Police whistles shrilled in the silence. 出自: J. Kosinski
  • A toy company that makes wooden tops, whistles, and kazoos. 出自:Smithsonian
  • She whistled on a small silver call..used to summon domestics. 出自: Sir W. Scott





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