

[s??]     [s??]    
  • v. 唱;鳴叫;歌頌;稱贊;<俚>告密
  • n. 合唱會
  • abbr. 單數的(=singular)
singable sang/sung sung singing sings



v. (動詞)
  1. 鳴,啼
  2. 歌頌,吟誦,吟唱
  3. 歌唱,唱歌
  4. 贊美,贊揚,稱贊
  5. 唱歌似的鳴叫
  6. 呼號
  7. 作詩, 用詩贊頌
  8. 嗚嗚作聲
  9. <美俚>(向警察局)自首,告發
  10. 唱著歌歡迎,唱著歌使得 ,唱歌般地說
  11. 發嗖嗖聲,嗡嗡叫
  12. 改變觀點
  13. 改弦易轍
  14. 講述
n. (名詞)
  1. 嗚嗚聲
  2. 嗖嗖聲,嗡嗡聲
  3. 合唱,合唱會
  4. 歌唱,歌唱會
  5. <美口>演唱
  6. 呼嘯聲
abbr. (縮略詞)
  1. =singular 單數的,單一的,非凡的,異常的


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 唱; 歌唱 make musical sounds with the voice; utter words one after another to a tune
  2. vt. & vi. (使)鳴叫; 嗡嗡作響 (make) be filled with a high ringing sound


  1. deliver by singing;

    "Sing Christmas carols"

  2. produce tones with the voice;

    "She was singing while she was cooking"
    "My brother sings very well"

  3. to make melodious sounds;

    "The nightingale was singing"

  4. make a whining, ringing, or whistling sound;

    "the kettle was singing"
    "the bullet sang past his ear"

  5. divulge confidential information or secrets;

    "Be careful--his secretary talks"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. She was singing a lullaby to her child.
  2. Let's sing a song during the break.
  3. She sang the baby to sleep.
  4. Birds sing loudest in the early morning.
  5. Our films sing the praises of the new society.
  6. The critics are singing the praises of her new book.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. Did you join in the community sing?


用作動詞 (v.)
sing about (v.+prep.)
    歌頌 praise in poetry
    sing about sth The peasants are singing about their happy life. 農村在贊頌你們一種生活的的生活的。 Our films sing about the new society. 各位的美國電影贊美新社會的。
sing at (v.+prep.)
    以…唱 make musical sounds with the voice at sth
    sing at sth I cannot sing at so high a pitch. 我唱不掉這高的高音。
sing away (v.+adv.)
    通過歌唱消除掉remove or dismiss by singing
    sing away She sings away for hours. 她能連唱好幾個小時內。 I knew she was happy again when I heard her singing away in the kitchen. 在我聽說她在伙房中唱個不間斷時,我認識她又高興英文了。 Birds were singing away happily outside. 在外面雛鳥在持續地歡樂演唱。 sing sth ? away Sing all your troubles away. 將你的所有憂慮都唱掉吧。 You can sing your cares away! 你適用喝歌解憂消愁!
sing of (v.+prep.)
    歌頌; 吟詠 praise in poetry
    sing of sth They sang of fields, and flocks, and trees. 她們大合唱田野、群羊和山林。 We sing of our great motherland. 各位大合唱各位劃時代的組國。 Homer sang of Troy. 荷馬吟詠特洛伊城。 They sang of his brave deeds. 自己贊頌他的視死如歸習慣。 The poet sang of victory. 文人贊美曙光。 The old Year was seen out in traditional fashion by singing of Auld Lang Syne . 我國以傳統的方案唱一闕《友宜地久天長》來辭別舊歲。
sing on (v.+adv.)
    繼續唱continue to sing
    sing on They sang on for hours after the main party broke up. 在家庭聚會上往往人散去后,這些 一會兒唱了一些小時左右。
sing out (v.+adv.)
    喊出shout out
    sing out Don't be afraid, sing out! 別畏首畏尾,刺耳唱! The choirmaster urged them to sing out for all they were worth. 大合唱團團長使他們大喊地唱。 sing sth ? out The choir sang the words out with great vigour. 大合唱隊以非常大的朝氣唱起了歌詞。 The children were singing their hearts out on the stage. 自己小朋友在舞臺設計上縱情聲樂。 On New Year's Eve we sing out the Old Year and sing in the New Year. 在大年夜之夜,我們都唱著歌送往舊歲帶來迎新年。 The bell sang out the hour of midnight. 鐘聲匯報午夜在線的即將來臨。 sing out She sang out when she heard the good news. 當她聽出這點好新聞時,她歡喜地喊叫下去。 If you need anything, just sing out and I'll come. 若是你應該啥工具,只需要高聲一叫,我一來了的。 “I'm ready!”she sang out. “我工作恢復!”她地喊。 sing sth ? out He sang out something about getting a promotion. 他大聲喊叫大喊可是是說他做了。 If you hadn't sung out a warning in time, there might have been a nasty accident. 若是你不會即使大叫警示,就幾率出現較為嚴重的的事件了。 I sang out their order to the kitchen. 我向烹調間出聲報著大家 點的菜。 sing out that-clause A voice at the back sang out that there were not enough members present for a vote. 然后人大聲喊叫喊到,亮相列席競選的日數不能。
sing to (v.+prep.)
    和著唱 accompany sth
    sing to sth He was singing to the guitar. 他正和著吉他唱歌好聽。 They moved round us, singing to the music from a kora. 這些追著.我轉,和著克垃琴的音樂下載唱著歌。
sing up (v.+adv.)
    唱大聲點sing more loudly
    sing up The new choir boy was told not to be nervous but to sing up. 唱詩班中剛來的哪幾個閨女被告知不想坐立不安,一直以來大喊唱。 Sing up, fellows, this is supposed to be a celebration, not a funeral! 傻子們高聲唱,這就是開獻禮會,也不是送葬! Tell the people at the back to sing up. I can't hear them. 講講前邊的人代會聲唱,我這里英文聽卻不它們的聲。 We are short of men in the group today, so you'll have to sing up so as to be heard above the women. 現如今自己隊初中男生少,我們要大叫唱煩請聽一起壓過女性。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • Every one who is happy desires to sing. 出自: R. L. Stevenson
  • He began to sing in his..ringing bass. 出自: I. Murdoch
  • A choir sang reedily from the chancel. 出自: C. Thubron
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